Baez Figueroa Released From Jail


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Otorgan libertad condicional a Ram?n B?ez Figueroa -

All things considered it's an achievement that he actually did serve some jail time - half of his 10-year sentence. Was five years a price worth paying for 90 billion pesos or whatever it was that they stole?

One of the conditions for his release is that he has to give 10 talks to schoolchildren on being an honest citizen. Maybe all parents who are honest citizens should inform their children's schools that they will not allow their children to attend.

Asimismo, se ha mostrado dispuesto a recorrer las escuelas para dar consejos a los estudiantes, a fin de que sean ciudadanos de bien y no incurran en el delito que ?l cometi?.

La quiebra fradulenta del BANINTER, por culpa de B?ez Figueroa y otros directivos, le costado al pueblo dominicano m?s de cien mil millones de pesos.

El juez de Ejecuci?n de la Pena de San Crist?bal, magistrado Willy de Jes?s N??ez, orden? que B?ez Figueroa agote un programa de diez charlas con los estudiantes, explic?ndole en qu? consiste el delito financiero y bancario, orient?ndolos para que no incurran en esta violaci?n legal.
Ramoncito B?ez Figueroa es favorecido con la libertad y llora "arrepentido" - Acento


May 18, 2002
What did you expect? Leonel Fernandez was their attorney during the "Hippo" government.


Sep 1, 2012
All in all, this guy must be some kind of hero. A filthy rich guy who goes to jail, you don't see that often in DR. He and Alvarez Renta are the only ones who actually served time for that robbery. Remember that Vivian Lubrano b!tch who faked heart attacks every time she was being taken to jail?
Pepe Goico is still around, and he is famous (among other horrible things) for buying a helicopter with a Baninter credit card. Many in Hipo's government enjoyed the benefits of Baninter's credit cards which they didn't have to pay back. We all paid for their luxuries with the massive devaluation that followed the bank crisis of 2003. And nobody, besides Ramoncito, actually went to jail. So instead of loathing the guy, I prefer to ask about the others instead.


Sep 27, 2006
One of the conditions for his release is that he has to give 10 talks to schoolchildren on being an honest citizen.

i hate you so much right now. i laughed so much at reading this i tilted my head back too much and something snapped. now my neck hurts. curses.


Sep 1, 2012
i hate you so much right now. i laughed so much at reading this i tilted my head back too much and something snapped. now my neck hurts. curses.

But it's true:

"El juez de Ejecuci?n de la Pena de San Crist?bal, magistrado Willy de Jes?s N??ez, orden? que B?ez Figueroa agote un programa de diez charlas con los estudiantes, explic?ndole en qu? consiste el delito financiero y bancario, orient?ndolos para que no incurran en esta violaci?n legal."


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
i hate you so much right now. i laughed so much at reading this i tilted my head back too much and something snapped. now my neck hurts. curses.
Justice at last! Almost every one of your posts has the same effect on me. :)
My post was not an attempt at wit though - IT IS REAL.


Sep 27, 2006
chiri, i need you to pay my chiropractor bill now :(

i know it's serious. just the unintentional irony of it warms by devil's heart. i'd love to attend his lecture. will it be titled: how not to hustle? how would that be in spanish? como no trapichear?


Who empowered China's crime against humanity?
Jun 28, 2004
Danilo should pull an OJ on this motherf$#ker. The very next crime (any crime) he commits they should throw the book at him.


Sep 2, 2008
All in all, this guy must be some kind of hero. A filthy rich guy who goes to jail, you don't see that often in DR. He and Alvarez Renta are the only ones who actually served time for that robbery. Remember that Vivian Lubrano b!tch who faked heart attacks every time she was being taken to jail?
Pepe Goico is still around, and he is famous (among other horrible things) for buying a helicopter with a Baninter credit card. Many in Hipo's government enjoyed the benefits of Baninter's credit cards which they didn't have to pay back. We all paid for their luxuries with the massive devaluation that followed the bank crisis of 2003. And nobody, besides Ramoncito, actually went to jail. So instead of loathing the guy, I prefer to ask about the others instead.

According to Alvarito, Alvarez Renta is on the verge of death, and the judges were denying any kind of pardon under Dominguez Brito's orders. Wonder what is underneath all that.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
He "has to" is the this now upstanding citizen will stand up and talk to the children on may have been of value had he volunteered.....regretted his past...and was full of remorse.
Glad I aint got kids at school lol


Who empowered China's crime against humanity?
Jun 28, 2004
If Danilo wanted respect, he should do a real financial forensic of all those stolen monies and prosecute all those that benefited, even if their name is Fernandez!


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Remember that Vivian Lubrano b!tch who faked heart attacks every time she was being taken to jail?
Just for the record, according to the grape vine, she is still taking medication for high blood pressure and los nervios.

Just saying...


Sep 1, 2012
According to Alvarito, Alvarez Renta is on the verge of death, and the judges were denying any kind of pardon under Dominguez Brito's orders. Wonder what is underneath all that.

This, of course, is not true. I could tell you where Alvarez Renta goes to get physical rehab every week. He arrives on his own space age jeepeta, and is protected (more than escorted) by two policemen. He goes there, gets his treatment, climbs back into his jeepeta and goes away. He does need a walking cane, but he walks, he sits, he jokes, makes business on the phone and in general looks to me like very alive and kicking. That Alvarito guy has and always has had a price tag. I hope he charges a lot, at least, for all the damage he does every morning to the dominican people.


Sep 2, 2008
That Alvarito guy has and always has had a price tag. I hope he charges a lot, at least, for all the damage he does every morning to the dominican people.

It doesn't seem that he has a lot of time left to live, considering all the Cancer treatments he has had to received during the last five years. I'll consider it extraordinary if he gets to make it to 2014 the way things are going for him.


Dec 11, 2003
Could someone run this one by me? I had just arrived when this all happened. The pesos went from 50 to 25 to the dollar. I understand that the government bailed out the bank customers even though there was no law on the books authorizing this? And not all customers were paid? Were the people involved stripped of their assests? How much of the money has been found? Any?

How political was this? (very, I guess, if Leonel was his lawyer!)


Sep 1, 2012
It's a long story, of course.
According to a book a read called "Todas las posibilidades" (which happened to be Baninter slogan), Ramoncito was comitting a huge fraud using the money from his clients to make unauthorized businesses and get luxury stuff, the most famous being a huge yatch worth several million dollars. All this was known by the government authorities supposed to supervise the banks finances. But they were looking the other way because Ramoncito and Baninter were heavily financing Hipolito's government. At one point, and when all the fraud bills started to catch up with Ramoncito, he demamded Hipolito the payment for all the money he had "borrowed". Hipolito said the government was in no position at the momento to repay all that, and things got ugly. In an often quoted dinner party at Miguel Vargas's house, to which both Hipolito and Ramoncito were invited, an argument between both ensued, and Hipolito allegedly yelled at Ramoncito "If you keep bugging me I'll shut your bank down", to which Ramoncito replied "If you do that, I'll shut your government down". And from there all went downhill. Ramoncito seeked protection from the at the moment obvious PLD's next presidential candidate, Leonel Fernandez. Hipolito went ahead and shut Baninter down and took most valuable posessions from Ramoncito: Baninter, of course, TV stations and even Listin Diario (which actually was owned Ramoncito's father).
The fall of Baninter unleashed a huge crisis that dragged quite a few banks to bankruptcy. The only way Hipo found to pay the clients of those banks, was producing virtual money and hence spiking the exchange rate and inflation. Not all clients received their money, and not all clients were supposed to, since there was a lot of confussion given the many fraudulent business of the banks, but most people did receive their money (although already slashed by 2/3 given the new exchange rate).
Luis Alvarez Renta was supposed to be a financial advisor to Baninter, and was accused of being the master mind of all the frauds. Vivian Lubrano was a financial Vice President and supposed to be the executing arm of the frauds. Ramoncito was, of course, the main stockholder of the bank.
There was a lot of corruption involved in the process of returning the money to the clients. Favors where paid, bogus certificates were issued and then cashed by friends of the government. According to the mentioned book, the then famous "megadiva" Georgina Duluc, who at the time was the lover of Andy Dauhajre (who in turn was leading the technical committe for the shut down), cashed millions of pesos on certificates she never had before the demise of Baninter.

I believe Ramoncito struck a deal with Leonel in which he would go to jail a few years, and all others would be equally treated, and he would reveal, or threaten to reveal, key information about Hipolito's government financial naughty tricks. Current events seem to confirm that thesis.