Dominican women vs puerto rican women for black men

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Dec 26, 2011
Well Gorgon- your fellow posters just don't get it. Well to do Dominicans are very color oriented and that is reality. I do not find this to be a good Dominican trait but it is reality. I live in the campo but have mingled in those social circles for 20 years. There is NO doubt ! Absolutely no doubt. To answer the question of the OP, the DR is your best bet, as you most assuredly will not be associating with the middle-upper class Dominicans. Forget the PR. K

The darker girls are prettier anyway. :)


Nov 4, 2011
I meant, do girls in the clubs in NY/NJ give him the time of day? If not, it may be because he is ugly, boring, doesn't know how to talk to women, full of himself, or a host of other things instead of just because he is black.
There are clubs in DR that does not even allow entrance to black people, so what are you saying. Now let me get this straight are you saying, if a man cannot get a regular woman in Dallas he can't get a regular woman in Puerto Plata?

Think about it R Gal there were plenty of men that sang the song" Leaving on a jet plane do know when I'll be back again" and that plane landed in DR. Now these men were wifeless and childless because NO woman in their home country would ever allow them to climb into bed with them. Now explain to me how some of these men have not only a wife,but kids also.

Why do you think there are so many handsome gringos and beautiful gringas roaming that island? I do admire Dominicans and the DR because they give alot of respect to people that were invisible in their homeland.

Dominican women say" Mi Amor"

American women say " My God is that really your face"

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
italians, definitely.. but most American women go dutch if they can..serious women now in the middle class of the US expect that they will pretty much forever and always have to provide at least one half.. so that means that if he takes you out for three dinners, you ought to cook for him three times. Of course, I am assume that there is a mutual attraction and dinner is not the price for the evenings; company.

my son is married to an italian woman, and she never placed any undue demands upon him to wine and dine her. she realized that he was not a man of wealthy means, and , more often than not, she did the cooking, and they entertained each other in the comfort of his home. i also dated two italians myself, and things were very uneventful insofar as the wining and dining is concerned.


Nov 17, 2004
Maybe it is time for a get-together? I know Berzin does not like the idea anymore but it is worth a try.

That's because I screwed up the last one when Robert was in town.

Picked a nice spot but didn't bother to call to see if the place had any functions going on.

I didn't, they did, and no one from DR1 got in.

I've hung my head in shame ever since.
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Dec 11, 2003
A lot of guys prefer Dominican women because they are 100 times easier and there are a lot of pros and semi pros in the DR so you might want to go that route.

see THIS is the issue.... it is hard to tell the pros from the semi pros...

In this country, most of the women that ANY tourist is going to meet, i e pick up, is going to most likely a semi pro if not fully pro..

Middle class Dominicans do not date tourists.

You need to have an interest.. bird watching, saving Haiti, scuba diving, helping an orphanage, something that is going to put you in touch with the real people with their real lives.

IF the Dominicana, or the Boricua, is out on the beach accepting drinks from tourists, then she will not care about the color of your skin, just the size of your wallet.

On the other hand, if you want educated black women, you should consider going to Haiti, where (I have found) the middle class is much smaller, much better educated, and much more interested in foreigners. Why would you be in Haiti, if you did not want to help?

(full disclosure, I am HERE because I want to help Haiti but am too broke to afford to live there .. plus single older women are usually considered loup garoux.. were wolves.. when something goes wrong.. and I am just TOO OOOOO WHITE!)


May 12, 2002
my buddy is a highly educated, well established, classy individual, from New Jersey .( please, fellas, don't tell me that he can be both classy, and from New Jersey, at the same time).he has been coming to this country for 15 years and has never had even one upscale Dominican give him the time of day. he is young, fit, and by no means ugly. then again, a woman would be in a better position than i to decide that one. he speaks fluent spanish, and frequents places where the girls spend their own money. my friend owns an upscale club, and, when we go there to have a few drinks with him, he will introduce us to these women. he has invited scores of them to sit at his table, and have a drink. the score...invitations..maybe 50. acceptances .0

That only shows you that not every Dominican woman is on prowl mode. But in Dominican culture it is also frowned upon to see a female accept an invitation from a stranger to sit at his table. This is frowned because in our culture, when a man is wining and dining a female, he expects to get a good homerun on his investment. First base won't do it and when a dominican female pull this first base stunt on a Dominican some dominican guys after getting wined and dined, some dominicans lose it and it is some of these escenarios that contributes to some of the violence against females in DR.
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May 12, 2002
The truth is that sending or giving invitations to upscale dominican girls to sit at a guy's table is no way to land an upscale and respectable Dominican girl, unless she wants people to see her as una "Ramera"


New member
Aug 29, 2010
I'm a black man Im not a prettyboy nor do I look like the bottom of a combat boot but I have gotten love where ever I have been. I have dealt with a drop dead Swedish woman who would rather sit back suck down a brew and watch the game to a highly educated well off woman with a stick up her a@@ who din't mind spending her money on me but was nooooo fun.
So to the OP dont worry about how you will be treated by Dominican or Puerto Rican women there are good n bad one's enjoy yourself .


May 12, 2002
hink about it R Gal there were plenty of men that sang the song" Leaving on a jet plane do know when I'll be back again" and that plane landed in DR. Now these men were wifeless and childless because NO woman in their home country would ever allow them to climb into bed with them. Now explain to me how some of these men have not only a wife,but kids also.
Now I see why your ex was Dominican and your current wife Puerto Rican.


Jul 27, 2011
Im a skinny, bald forty year old white guy. If I can get a smoking hot thirty year old who makes a boatload of dough you super fly ghetto dudes should have harems.
This may be news to you but some women like regular guys. They are not into the tough guy wannabe alpha male player bullshtter.

A bald guy can still be sexy as long as he doesn?t have a comb over!


Jul 27, 2011
Its not extreme thats what good women do. Wouldnt you do the same if you had a good woman? You are missing my whole point. If a woman is all about you spending to keep her around. DONT KEEP HER AROUND

Yeah, If a Dominican woman cares about you, you?ll be able to count on her and her family during rough times. Tha's not rare or extreme!


Jul 27, 2011
well ive seen a lot of forum talking about the chances for black men in the Dominican republic but sometimes they often end up conflicting where as when you search up puerto rican women it seems that they embrace black culture and men more than Dominican women which seem to follow the trend of lighter skin is better whats your opinion on this subject?

You have to be prepared for all types of people! I have a friend whose father didn't like her boyfriend because he is black. It was just her dad, the rest of the family was really cool about him.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
when you get through having your belly laugh, you might proceed towards analysis. who said anything about affluent? there is a difference between a normal , middle class person, and an affluent one. i am not talking about some Brugal daughter. i am talking about people who might be , say, a supervisor in a bank, or Claro, or La Sirena. besides, this idea of social circles is overblown, and overrated. i certainly am not rich, and do not come from a rich family, but i once dated the daughter of a guy who owns a fur coat factory in midtown Manhattan. gazillionaire. she offered to pay my tuition to Harvard, if i could get the SAT grades. my mother almost disowned me, reminding me that a real man does not accept money from a woman.

Well let me clarify.. Your "analysis" is flawed. However I do accept your opinion no matter how wrong it may be. You can't pull random examples out of thin air and paint with a broad stroke about what you think all "middle class" Dominicanas are alike. People tend to look past color and the usual superficial stuff once two people have discovered common interests, likes and qualities. I've met many middle-class Dominicanas. I've never had a problem meeting a middle class dominicana or from all wealth classes and although I'm pr and Ethiopian Im not of the skin color you assume Middle class Dominican women tend to not favor. I guess I am the exception. :confused:


Jun 17, 2012
Ive never seen this supposed racism but I dont know if you guys are talking about regular women or heiresses. This post went from Is it hard for black guys with Dominican women to are the wealthiest women in the DR all about money?

I would imagine that any of the top familias of the RD would not date or marry anyone not on a social standing with them. So you wouldnt have to be as rich but you would have to be accomplished somehow ie surgeon, architect etc. But that is the same all over the world.
Here are a couple of questions for you guys saying that there is a cieling and Im not saying there is not per se.
Are you chasing women way out of your leauge?
Did you actually try to meet her and set up a date or just pull her out of the club?
women are going to pick up on class identifiers did your parents go to college, are you close with your family etc.. That isnt idle chit chat.
Are you using the Arrogant American Im a tough guy? ? The hardcore ghetto scowl. I see it alot. Some of my friends try it. DEAL KILLER might work in the barrio and ghetto clubs.
Another thing is that women can tell right off if you are middle or upper class. Mannerisms etc. Tone of voice is important.
Just a few things to think about


Nov 4, 2011
Now I see why your ex was Dominican and your current wife Puerto Rican.

I have been with ONE, let me write it once more ONE Dominican woman. I have a 9 yrs old daughter with a mexican woman and my daughter in Santo Domingo is now 4 yr old, so tell how was a childless. I met my wife through her cousin which is friend of mine here in Chicago. Her and I were friends for over a year before we became an item. Also I NEVER slept with her during that time ,nor did I care if she had a boyfriend because she did not belong to me. She called me almost everyday after she finished working, and slowly I fell for her.

The last time I dated a Puerto Rican sister I was attending high school, so I do not know where you got that from. I have stated this almost a million times on DR1, JMB773 is not really attracted to Dominican women on the whole, they are beautiful women very beautiful, but they really are not my style. My current girl is from Pakistan and she is divorced with a son close to my 9 yr old in age.

A friend of mined once asked me" it does not bother you that another man may be living with your ex wife, and the money you send her? my response was " children are taken care of by adults if two adults do not see a problem living off another adult who am I to tell them they can't" Some adults enjoy being children and no matter what I do or say will ever change this.

btw Mr DR my wife and time in Santo Domingo was one chapter in my life, it is not JMB773 entire story. I witness alot of men sell their souls, I don't sell mine with them.
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