Make a Difference to a Child


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Profe, I can't open the spreadsheet [I stupidly downloaded uTorrent on someone's recommendation, and now everything is screwed up on my computer, even though I deleted the program]. Can you PM me where/when I am paid through?

Tim Smith

New member
Apr 28, 2014
Hello La Profe,

Any chance on seeing some photos of the before as well as the progression of the treatments for Isaida? Seems to be a worthy project. I have worked with many medical organizations over the years and may be able to steer some meds or help her way. Haiti gets most all the attention from groups like that here on the island and I have worked with several of them. I am working on more attention for here in the DR for assistance. Feel free to PM me if you like and please post more when you have the chance. Keep up the good work.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Hello La Profe,

Any chance on seeing some photos of the before as well as the progression of the treatments for Isaida? Seems to be a worthy project. I have worked with many medical organizations over the years and may be able to steer some meds or help her way. Haiti gets most all the attention from groups like that here on the island and I have worked with several of them. I am working on more attention for here in the DR for assistance. Feel free to PM me if you like and please post more when you have the chance. Keep up the good work.

Tim, if you go back to the beginning of this thread, you'll see the before photo, and several 'after' photos, she's progressing nicely! Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
Tim, if you go back to the beginning of this thread, you'll see the before photo, and several 'after' photos, she's progressing nicely! Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks AE! I will be trying to get a new photo in the next six weeks.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
May Update

I purchased two ampules of Saizen yesterday for Isaida. Once I get the paid receipt scanned, I will post the link here.

While Isaida and her mother were in the office yesterday, I took a new photo. I can't edit/crop it here (am at home right now) but will do so tomorrow at the office and post a link to it. Isaida continues to grow in height. She is starting to look like a young lady and not a little child.

For now, I am posting the link to the updated funds accounting Excel spreadsheet. It can be seen here: Accounting - Isaida Naomi.xls

I will be heading to the US for my summer activity next month but have enough money available to leave funding for the next two purchases of two ampules each. As those purchases are made, I will update the Excel sheet and post the scanned receipts so all can keep track of the progress. I won't be able to get another photo until the end of September or beginning of October when I return to the DR.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
For now, I am posting the link to the updated funds accounting Excel spreadsheet. It can be seen here: Accounting - Isaida Naomi.xls

I will be heading to the US for my summer activity next month but have enough money available to leave funding for the next two purchases of two ampules each. As those purchases are made, I will update the Excel sheet and post the scanned receipts so all can keep track of the progress. I won't be able to get another photo until the end of September or beginning of October when I return to the DR.

Nice accounting!!!!

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002


New member
Jan 24, 2008
I would love to be able to help, is there any way at all that we can get the money to you via a pesos account. My PayPal is in the UK with very little funds in it. However, I would be more than happy to help out with giving you some pesos.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
I would love to be able to help, is there any way at all that we can get the money to you via a pesos account. My PayPal is in the UK with very little funds in it. However, I would be more than happy to help out with giving you some pesos.

I am investigating some options and will get back to you in a day or two. Thanks for wanting to help Isaida.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
As of right now, assuming that regular monthly donors continue to help, we will have enough to go through next spring which is the end of the time prescribed. However, most of the money comes from one donor, and if that donor cannot continue for some reason things will become difficult.

In June we received $280 US and $4500RD.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
It has been a while, but that is because, for some unknown reason, Isaida's mother never came to the office while I was in the US. I had left instructions and cash to purchase medication in July and September, but it was not used when I returned the end of September.

We called the mom several times, and she finally came to the office on October 20, which is when I purchased two ampules of the hormone for Isaida.

The scanned purchase receipt can be seen here: - Oct 2014.JPG

I have updated the accounting with the funds received between July and October, and have subtracted the funds expended on October 20 to purchase two ampules.

We currently have enough money on hand, ($2419 US and $1510 RD), to purchase the medication every two months until next August. The accounting is here: Accounting - Isaida Naomi.xls

For the Future

I have asked Isaida's mom to bring her to my office where I can take a new photo next to the growth chart so all can see her progress. There might be an issue with this, however, since she is now in school until four in the afternoon (the extended tanda that was started last year) so we have to get permission for her to leave school early or go in late one day for the photo op since the office closes officially at 1:30, even if I am there several hours more. That might take a bit of working out, but I will keep everyone posted.

Also, because Isaida will be fourteen in December, I have asked the mother to take her back to the endocrinologist so that we can determine how much longer she will need the medication. Right now, I am not sure what to do about donations. I don't want to say that we are done, and then find out that the doctor thinks she can continue, but I also don't want to accept donations that are not needed.

What is the consensus as to what to do about further donations? I can put any new donations into a separate fund and either return them if not needed, or use them for a different project if everyone agrees.

An example of a different project would be a scholarship program for students at a semi-private school near the Port of Puerto Plata, in the barrio Playa Oeste near Aguas Negras - a very poor area. That school charges about $10.00 US a month for tuition, so a year's education there for a poor child would be $100. The administration of the school won't dismiss a student for not being able to pay the tuition, but that causes huge budgetary problems, understandably.

I would appreciate some feedback as to where to go with this project for Isaida. I wish I had an answer already from the endocrinologist, but there is a long wait for an appointment at the public children's hospital in Santo Domingo where he sees patients.
Aug 21, 2007
Can you use some of the funds to help pay for the doctor visit, necessary tests and transportation for Isaida to return to the endocrinologist? I know that might take approval from the donors. I gave funds for the last visit. If you run short after the dr. visit, I would make up the difference.

Thanks for doing all you do, La Profe.


La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
Can you use some of the funds to help pay for the doctor visit, necessary tests and transportation for Isaida to return to the endocrinologist? I know that might take approval from the donors. I gave funds for the last visit. If you run short after the dr. visit, I would make up the difference.

Thanks for doing all you do, La Profe.


If all the donors agree, I could do that. However, the cash I have on hand right now is just enough for five double doses of the growth hormone. If I take money from that to send her to the doctor, I will be short of funds unless I receive more donations.


Sep 3, 2013
what would the extra money amount to for the doctor visit ,necessary tests and transportation for isaida to return to the endocrinologist?
Aug 21, 2007
My opinion? Send her to the doctor. I think it is important. If you run short of fund, let me know. I'll make up the difference.
