Duarte, Sanchez y Mella


May 12, 2002
Debemos entrenarnos y estar listos para luchar y defender los valores de Duarte, Sanchez, Mella y todos aquellos que derramaron su sangre por una Republica Dominicana y una identidad como dominicano totalmente libre e indepediente. Las potencias del mundo han dado la espalda a Haiti. Y ayuda que prometieron, jamas ha llegado.

Ademas de obligar a nuestro pais abrir nuestras fronteras para que estas gentes a quienes ellos prometieron ayudar y no lo han hecho, pasen como pedro por su casa. Pero no solo eso, quieren tambien que nuestro pais se encargue de otorgar amnistia a mas de un millon de Haitianos que se encuentran en nuestro pais con papeles falsos.

La ironia es que cuando en los Estados Unidos atrapan a un inmigrante con documentos falsos, de inmediato meten a uno preso para luego ser deportado. De hacer republica dominicana lo mismo, en seguida acusan a republica dominicana de racismo y violacion a los derechos humanos.

Si eres Dominicano y valoras a Duarte, Sanchez, Mella, y todos aquellos que derramaron su sangre para que nosotros tengamos un pais libre y una identidad dominicana, pega esto en tu pagina.


Jan 1, 2002
You should write that in English for a better audience. I understand and support your feelings. And so do most Dominicans.



Jul 25, 2007
A Haitian historian based in the US visited Santiago yesterday and said that the border must completely be opened so that their is no restriction in travel. He says Haitians realize that in today's technology age borders are merely window dressing as they can't be enforced anyway and that (of course) Haitians are all for open borders.

Furthermore, the historian says that he has participated in many international forums where by far the majority of people say that it is improbable that the Haitians and Dominicans share one island and are not yet one nation.

Also, he states that the previous problem between Haiti and the DR (I assume he meant the invasions and massacres by Haitians) were due to foreign interest to try to take over the islands (tell that to La Trinitaria).

He also states that the Dominican Republic is still legally a part of Haiti because of the Treaty of Basil (A common concept held by many Haitians) Ironically, he failed to state that that using the same logic Haiti would still be a part of France, go figure.

To continue, he states the invasion in 1822 was only to provide security for the island and that Dominican historians have distorted the occupation. This of course conveniently ignore that massacres, dismantling of Spanish society and cultural genocide that the Haitians implemented.

I find this historians theory quite flawed obviously. For one part he uses "foreign" interest as an impetus for the supposed "inevitable" and "logical" unification of the two countries yet also blames "foreign" interest in Hispaniola as the cause of all of Haiti's and the DR's problems. Furthermore, the author conveniently would seem to try to demonize the DR sovereign right to control it's own borders based on "international" opinion while ironically and hypocritically most Western countries (Europe, US, etc) have made illegal immigration a focal point due to the poor world economy. How can anyone not recognize this ridiculous stance?

What many people that aren't Dominicans can't apparently grasp is that Dominicans are weary of trusting Haitians when it comes to Dominican sovereignty, and who can blame them given their history and more recently constant international pressure to somehow reunify? Furthermore, what Haitians don't understand apparently is that Dominicans mostly don't see foreigners as the enemy, nor much less the Catholic church and will never respect vudu, plain and simple.

If the international community wants to really help they need instead of stripping the DR of it's sovereignty they should do the same in Haiti and oust all the bloodsucking worthless politicians and invest the money that was promised by the international community. Then, after 15 years when enough educated Haitians have returned from the exterior they can hold free elections and turn the sovereignty over to the Haitian people.

BTW, I am all for helping out poor people but letting Haitian mismanagement get a hold of our side of the island would create a whole lot more poor, if not dead people too.

Historiador haitiano pide*paso libre por la frontera - listindiario.com
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Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
English Translation

We should train ourselves and be ready to fight and defend the values of Duarte, Sanchez, Mella and of those that spilled their blood for a Dominican Republic and a Dominican identity totally free and independent. The powers of the world have turned their backs on Haiti. And the help that was promised never arrived.

Besides forcing our country to open our boarders so that the people they promised to help and have not done so, could pass over like owners of the land*. But not only that, they want our country to grant amnesty to more than one million Haitians that are currently in our country with false papers.

The irony is that when in the United State an illegal immigrant is caught with false documents they are jailed and later deported. If the Dominican Republic were to do the same, immediately the Dominican Republic is accused of racist and of violation of human rights.

If you are Dominican and value Duarte, Sanchez, Mella and everyone that spilled their blood so that we could have a free country and a Dominican identity, paste this on your web page.

*the adage "pedro por su casa" was translated to what the author meant rather than a literal translation

Debemos entrenarnos y estar listos para luchar y defender los valores de Duarte, Sanchez, Mella y todos aquellos que derramaron su sangre por una Republica Dominicana y una identidad como dominicano totalmente libre e indepediente. Las potencias del mundo han dado la espalda a Haiti. Y ayuda que prometieron, jamas ha llegado.

Ademas de obligar a nuestro pais abrir nuestras fronteras para que estas gentes a quienes ellos prometieron ayudar y no lo han hecho, pasen como pedro por su casa. Pero no solo eso, quieren tambien que nuestro pais se encargue de otorgar amnistia a mas de un millon de Haitianos que se encuentran en nuestro pais con papeles falsos.

La ironia es que cuando en los Estados Unidos atrapan a un inmigrante con documentos falsos, de inmediato meten a uno preso para luego ser deportado. De hacer republica dominicana lo mismo, en seguida acusan a republica dominicana de racismo y violacion a los derechos humanos.

Si eres Dominicano y valoras a Duarte, Sanchez, Mella, y todos aquellos que derramaron su sangre para que nosotros tengamos un pais libre y una identidad dominicana, pega esto en tu pagina.



Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
yes,the powers have turned their backs on Haiti,and now the world wants to "dump" the Haitians
on the DR.If the DR were to grant amnesty,then who is going to help the DR with the added load?

Do you know what the world powers would say? They're your problem now,deal with it!
Jan 9, 2004
We should train ourselves and be ready to fight and defend the values of Duarte, Sanchez, Mella and of those that spilled their blood for a Dominican Republic and a Dominican identity totally free and independent. The powers of the world have turned their backs on Haiti. And the help that was promised never arrived.

Besides forcing our country to open our boarders so that the people they promised to help and have not done so, could pass over like owners of the land*. But not only that, they want our country to grant amnesty to more than one million Haitians that are currently in our country with false papers.

The irony is that when in the United State an illegal immigrant is caught with false documents they are jailed and later deported. If the Dominican Republic were to do the same, immediately the Dominican Republic is accused of racist and of violation of human rights.

If you are Dominican and value Duarte, Sanchez, Mella and everyone that spilled their blood so that we could have a free country and a Dominican identity, paste this on your web page.

*the adage "pedro por su casa" was translated to what the author meant rather than a literal translation



I know this is not your post and that you are only translating it (Thanks).

But, if you leave out the third paragraph and substitute US for Dominican Republic, and Washington, Jefferson and Adams for Duarte, Sanchez, Mella....you can almost make the case that this was a speech from a White power supremacist group in the US.....just sayin.



New member
Mar 9, 2009

I know this is not your post and that you are only translating it (Thanks).

But, if you leave out the third paragraph and substitute US for Dominican Republic, and Washington, Jefferson and Adams for Duarte, Sanchez, Mella....you can almost make the case that this was a speech from a White power supremacist group in the US.....just sayin.


Not !


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Lo mismo de siempre...

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/slTUY9c9pYM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
That Haitian historian has said the absolute truth. In a world that is continually globalizing, borders begin to matter even less.

What he ignores, much to his convenience, is that the globalized world doesn't encompasses the entire planet. Globalization is synonymous with greater economic development. This is why the most globalized countries tend to be the richest ones, and the most globalized areas of most countries tend to be the richest areas. Globalization is not a concept that applies to poor areas, much less to areas that are not advancing economically or, even, socially.

Is Afghanistan entrenched in the globalized world as is the United Arab Emirates?

Is Somalia equally globalized as Switzerland?

Is New York City at the same level of globalization as Algiers?

I don't think so.

What I am certain of is that the Dominican Republic is globalizing, Haiti is not. The Dominican Republic is much more globalized than Haiti. This is why its much easier to fly to the Dominican Republic than to fly to Haiti. Its easier to travel within the Dominican Republic than within Haiti. Communications at all levels are better in the Dominican Republic than in Haiti. The world is much more readily visible in the Dominican Republic than in Haiti. The average Dominican is, in essence, much more globalized than the average Haitian.

All the hallmarks of globalization are readily available and entrenching themselves in the Dominican Republic. Pick any symbol of globalization, it can be from the most vain to the most complex, the Dominican Republic has it and continues to be absorbed by it.


It is a country that is actually developing.

But Haiti is not part of that globalized world. There are only traces of globalization in Haiti, tiny traces, and they are not spreading through that society nor geographically.

It is true that in the globalized world borders are becoming less relevant, but Haiti is not part of that world and this is why the more globalized (and further globalizing) neighbor has so much to fear, because there is so much to lose.

Haiti doesn't have much to lose. All well educated Haitians know this, all Dominicans know this too. Haiti doesn't have much to gain either, because if the DR is dragged down, guess where they will be? Exactly where they are right now. The risks are limited to the interests of the Dominicans.
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