Italian Tourists Stabbed in Hotel


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Not to mention that no doubt, Thousands" of Italians, and other Europeans who read,hear, or see, Televised reports will cancel their "Reservations" and NEVER "Re Book"!
"dv" where did you find that "Opinion Piece"??????
Looks like at least ONE Dominican can speak the TRUTH!!!!!
Now we can sit back and wait for the "DR Spin Doctor" who will tell us, "It's Their own FAULT, they shouldn't be visiting "Boac Chica"!!!!
Their "Tried, and Un True" pathetic EXCUSE!


We just received notice that one million European tourists cancelled their vacations/trips to the DR because of this!

Darned! What bad luck!


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Even a "die hard" defender as Pichardo is, one must be concerned about the growing violence against tourists. Yes it happens in other countries, I get that. But since this is a forum related to the Dominican Republic that is the topic. Whether it is one million or just one tourist, it still sheds a bad light on the safety of tourists. Anyone with common sense can realize that.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Even a "die hard" defender as Pichardo is, one must be concerned about the growing violence against tourists. Yes it happens in other countries, I get that. But since this is a forum related to the Dominican Republic that is the topic. Whether it is one million or just one tourist, it still sheds a bad light on the safety of tourists. Anyone with common sense can realize that.

Does common sense stop tourist from booking their trips to the world of Disney, a world of fun just inches away from one of the bloodiest streets in the south?

Does it get the big honchos to enclose the parks and hotels behind armed to the teeth guards?

Crime is everywhere and the DR is not the exception to that. Perhaps one can be honest (pointing fingers now) and ADMIT that crimes have indeed gone down in the DR since the last moves by the Police and gov. The facts are there to the naked eye!

The chance of more foreigners becoming victims of crime in the DR, has more to do with the increase of foreigners that now pepper the country than before. In fact, some places where one hardly could spot a foreigner before in the DR, is now a common place to find them. Foreigners in the DR have become more and more daring, given the fact that once off the path trails have been explored by some and found to be as safe as any street in the big cities, others have flocked to do the same thing.

Crime of chance is the rule in the DR. Expensive items are like the last coke in the desert for up-to-no-good crooks.

We're now seeing the effects that have shown no mercy in cities across America, Canada, Latin America and pretty much elsewhere developed or developing nations are to be found: Gang violence!

Most crimes like the ones perpetrated on those foreigners like the ones in the OP, are carried out more often than not, by young guys that belong to XY or Z gang. They hunt in packs for their victims and are vicious in their MO.

Heck! Foreigners are becoming so plenty in the DR that nowadays they are even commonly crashing into one another in the roads all over the country! A once 100% Dominican thing, has now become common place 100% by foreigners here.

On the upper side, the increase of foreigners becoming targets of opportunity for criminals in the DR, has moved the gov and officials to pay heed to what locals have been crying for years now.

I don't expect crime on foreigners to decrease in the DR anytime soon, but the contrary and increase as more and more of them call the DR their new home in Paradise.

For every Joe or Corleone victim of a crime in the DR, there are 100 to 1,000 Jose or Ramirez long ago 6 feet under by the same hands...


Oct 16, 2012
... I don't expect crime on foreigners to decrease in the DR anytime soon, but the contrary and increase as more and more of them call the DR their new home in Paradise.

For every Joe or Corleone victim of a crime in the DR, there are 100 to 1,000 Jose or Ramirez long ago 6 feet under by the same hands...

So it's okay to be a victim because we are only a small percentage of the total, and it's also okay because the more that come here, the more that will be attacked.

"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus"
Just be careful of the "Dominican" version, that's not a "gift" in his hand!


Jul 10, 2004
Does common sense stop tourist from booking their trips to the world of Disney, a world of fun just inches away from one of the bloodiest streets in the south?

Does it get the big honchos to enclose the parks and hotels behind armed to the teeth guards?

Crime is everywhere and the DR is not the exception to that. Perhaps one can be honest (pointing fingers now) and ADMIT that crimes have indeed gone down in the DR since the last moves by the Police and gov. The facts are there to the naked eye!

The chance of more foreigners becoming victims of crime in the DR, has more to do with the increase of foreigners that now pepper the country than before. In fact, some places where one hardly could spot a foreigner before in the DR, is now a common place to find them. Foreigners in the DR have become more and more daring, given the fact that once off the path trails have been explored by some and found to be as safe as any street in the big cities, others have flocked to do the same thing.

Crime of chance is the rule in the DR. Expensive items are like the last coke in the desert for up-to-no-good crooks.

We're now seeing the effects that have shown no mercy in cities across America, Canada, Latin America and pretty much elsewhere developed or developing nations are to be found: Gang violence!

Most crimes like the ones perpetrated on those foreigners like the ones in the OP, are carried out more often than not, by young guys that belong to XY or Z gang. They hunt in packs for their victims and are vicious in their MO.

Heck! Foreigners are becoming so plenty in the DR that nowadays they are even commonly crashing into one another in the roads all over the country! A once 100% Dominican thing, has now become common place 100% by foreigners here.

On the upper side, the increase of foreigners becoming targets of opportunity for criminals in the DR, has moved the gov and officials to pay heed to what locals have been crying for years now.

I don't expect crime on foreigners to decrease in the DR anytime soon, but the contrary and increase as more and more of them call the DR their new home in Paradise.

For every Joe or Corleone victim of a crime in the DR, there are 100 to 1,000 Jose or Ramirez long ago 6 feet under by the same hands...

Providing crime statistics wold be useful. A long rant such as this saying "it happens everywhere" is not useful.


Oct 16, 2012
Providing crime statistics wold be useful. A long rant such as this saying "it happens everywhere" is not useful.

Crime stats are useless here, the people are afraid to report crime because of fear of retailiation either by the gangs, the police or both.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"P", counters the facts on the ground in Boca Chica with "Preferred Dominican Excuse",...# 4!!!!!!
"It's WORSE everywhere else"!!!!!!!!!
His usual, "Everywhere Else", is the USA!
But what can we expect when a man who,without ANY, attempts to define,...."Common Sense"!!!
Papers here in the DR today, print that Italian residents in Boca Chica say they are targeted by "Dilincuentes" on a daily basis, and are pleading for the "Policia" to take some effective action.
(I doubt "P" gets any Dominican newspapers in Orlando Florida, so he didn't know that, and the "Orlando Sentinal" has only a tiny, "News From The Dominican Republic" section!)
I doubt that 1,000,000 Europeans have actually cancelled the trips to the DR, BUT, I bet many have, and more will, as the story spreads.
It will be interesting if the Italian Minister of tourism put out a negative "Travel Advisory" on the DR????????
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Feb 3, 2009
Tourist areas here are no more dangerous than anywhere else, (the med in my opinion is much more so). The difference here is the crimes do not seem to stop once the opportunist has accomplished his goal. There seems to be a compulsion to go one step further than necessary, a perversion or an anger towards the victim besides their property. This makes the crimes much more effective in terrorising society.

This is an awful story, but I can not see it effecting anything (on the grand scale of things) other than the few immediately surrounding the victims. These things happen, it is a part of modern life. We should not have to accept it, but we do have to live with it.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I have to wonder to what degree the violence that accompanies minor crime here and in other latin american countries is a direct result of the how the spanish came as conquerors and not settlers. Seems they had zero regard for human life. Current day latin america only seems to slightly value life. It makes you wonder if you should just be prepared to fight thieves to the death from the onset of a robbery. Not just mere resistance.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Any crime that takes place in the DR and makes the headline news will affect the tourism business and investments. The typical vacation traveler are easily spooked by bad news and rumors and will not travel to a poverty stricken 3rd world countries, if they foresee any danger.
May 29, 2006
When I first came to Sosua in 1991, I met some locals living on the Los Charimicos side. They said that I'd never had to worry about getting anything stolen because the police were told to beat anyone who stole from a tourist, no matter how petty it was. "The Tourist is The Future, so The Tourist is King!" they told me.

How times have changed.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
As long as 20 plus years ago, when I first became "Addicted To Dominicanas", friends in Boston, when they asked me where I was going, and I replied,"To The Dominican Republic", would ALWAYS respond by saying,..."Is It Safe THERE"????
I USED to say "Yes",... up until about 10 years ago.
Which corresponds to the beginnings of the DR, as a "Narco State", and THAT was before Dominicans become addicted to the drugs they once only shipped on to other countries around the world!
And, it doesn't take a "Mensa Member" to see that it isn't getting ANY SAFER!!!!
"HUGS" there is "Crime" in other countries"??????
Who Knew????
Thanks for the "Heads Up", if I ever live anywhere other than HERE,...I'll be sure to "Watch My Back"!!!!!

The things about "EVERYWHERE Else BUT the DR",you can learn from our "Spin Doctors"!!!

Peter, I used to walk to worst Barrios in SD 20 plus years ago,3, or 4 am,never had to worry about "Crime" in ANY form.
Not only was anyone who ever robbed or assaulted a tourist "Beaten", sometimes they never came home in the morning.
Sadly the Government stopped worrying about the "Tourist Industry" over they ears, and it didn't take long for the criminals to see who were the easiest, and most lucrative, victims.
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One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros

Attention to increase in armed robberies

Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito told the press yesterday, Thursday 9 January that while percentages of homicides and femicides are down for 2013, the authorities are very concerned with the high rates of robberies and muggings. Speaking to the press at the Presidential Palace after attending a meeting of the National Security Council, Dominguez Brito said robberies and muggings continue to be great challenges for the authorities. He said that robberies were being committed by young men between the ages of 19 and 21 to buy RD$8,000 shoes, or to spend on alcohol and drugs.

He mentioned the recent cases of an Italian couple attacked while walking to their hotel in Boca Chica. The couple, Mario Feloquiario, 63, and Francesca Bumi are recovering at the Plaza de la Salud Hospital. The thieves stole the couple's camera and wallet containing EUR50 and documents. The Police are investigating the case.

Dominguez Brito said that the increased patrolling would continue. "New strategies will be added and new technology will be used, he said. He said the installation of the camera surveillance system is delayed because the planning is taking time.

Minister of the Presidency Gustavo Montalvo, Police chief Major General Manuel Castro Castillo, and Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMET) director Juan Brown, also attended the meeting, as reported in Listin Diario.

Last week, the intensified patrols helped the police to promptly capture two armed men who had just shot a Swiss customer at the Red Grill restaurant on Lope de Vega Avenue in Santo Domingo.

Autoridades preocupadas por ola de robos y atracos -

T?ctica policial -