Island DOminican Dating

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Back to the original question. And no sarcasm this time. I just returned to the USA. Starting in the airport in Ft Lauderdale I noticed, or was reminded again that 80% of the women aren't worth looking at. Not all women in the Dr are beautiful, but the average is reversed in my opinion, and 80 percent are good on the eyes. Not for my brother, because he has ''never seen a good looking black woman.'' And I sure feel sorry for him. He's locked into 1950s mentality. But I will be back to enjoy the natural beauty of las dominicanas in 90 days and counting down.
Der Fish

Just stop to watch the local high track and field championships here in Belleville Canada and I can tell you there were a lot of MILFs there. I'd say 80% were great to look at and they were all colours of the human rainbow. I haven't noticed a higher percentage of good looking DOMINICAN WOMEN, BUT THEY CERTAINLY WEAR CLOTHING TO SHOW OFF THEIR ASSETS MORE OFTEN.
Me I like all women except sitnky ones or those with bad teeth.
Jun 18, 2007
Back to the original question. And no sarcasm this time. I just returned to the USA. Starting in the airport in Ft Lauderdale I noticed, or was reminded again that 80% of the women aren't worth looking at. Not all women in the Dr are beautiful, but the average is reversed in my opinion, and 80 percent are good on the eyes. Not for my brother, because he has ''never seen a good looking black woman.'' And I sure feel sorry for him. He's locked into 1950s mentality. But I will be back to enjoy the natural beauty of las dominicanas in 90 days and counting down.
Der Fish

That reminds me of my first business trip to Chicago in 1989. Went on calls with my agent and we pulled up to a traffic light, next to us was a car with a very ugly AA lady. Made a comment about her ugliness, my agent, an Anglo Saxon, looked over and he said: "oh a black woman, yeah nobody wants to fuc them". I replied "I fuc one almost every night". He didn't believe me until I showed him a picture of my first wife. That look on his face was priceless!!! lol


New member
Jun 30, 2011
It runs deeper than looks in the DR. Passion, attitude, love of life and run strong. I am an american patriot with family roots spanning 360 plus years in New England. That said, family support and values, men and women dating habits and even the american dream are suffering in the US. Women who desire to prioritze their relationship with their man....are diffecult or imposible to find in the US...the games played during the courtship process alone, are heartbreaking if not disgraceful. God certainly did not create americans to perpetuate the race!!

So my attentions turn to the DR ...Avoid the sankettes and what is left are women that exceed desire passion and capability to anchor a home with love and of the social morays that have poisoned relationship building in the US. and the same can be said when dating dominicanas. Tigre sh@theads with multiple wives and novias just do not get it...but some of their lady friends do get it!

Just stop to watch the local high track and field championships here in Belleville Canada and I can tell you there were a lot of MILFs there. I'd say 80% were great to look at and they were all colours of the human rainbow. I haven't noticed a higher percentage of good looking DOMINICAN WOMEN, BUT THEY CERTAINLY WEAR CLOTHING TO SHOW OFF THEIR ASSETS MORE OFTEN.
Me I like all women except sitnky ones or those with bad teeth.


Jan 2, 2002
I have a question how old are you guys that are so jaded. Is it possible that the passion is coming from someone much younger. The excitement and passion for life is greater when we are younger and some guy hasn`t stabbed us in the heart a few times which seems to have dimmed the passion. ;)

When I was much younger it didn`t take much to get me all excited about anything. Now the only thing that excites me is looking at guys like William Levy on dancing with the stars. :laugh:

Now where the heck do I find one of those :laugh:
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New member
Sep 19, 2009
AMerican women, I dont want to bash them since I am American but, they are far more difficult than the DOminican women in my opinion from my experiences. I have had lots of them and have no difficulty getting them. They are not asking for rice and beans or a light bill. Instead, they want a Mercedes, a 5 thousand+ dollar engagement ring in many cases. They gold dig too in America and have sugar daddies but they want real cash and nothing small. Also, they may want a hundred dollar purse and they want to have this attitude that they do not need a man or want to even try to be the least bit sexy. If you look at a good looking Dominican women in public in a certain way, they make eye contact and look friendly, in America the women often do not respond well to that.They have this attitude like men are dirt and should not dare treat them like women in many cases. They scoff and look down and guys more often. I like Dominican women more. White, black, latina, asian, something regardless of race; there is something that is in the American air where women just become more difficult to deal with.


Nov 4, 2011
AMerican women, I dont want to bash them since I am American but, they are far more difficult than the DOminican women in my opinion from my experiences. I have had lots of them and have no difficulty getting them. They are not asking for rice and beans or a light bill. Instead, they want a Mercedes, a 5 thousand+ dollar engagement ring in many cases. They gold dig too in America and have sugar daddies but they want real cash and nothing small. Also, they may want a hundred dollar purse and they want to have this attitude that they do not need a man or want to even try to be the least bit sexy. If you look at a good looking Dominican women in public in a certain way, they make eye contact and look friendly, in America the women often do not respond well to that.They have this attitude like men are dirt and should not dare treat them like women in many cases. They scoff and look down and guys more often. I like Dominican women more. White, black, latina, asian, something regardless of race; there is something that is in the American air where women just become more difficult to deal with.

Let me ask you a quick question and try to be HONEST. Did you start going to the Dominican Republic because the LOCAS!!! in NYC turned you down?


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Nope, I have had many locas in NYC. I dont like them. They are americanized. I have no problem getting women in the USA.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
I started going to the DR many years ago to enroll in a program to learn english and to volunteer in an orphanage. I immediately fell in love with the place and adapted the dr as my second home.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
To teach english not learn it. I taught english in an orphanage as a volunteer in Santiago. Everyone is entitled to their own preferences when dating. No offense intended. I just dated people inside and outside the country and unfortunately, that is what I found. Nothing offensive intended for anyone. Nothing personal.


Nov 4, 2011
Couldn't learn English in the USA? Just asking!
Der Fish

I am not even going to TOUCH that I thought maybe he meant to type Spanish, but if he is from NYC why in the HECK would you go ALL the way to DR when NYC has a Zillion places to learn Spanish.


Nov 4, 2011
AMerican women, I dont want to bash them since I am American but, they are far more difficult than the DOminican women in my opinion from my experiences. I have had lots of them and have no difficulty getting them. They are not asking for rice and beans or a light bill. Instead, they want a Mercedes, a 5 thousand+ dollar engagement ring in many cases. They gold dig too in America and have sugar daddies but they want real cash and nothing small. Also, they may want a hundred dollar purse and they want to have this attitude that they do not need a man or want to even try to be the least bit sexy. If you look at a good looking Dominican women in public in a certain way, they make eye contact and look friendly, in America the women often do not respond well to that.They have this attitude like men are dirt and should not dare treat them like women in many cases. They scoff and look down and guys more often. I like Dominican women more. White, black, latina, asian, something regardless of race; there is something that is in the American air where women just become more difficult to deal with.

I am going to give you FOUR words V*I*S*A!!!!


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Ok, that makes sense. The women in the DR are so nice because they want a VISA. That is exactly what my buddy was telling me.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
This video showed the opportunist mentality that a lot of people have in the DR. I could not believe it, they were taking boxes of food from the truck of a hurt driver. These same types of people would easily take a visa and money from a tourist.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Jun 18, 2007
This video showed the opportunist mentality that a lot of people have in the DR. I could not believe it, they were taking boxes of food from the truck of a hurt driver. These same types of people would easily take a visa and money from a tourist.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


They helped the driver first and then the cartons were distributed as they were "supposed" to be. ;)


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Ok, that makes sense. The women in the DR are so nice because they want a VISA. That is exactly what my buddy was telling me.

Hold on daar yung fella. As in all countries, as with all groups of people, motivations are hardly black and white only. Yes visas are a popular motivation here... and many people a gringo (especially gringos in resorts) may first meet as they first venture into town, will target them for visas. But people are motivated by many things. A better life, materialism, love, money, security, mature men who do not cheat (or that is the hope of many dominicanas who have been effected by machismo tigres) ,and yes visas, are amoung many reasons dominicanas might like a fair skinned northerner. All, some, two, or three of the above....what motivates your chica? The stats are clear....but so is latina and dominicana pasion. Choose carefully and si tu tienas suerte...heaven is yours. Fall pre to a sankette (or sanky), ....well ...the historia aqui is well documented.

Only my opine...many others have much more experience here than I.


New member
Jun 30, 2011
They helped the driver first and then the cartons were distributed as they were "supposed" to be. ;)

Exactly...when was the last time you saw 20 people helping a crash victim from the car in nyc or boston.... Not a cop or fire fighter in sight in this vid...somits a good thing too. Goods dispersed is fair pay for fair citizenship.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
That is soo true, the y helped him. In the USA, the poor guy could have died while people drove by and watched him as if he were an animal or something. 20 people would not help. That is one thing that is better about the DR than the USA.

The people getting the food from his truck, were they keeping it or moving it to another truck?


Jun 19, 2009
That is soo true, the y helped him. In the USA, the poor guy could have died while people drove by and watched him as if he were an animal or something. 20 people would not help. That is one thing that is better about the DR than the USA.

The people getting the food from his truck, were they keeping it or moving it to another truck?

I disagree I witnessed many times Americans helping fellow Americans. Watch the local news, there is always a good Samaritan story. I am not American but I give credits where credits is due.


New member
Oct 10, 2005
Let's be honest.. most foreigners coming to the DR for love leave a lot to be desired. They may be too fat, too ugly, too homely, too poor, too crazy, whatever... They come to the DR and BOOM they are a famous rich gringo.. Even if they aren't gorgeous.. that visa makes them look 100x's better.. The to die for white skin makes them even somewhat stomachable.. lol.. Come on let's admit it here.. Many that CAN do better usually have just come out of a bad relationship, feeling VERY vulnerable, and get hooked by the Dominican charm.

Who is everyone trying to fool? Dominicans make the ugliest of us feel like the most gorgeous thing to have roamed the earth. We love the attention :)

Yeah that's coming from a chubby woman who was married to a Dominican for almost 15 years and is now divorced and back for seconds.. ;) (obviously not the most intelligent...hehe but the happiest at the moment. lol)
