Words of advice??

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May 29, 2013


Jul 5, 2010
I dont see what folks are tripping about. I would love to have a 3 month holiday in Punta Cana. This kid should go for it ... there is lots of time to join the rat race.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Good luck with starting a business. Someone is waiting to steal your idea. I learned that the hard way. My next idea will be internet based like others have said. They can't steal that idea unless they have a whole sellers license.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
A bit off topic.

I made the same move in 2002 but to South Florida.

Lived in Miami for 2 months. 1 year in Boyton Beach and 1 year in Hollywood.

The killer for me was:

1) Family was still in NY. I was married and just wanted to test the waters so the family stood in NY. Boys were 6 and 12 respectively. I was going back to NY almost twice a month.You wont have that problem.

2) Thanks to my career, jobs were not a problem but dealing with the way the companies handled business was. You might have that problem. Both getting jobs and dealing with the people.

3) While in Miami, the biggest problem was the way Cubans dealt with Puerto Ricans. You might have that problem with Dominicans.

4) The straw that broke the camels back was the HEAT. I was on vacation every weekend but then it became OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going from your air conditioned home, to your ac car, to your ac job and back to your ac home became a nuisance. YOU WILL HAVE THAT PROBLEM.

5) I missed my cold Xmas and the four seasons. hmmmmmmm You might miss the cold. hahahahahahaha maybe NOT!!!!!

Came running back to NY. Did it while young so no regrets!!!!!!

Hopefully, you wont have these obstacles in DR.


Miami is a dump. After I get out of santo Domingo it will be Orlando for me. Houses are cheap and lots of contracting and federal jobs. I tell people all the time to try the other islands in the Caribbean also before choosing the dr.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Good luck with starting a business. Someone is waiting to steal your idea. I learned that the hard way. My next idea will be internet based like others have said. They can't steal that idea unless they have a whole sellers license.

absolutely true about stealing your idea. the trick to starting a business in the DR is to do something that takes specific knowledge that not too many people have. make sure you do something that cannot easily be copied. if you don?t, the minute you begin to show signs of success, some guy is going to open up the same thing beside you.


Jun 4, 2003
To learn what you have to lose ......

Exactly . I have nothing to lose and im still young so why not. Hopefully we do as good as u :)

I really think some guys in DR are encouraging you because when you find there is next to no money, 2 mid twenty girls will be looking for a house to move into as charity help, and then they will be there to "help out".

If your rent is so high, then the flight is not a big expense, try taking another trip to look for work for a week.


How many other foreigners you see working there, ask them how they are doing.
Ask about crime.

How many times have you been down in DR?
Was it always in the winter?

Let's talk about the basics before you talk about the "plan".

A lot of people here are not asking background questions.

This is NOT, the DR of 18 years ago and Robert, knows it.

People never realize what they have to lose till they have lost it.
I'm not saying no, but with out a second trip, yeah, no.


Jun 4, 2003
ok, i see the next trip is a three month exploratory trip. With out speaking spanish.

Spend time,

1) finding how much you should expect to make.

2) In those 3 months, do the work, move into a place that you can pay for with the average wage you expect to make from #1.

Post a youtube of yourselves before you go, so many bad experiences can not be personalized because "blame the victim" is used.

It is good to have a video showing intelligent people, just like every one else.

If it works out great.

Tell us about you freids, how long have you actually been in the country with the, where did you meet, if you are uncomfotable about these basic kick off the conversation questions, oh well.


Dec 8, 2013
Yes, first read Herman Wolk's 1965 novel "Don't Stop the Carnival" - Lead characture Norman Paperman had it easy compared to living in the DR.


Dec 14, 2008
Not A Sankie

... I would advise against starting a business.

You are not a sankie, Mr. SankyPanky.
(Most likely not even a Dominican either.)
A true sankie would always encourage a gringa to start a business... :bunny:


Natalie Elemeska

New member
Jun 23, 2015
Why does everyone think there are guys behind the plan?? If a man wants to move to DR does it mean its because of a woman?? That's pretty twisted. No i have not only been there in the winter.. i have been there maybe 8 times.. Iv'e already discussed my plan.. I'm going for 3 months to see how it goes.. if it doesn't work out then i come home after a relaxing 3 month vacation.


Jun 4, 2003
Why does everyone think there are guys behind the plan??

To correct myself, I meant to say .... " I think some guys on DR1.com are encouraging you because when you find there is next to no money, 2 mid twenty girls will be looking for a house to move into as charity help, and then they will be there to "help out".

About the freinds you know, We are just asking.....

Tell us how many days total you have spent in DR with these 8 trips?

Are they super friendly nice guys with no alterior motives? Just so you know, that is the AI technic to pick up babes.

The funny thing is, andI am laughing about it right now,I am really, really, not trying to be cynical. :) but when I read it ....... lol.


Jul 27, 2011
No need to make this so complicated. She's getting a round trip ticket, she has the money to cover expenses, has the time, no attachments, etc.
I agree that she shouldn't open a business.The bureucracy will be agravating! You'd feel as if the government wanted to punish you for wanting to have everything legally.
Now, it would be nice if she found a job in which she didn't have to invest, for pocket money and emergencies. Plus, she's a young person. A job will allow her to meet new people and get contacts.

Don't be too trusting, watchout for the sankies, take care of yourself.


Jun 4, 2003
please read Natalie

Don't be too trusting, ..... take care of yourself.

Unfortunately there is more to the story, she is already in love with a Dominican that is like most, dirt poor, worked in the AI she frequented and is a young guy with perfect ABS and not a dime to the families name, and unfortunately, the very common problems with alcohol in the family.
This move is to help them out and get closer in relationship.

The context is everything unfortunately, for example, "I" only had one kid, because you really need at least 10K -30K extra a year to raise a kid. Many in DR and all around the world might base it on if there is food in the kitchen for the next week, for some it is even less than that.
So when a dirt poor person has 5 kids, it is very much a life style.

It is all fine to know someone who is friendly and cares and will do what ever for you, but when you are that poor, you would imagine you would figure you can't afford to be economically knocked back by alchohol, or maybe you can't afford another kid.

You are not being "downwardly mobile", Natalie, you are on a water slide to the very bottom of survival.

PLEASE, take the following advice.

1) Talk to your parents, and take their advise to heart, they care for you, even if you think they are cold.
2) I hate to talk like a Muslim, but having a guy is not everything, dress more modestly, and try to find happiness with in your self before you seek it in others.
3) Finally, when you do go down there, and I am sure you will, take the memories back, there is no greater teacher of morality and wisdom than personal memories.

I guess I got pretty poetic there .....


Jul 27, 2011
Unfortunately there is more to the story, she is already in love with a Dominican that is like most, dirt poor, worked in the AI she frequented and is a young guy with perfect ABS and not a dime to the families name, and unfortunately, the very common problems with alcohol in the family.
This move is to help them out and get closer in relationship.

She is? I missed that part. She's said repeately that their trip is not about a guy.
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