Crema in La Romana - the review


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
I mentioned Crema recently on the Coral Highway thread, and now it's time for a review. Since the highway opened less than a month ago many of us Puntacaneros have been enjoying the proximity (~35mins) of one of the DR's most pleasant cities, La Romana.

Since stopping in La Romana on the way back from Santo Domingo the first time we tried out the highway, we've popped over twice for Sunday shopping in Jumbo and a light lunch in Crema. Crema is a bakery/patisserie/caf? with a light menu consisting of soups, sandwiches, burgers, salads and the best falafel west of Tel Aviv.

The carrot cake has been described as the best in the country (Casa de Campo News) and the chinola (passionfruit) cheesecake is my personal favourite. I've also tried the walnut cake, the baked coconut tart and the apple and caramel cake. Holy triglycerides, they are delectable!

The setting is contemporary and informal. The prices seemed more than reasonable to us, used as we are to the excesses of the east coast. In fact, even factoring in the cost of petrol, we spent less on lunch than we would if we'd gone out for a comparable meal in our neighbourhood.

Crema Caf? open Tues-Sun 8:00am to 9:00pm
Francisco Richiez 61 (between Plaza Lama and Iberia)
La Romana
809-813-2103 & 2110.


Jun 26, 2012
The carrot cake has been described as the best in the country (Casa de Campo News) and the chinola (passionfruit) cheesecake is my personal favourite. I've also tried the walnut cake, the baked coconut tart and the apple and caramel cake. Holy triglycerides, they are delectable!

Crema Caf? open Tues-Sun 8:00am to 9:00pm
Francisco Richiez 61 (between Plaza Lama and Iberia)
La Romana
809-813-2103 & 2110.

Now I know where to go to get goodies for those special friends of mine.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
And now we know where to take those special friends of ours out for lunch or cake or both. :D


New member
Oct 6, 2008
On my last visit I was given an impromptu tour of their patisserie and food prep facilities - super hygienic and modern. They were finishing off a room dedicated to the baking of bread so they'll also have a full on bakery :D

I was given a taste of their new sugar rubbed ribs - amazing, tender, fall-off-the-bone-good!
And, as Chiri said, their prices are very reasonable - 60rd cappuccino, 190rd for the falafel in pita bread sandwich (one half of which is a filling meal).

I definitely recommend Crema!