Is there hope for Cabarete? (Investing in Property)

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010

. It is dangerous to invest in a country where the locals are too dumb to control their own gold mine, and will let a Canadian mining company come down here and screw them out of their gold. I fear investing in the DR because this country has a dangerous combination of dumb locals and ruthless foreign interests, and I fear the ruthless foreign interests will make things so bad here that the locals explode and violence and trouble starts.ADIOS.

You should read a knowledgeable post about Barrick on another thread.
It will make you understand the structure of Barrick's investment and the DR governments gains.
You are obviously clueless as your statement indicates.


Aug 13, 2012
If that's the case you must be making millions of dollars, but somehow I have a feeling you don't..

Also please explain what the real advantage of its 41 to 1 exchange rate with the dollar is?

How much I make is not important. What is more important is that I'm financially free. There are people out there that make far more money than me, yet they have no freedom. Money and freedom aren't mutually inclusive. How much freedom do these celebrities have, even the really rich ones like Tom Cruise? Tom Cruise may have more money than me, but I have more freedom than him. Tom Cruise's fame is his curse, it restricts his mobility. Tom Cruise can go places, but not without a bunch of bodyguards and this and that. His life is complicated due to his fame, the cameras always watching him, his every move. What type of existence is that? I want to be rich but I don't want anyone to know, I want to make big money but be able to walk the streets here among the poor of the DR without fear of people coming after me because I have it.

Regarding the exchange rate, the answer to this question should be obvious. The exchange rate between the DR peso and American dollar allows you to increase your standard of living when you come to the DR as an expat. As I write this post, there is a maid in the kitchen washing my dishes, and mopping my floor. I get all this for $450 per month, a large beautiful apartment with maid service. You know what $450 gets you in the USA? A small studio apartment that is unfurnished, and you damn sure don't get a maid. That is the real advantage of the exchange rate, you can come to the DR, and live better rather than remaining in the USA, where the standard of living for Americans is beginning to fall.


Aug 13, 2012
You should read a knowledgeable post about Barrick on another thread.
It will make you understand the structure of Barrick's investment and the DR governments gains.
You are obviously clueless as your statement indicates.

I've already read an article on Barrick here on DR1..........Dominicans are getting pimped. The article was plain and clear, locals in the Cotui area are suing Barrick or the Dominican government because they are not being told how much gold is being moved from the mine, even though they've been promised 5 percent. Are you denying any of these facts? Please clarify. You can sit here and play dumb and act like the DR is not being exploited, but deep down inside I don't think you're that stupid. How about the mega port down in Punta Caucedo, what did that do for the Dominican economy? Not a damn thing. The DR is being preyed on, but a wise man told me that it is wise to prey on the weak. Dominicans let it happen, so it is what it is.


Aug 13, 2012
Your voluminous posts indicate to me that you do have a great need to communicate with people.
Your instinct of a heard animal is still intact.
Good luck finding a Dominicana who wants to live as a recluse, or with one.
The nature of a scorpion is that it will sting.:hurt:

Rent in Cabarete which is a nice place, before deciding to buy!

Any Dominicana who wants to live with me will accept me as I am, or she can go **** off. I'm not going to change myself for a female, are you fking kidding me? You're going to tell an introvert to become an extrovert? What do I look like, Houdini? I am what I am. I don't like people and thats that. I am a reclusive and I'm damn proud of it.


Aug 13, 2012
Your voluminous posts indicate to me that you do have a great need to communicate with people.
Your instinct of a heard animal is still intact.
Good luck finding a Dominicana who wants to live as a recluse, or with one.
The nature of a scorpion is that it will sting.:hurt:

Rent in Cabarete which is a nice place, before deciding to buy!

I was watching this documentary on the mob, and the mobsters were saying that, their wives knew that they kept mistresses, ladies on the side, but they accepted it, you know why? Because women accept power and money. They will bend to your will when you have the power, they will accept what you are without reservations. Those men were Mafia and their wives knew the deal, they had to accept their husbands taking mistresses as the price of having the luxury and the life. If women will accepting a cheating husband then they will accept a recluse......the key is to have wealth and power. Wealth and power allows you to dictate the terms of the relationship........not the woman.


Sep 6, 2011
Great post man, I couldn't agree more, and this is how I operate in the DR. Much of my income is imported, and I operate in a business where my expertise is a large barrier to entry(I have a unique specialized skill set that took years to learn and I'm still learning). Few people have my skills and I will never share my tricks or tactics with anyone. Plus my ability to manage financial resources are second to none.

The INTERNET is the only real solution. You are correct that starting a biz in the states is getting hard. You are correct that it is even harder in the DR(as I said days ago, the DR ranks 116 out of 185 on the ease of doing business index). The only real advantage of his country is its 41 to 1 exchange rate with the dollar and its close proximity to the USA. Beyond this the country has few advantages for the expat, and without them I wouldn't be here. Making money online makes you extremely mobile. All I need is my laptop and a wireless connect and I can make money anywhere. Not even my landlord can do that, if something happens here politically or this apartment is damaged by earthquake or hurricane he is finished.


I got to meet you, man! When are you stopping by Cabarete? You are a fuc&^ing freak, brother! I love that. Listen, I'm a freak too. No offense. You're arguments are very tight in some areas, but too loose in areas regarding the island, the community, the culture, and the economy. On some points, you're right on the money. In other areas, not so much. It's not your fault. you haven't been here long enough; you don't have access to some of the movers and shakers of this country. I have access to some of them, but i avoid them like the plague. I can't go anywhere where i have to wear shoes or pants. I only wear shorts, and I'm usually barefoot--both at work and home. My closest cousin just became the Governor of a big province here on this island and i was invited to the parade and festivities, but was told i would have to dress up for it. No thanks. I don't wear pants, socks, shoes, or underwear.

Anyway, You obviously like to read a lot. I like that. I can get behind that. Your're obviously educated and you've obviously self-educated yourself a great deal. I can get behind that as well. But listen, brother, you're social skills--or what some people refer to as "people skills"--need refined; they need fined tuning a little. If they're not, you will fail and never be able to hold on to a girlfriend here very long. This country is all about family and community. If you can't get the support of the family and friends behind you, you're relationship will run into some major obstacles that will doom it.

Listen, you're smart, you're articulate, you're blatantly honest. These are all admirable, fantastic qualities. But you need to consider socializing more in order to secure the necessary attributes to win over the family, friends and most importantly the girl of your dreams! If you can't socialize and charm to a certain extent, brother, how are you going to win the sincere love, affection, and admiration from a good Dominican female? People are not stupid here, despite any educational handicaps we have, people here are very social and everything is built around family and friends and socializing. Everything! Remember, everyone here has access to neighbors, family, and TV. This is not some mountain community of Quakers or Amish that both refrain and avoid modernity and communication. On the contrary, everyone here has family abroad. Everyone. You have to be willing to socialize with your girlfriend's friends and family. There is no way around this if you want a good, honest, girlfriend and wife. If you don't do this, you're just going to end up with a glorified prostitute masquerading as a good, honest girlfriend. It happens everyday here. I sit at a bar and watch it happen every single day to a new group of naive tourists that arrive here daily by plane.

Listen, i'm not smart, but I work in a bar and restaurant on the beach, so unfortunately, i'm privy to some of interactions of foreigners and expats that try to secure a Dominican girlfriend here. Some of the people that come down here looking for a good, honest girlfriend to take home are misfits, outcasts, anti-social, and dysfunctional at best. They get into these volatile relationships with the girls here and then when things head south, they never take any responsibility for the relationship's failure. Instead, they place blame everywhere else except on themselves. Don't get me wrong, everyone does this to a certain extent. It's human nature. But the more anti-social you are, the more dysfunctional you tend to be. Some people tend to fall down and sink into their own world; they retire into their comfort zones. They lock themselves in their condos and apartments and avoid people like the plague. I see this all the time...some people are introverted to a fault.

If you want to secure a good, honest Dominican woman, you're going to have to be able to socialize with not only her family and friends, but also outside in the real the community where Domincans like to congregate and be among their own culture and people.

Yes, you can take a Dominican out of the country, but you will never, ever take the country out of the Dominican.

Love Frank


Aug 13, 2012
Wow and you are clueless on mining companies. The DR has no mining companies!!!! Barrick does work all around the world. They are not exploiting the DR, they want to mine the gold....this is what they do. So Peru, Russia, Africa, Honduras are all been exploited????

Why....don' my posts? Where did I say the DR has mining companies? Find the post where I said that. I said the opposite, I said the Dominicans are too dumb to control their own mine, and allow themselves to be played by foreign mining companies. You ask if Russia, Africa, or Honduras is being exploited? Honduras has been exploited for decades, ever heard of the United Fruit Company? The fact that Africa is being exploited shouldn't even have to be discussed, if you can't see that then you're either ignorant or stupid.

Russia? I don't know much about the Russians, but what I do know is this.......they are ruthless when it comes to business, and if you try exploiting them on their turf they will eat you alive. Ever heard of an American business man named Paul Tatum? Well, Tatum was doing business in Russia back in the 90s, and the Russians decided they wanted to control his operation. Well, Tatum tried to fight them, despite their warnings for him to leave the country. Tatum refused, and the Russians set him up, and had him gunned down in a Moscow metro station in 1996..........11 bullets to the head with an AK-47. The Russians are exploited by no one, they control their turf. They will allows foreigners to make some leeway their but ultimately the Russians wisely run their turfs. Dominicans do not. The U.S. has invaded the DR many times the USA has invaded Russia? That is what I thought.


Aug 13, 2012

I got to meet you, man! When are you stopping by Cabarete? You are a fuc&^ing freak, brother! I love that. Listen, I'm a freak too. No offense. You're arguments are very tight in some areas, but too loose in areas regarding the island, the community, the culture, and the economy. On some points, you're right on the money. In other areas, not so much. It's not your fault. you haven't been here long enough; you don't have access to some of the movers and shakers of this country. I have access to some of them, but i avoid them like the plague. I can't go anywhere where i have to wear shoes or pants. I only wear shorts, and I'm usually barefoot--both at work and home. My closest cousin just became the Governor of a big province here on this island and i was invited to the parade and festivities, but was told i would have to dress up for it. No thanks. I don't wear pants, socks, shoes, or underwear.

Anyway, You obviously like to read a lot. I like that. I can get behind that. Your're obviously educated and you've obviously self-educated yourself a great deal. I can get behind that as well. But listen, brother, you're social skills--or what some people refer to as "people skills"--need refined; they need fined tuning a little. If they're not, you will fail and never be able to hold on to a girlfriend here very long. This country is all about family and community. If you can't get the support of the family and friends behind you, you're relationship will run into some major obstacles that will doom it.

Listen, you're smart, you're articulate, you're blatantly honest. These are all admirable, fantastic qualities. But you need to consider socializing more in order to secure the necessary attributes to win over the family, friends and most importantly the girl of your dreams! If you can't socialize and charm to a certain extent, brother, how are you going to win the sincere love, affection, and admiration from a good Dominican female? People are not stupid here, despite any educational handicaps we have, people here are very social and everything is built around family and friends and socializing. Everything! Remember, everyone here has access to neighbors, family, and TV. This is not some mountain community of Quakers or Amish that both refrain and avoid modernity and communication. On the contrary, everyone here has family abroad. Everyone. You have to be willing to socialize with your girlfriend's friends and family. There is no way around this if you want a good, honest, girlfriend and wife. If you don't do this, you're just going to end up with a glorified prostitute masquerading as a good, honest girlfriend. It happens everyday here. I sit at a bar and watch it happen every single day to a new group of naive tourists that arrive here daily by plane.

Listen, i'm not smart, but I work in a bar and restaurant on the beach, so unfortunately, i'm privy to some of interactions of foreigners and expats that try to secure a Dominican girlfriend here. Some of the people that come down here looking for a good, honest girlfriend to take home are misfits, outcasts, anti-social, and dysfunctional at best. They get into these volatile relationships with the girls here and then when things head south, they never take any responsibility for the relationship's failure. Instead, they place blame everywhere else except on themselves. Don't get me wrong, everyone does this to a certain extent. It's human nature. But the more anti-social you are, the more dysfunctional you tend to be. Some people tend to fall down and sink into their own world; they retire into their comfort zones. They lock themselves in their condos and apartments and avoid people like the plague. I see this all the time...some people are introverted to a fault.

If you want to secure a good, honest Dominican woman, you're going to have to be able to socialize with not only her family and friends, but also outside in the real the community where Domincans like to congregate and be among their own culture and people.

Yes, you can take a Dominican out of the country, but you will never, ever take the country out of the Dominican.

Love Frank

Frank, I don't like getting together with my own why would I want to be around my girlfriend's family here? For what? What will we talk about? I'm not telling them any of my business, because it is none of theirs. I really don't trust anyone, at all. I always assume people will try to cross me, and I always take appropriate measures to ensure that doesn't happen. Therefore, the less my Dominican gf and her family know about me, the better. I will never completely trust any woman here in the DR or her family. When I meet them any information I give them will be vague half truths. I will never reveal anything substantial about myself. Why? Because if she or her family crosses me later on I will be better positioned.

Socializing to me is such a waste of time. How much more fun it is to read or play computer games. I just don't like people in my face, and I don't like being in other people's face. Women are only useful to me in that they give pleasure and I need them to have a child(preferably a son). I told my brother that, aside from the ability to have kids and give pleasure, women to me are worthless. I see children as being more valuable than the mother. If necessary, the woman can be discarded and I can raise the child alone with the help of nannies. And I'm not going to be happy in a relationship where someone is trying to force me to do things that I have never done and don't like doing. Any Dominican girl that gets with me will need to fit in my life, I'm not going to fit in hers. I know what I want, I know what I like, I know what I don't like, and I'm at the age now where I'm not going to change or do things radically different just because some woman wants them that way. Socializing makes me miserable, what I want is for people to leave me alone.
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Oct 6, 2009
Why....don' my posts? Where did I say the DR has mining companies? Find the post where I said that. I said the opposite, I said the Dominicans are too dumb to control their own mine, and allow themselves to be played by foreign mining companies. You ask if Russia, Africa, or Honduras is being exploited? Honduras has been exploited for decades, ever heard of the United Fruit Company? The fact that Africa is being exploited shouldn't even have to be discussed, if you can't see that then you're either ignorant or stupid.

Russia? I don't know much about the Russians, but what I do know is this.......they are ruthless when it comes to business, and if you try exploiting them on their turf they will eat you alive. Ever heard of an American business man named Paul Tatum? Well, Tatum was doing business in Russia back in the 90s, and the Russians decided they wanted to control his operation. Well, Tatum tried to fight them, despite their warnings for him to leave the country. Tatum refused, and the Russians set him up, and had him gunned down in a Moscow metro station in 1996..........11 bullets to the head with an AK-47. The Russians are exploited by no one, they control their turf. They will allows foreigners to make some leeway their but ultimately the Russians wisely run their turfs. Dominicans do not. The U.S. has invaded the DR many times the USA has invaded Russia? That is what I thought.

Paul Tatum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are so shallow and narrow minded. You just don't get the mining industry, so it's not worth arguing with you about it. Educated yourself about what exploitation means. You may think those countries are being exploited but without the mining companies those countries would have far less. Barrick being in the DR is a damn good is Unigold and Everton.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Mr. Dark Scorpion, with all due respect its not cool to call dominicans "dumb"...who do you think you are? what makes you so special? You go on rambling about not needing to socialize with anybody. what are you doing here? obviously you need interaction. If you think that just because you have some coin some girl is gonna fawn over you here, think twice... a "dumb" dominicana will pimp you to death. You seem to have a big mouth brother. Take Franks invitation and chill out, get out there. Humans are like their cells .... if they don't let nutrients and light IN...they get brittle, dried up and Die.
The person who calls himself the smartest, the wisest lives in a bubble... get out of it before its too late. Its very lonely in there my friend. YOU need help, seek it before its too late. You are probably a good guy, it is your fear, or anger or despair doing the talking. Get help.


Aug 13, 2012
You are so shallow and narrow minded. You just don't get the mining industry, so it's not worth arguing with you about it. Educated yourself about what exploitation means. You may think those countries are being exploited but without the mining companies those countries would have far less. Barrick being in the DR is a damn good is Unigold and Everton.

Whatever. I suggest you go read the book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins. You and other people here on DR1 seriously need an education on how this world "really" works. The situation with these mining companies is not what you think, but clearly you're not very well read on the subject. The mining operations here are good......for the companies. The locals won't see a dime. Tell me, if these foreign corps operating in the DR are so great....why isn't the country advancing? You don't really know what the free trade zones are about, do you? ROFL!, the ignorance of people like you amaze me.

I'm shallow and narrow minded because the world I live in is. People act just as Machiavelli said they would. Last week, someone owed me money and they weren't paying me, and they were making all these excuses, and I suspected it was BS. So I had to resort to "Machiavellianism," and I finally got my money. This week I got paid again with no trouble. See, this is why I don't like people, you have to resort to "Machiavellianism" to get things out of them. I agreed with you that I'm shallow and narrow, but that isn't really true. I'm just a realist, and reality tends to be extreme. So some of my posts here on DR1 tend to be extreme as a result. But I see things as they are, there is no love or mercy in this world. Life is inherently brutal.......and short.


Aug 13, 2012
Mr. Dark Scorpion, with all due respect its not cool to call dominicans "dumb"...who do you think you are? what makes you so special? You go on rambling about not needing to socialize with anybody. what are you doing here? obviously you need interaction. If you think that just because you have some coin some girl is gonna fawn over you here, think twice... a "dumb" dominicana will pimp you to death. You seem to have a big mouth brother. Take Franks invitation and chill out, get out there. Humans are like their cells .... if they don't let nutrients and light IN...they get brittle, dried up and Die.
The person who calls himself the smartest, the wisest lives in a bubble... get out of it before its too late. Its very lonely in there my friend. YOU need help, seek it before its too late. You are probably a good guy, it is your fear, or anger or despair doing the talking. Get help.

I call Dominicans dumb because they are. I've done dumb things in the past, and when I did, I called myself dumb. Listen, when you let a mining firm come into your community, and establish operations, and they are offering you a measly ass 5 percent(wow), and on top of that, they won't even tell you how much they're getting out of the mine, and you accept it, then you're a dumb fool. I mean am I the only one who sees that the Barrick mine is a complete scam? They say they will pay 5 percent but they can't reveal how much they're getting out of the mine? Wow! so they can just fudge the numbers. And from what I read, the Dominicans sued the government and the government isn't doing a damn thing, ROFL. And you people really think you want to invest in this place?

I never said I was the wisest, or the smartest. But I seek to learn everything I can about this world. Regarding Dominicanas pimping me, you mean the same girls that tried to approach me on the street who I promptly ignored and kept walking? don't know anything about me, but I will tell you this, I'm one cold and calculating son of a b*tch. I've got about 10 years on most of these girls and I was raised in the ghetto. I've received lessons from pimps. I'm not some fresh eyed middle class American who has been sheltered his whole life. I've been scammed in the past. I know all the tricks, nothing Dominicanas can pull I haven't already seen or thought about in advance, I play mental chess and I play it very well. With Machiavelli and Robert Greene and Sun Tzu as my teachers no one can mess with me........better believe it. I've memorized the 48 laws, know them like the back of my hand......that is why I have money and I'm financially free. It was the teachings of Robert Greene that allowed me to get the money I was owed last week......I executed a maneuver right out of Greene's book, and the money appeared.
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Aug 13, 2012
so now the truth comes out, you do not fit in anywhere because of you, not the Dominican republic or Dominican people or the US, and you are just here to bitch and whine and complain while you sit in your own little cyberspace world..
you , my friend are a square peg, you will not fit in anywhere because you do not like people and people sense that

What am I supposed to say? Yes, you are partly right. I didn't fit in the USA. I don't fit in here. And I don't really care. I have plans in life, goals I want to achieve, and those are the only things that matter to me. A wise man once told me that prosperity is more important than popularity. I..........don't give a crap about being popular......I give a crap about being prosperous. I don't care if I have friends, or if anyone loves me, as long as I have money and power. Having money and power is the only thing that matters to a man like me, power over my own life.

I can't be anything other than what I am. Being introverted is in my personality, my genes. So you're telling me I'm supposed to go against my genetic make up, my personality? If I don't feel like being around people then that is the way it is. And I'm sorry if ladies have a problem with it, because like I said, I'm not going to change myself for a female, I shouldn't have to. If you can't accept for who I am then she shouldn't be with me in the first place.


Aug 13, 2012
I am guessing this thread is no longer about Cabarete.

We moved off subject a little bit. Regarding that, if I were you guys I wouldn't invest in Cabarete or the DR in general. It is just a personal preference. Yeah, you can make money here, but this country is very unstable. The people here have a mentality that is not conducive to building great wealth, and that combined with the geography and having Haiti as a neighbor has doomed the DR. If you guys want to invest in Cabarete then to each is his own. But I would put my eggs in the Internet basket any day of the week before investing in a physical business in the DR. I beginning to question if I want to own a house here. I like living in the country but there is a difference between living in a place and investing in it, you know what I mean?


Aug 13, 2012
one: it's dudette, dude. thank you very much.

two: no matter what happens people will always eat. agriculture will never go out of style, know what i'm sayin', dude? DR has no infrastructure or a know how to run operations like car building or whatnot.

stop with your terminator fantasies. DR has to work with they have.

People won't always eat.....they will eat if there is food. And there are times and situations where food can become scarce. How many people die of starvation each year? Any country that depends heavily on agriculture is both poor and vulnerable. You say I have terminator fantasies? I actually like the analogy, but lets face, the Japanese and Taiwanese have made it on their islands, and those islands are devoid of most natural resources just like the DR, so what is the excuse for Dominicans? It is their mentality, that is what. Dominicans vaguely remind of African Americans, both groups have a similar mentality. And both groups have many of the same problems to. What is sad about the DR though is at least Dominicans have their own country to themselves, and still haven't done it like Taiwan or Singapore.

The DR is in deep trouble folks. Just having Haiti as a neighbor puts this country in a potential crisis. Dominicans had an opportunity a long time ago to conquer Haiti.......they didn't take it. Now they have to share Hispaniola with them, bad geopolitical move. The Japanese, Brits, or Russians would have conquered Haiti long ago and incorporated it into one island, controlling both sides. Napoleon, Alexander, Hannibal......none of these guys would have allowed Haiti to control the other side of the island, they would have sent their armies into Haiti and attempted complete conquest. Any strategist would recommend it. But the DR didn't, and now they've made a big mistake. But the situation with Haiti is only the beginning, the DR has more to worry about than that.
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Aug 13, 2012
You brag on how successful your internet business is, but yet mention that your internet connection sucks. How successful would my business be if my electricity wouldn't work???? So before you come on here and tell us expats how to get "rich" you should get yourself an internet connection

I'm not telling you expats how to get rich.......why would I reveal any secrets to you? I'm just telling you vaguely how I make my money......the Internet. I already have a connection, it isn't that good. I've heard you need to be a resident to set up an internet service, is that true? If so then I don't want to do that because getting residency is a long and annoying process. Anyway, I'm working with what I got and business is getting done "despite" my ISP, so it isn't a big deal.
May 29, 2006
The great thing about being a foreigner in the DR is no one expects you to fit in. You can simply be yourself and enjoy what does work rather than complain about what doesn't. A woman who dates a foreigner and then expects them to act like a Dominican is bonkers. Why date someone just looking to get more notches in their belt when you can date someone who's trying to get ahead in the world? With success, the women come looking for you anyway. I think DS should start a straight talk thread on the Men are From Mars forum.

I've done business with folks like DS and I'd rather deal with someone who him who will be blunt and honest than someone who is trying to song and dance me and say what they think I want to hear. There are two types of business folk out there, wimps and a$$holes, and the wimps don't get very far.
May 29, 2006
And agreed on Confessions of an Economic Hitman as a good read along with the sequel. Amazing how far back that goes. Anytime you get into extraction for export, it's almost always a bad deal for the local economy. Environmental impact study? WTF is that? When things get tough, they can just up sticks and leave the country.