It seems as the DR is preparing for war?


Feb 10, 2018
"Since Wednesday surveillance along the border was beefed up with troops and helicopters, as well as ships patrolling the Pedernales and Manzanillo coasts, to prevent the massive entry of undocumented Haitians and contraband.

Local media report that over 5,400 soldiers guard the entire border, which will be rotated to avoid being attracted by corruption.

Moreover, Dominican Air Force helicopters patrol the area since Wednesday, to detect undocumented people hiding in the forests and the mountains."
Feb 7, 2007
JasonD has a deep seated hatred towards the DR and defends Puerto Rico like only a Puerto Rican would defend it. He denies both, of course.

The way he attacks the DR I've only seen it in a certain types of Puerto Ricans. Not even those Haitians that are anti-Dominican show it like certain Puerto Ricans do.

NALs, what's their reason for such attitude?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
What Haitian government there is left is failing , prices are sky rocketing, and there is little or no electricity or water, so the DR govwernment is expecting a lot more Haitians to try and make it across the boarder. I know there are hordes more Haitians here in Jarabacoa and Santiago, so I expect another round up soon.


Feb 10, 2018
Aren't war games a routine military endeavor?

In developed nations, yes, its expected and happens. As per Mr. Bob (retired Canadian military), he was part of many but this was Canada, USA, Australia, etc.

This kind of movement aren't the norm nor expected for a country as the DR and much less Haiti.


Feb 10, 2018
What Haitian government there is left is failing , prices are sky rocketing, and there is little or no electricity or water, so the DR govwernment is expecting a lot more Haitians to try and make it across the boarder. I know there are hordes more Haitians here in Jarabacoa and Santiago, so I expect another round up soon.

Haiti has been a failed state for years, why would the DR pick this time to do this and not before?


Apr 29, 2014
I don't follow the developments in Haiti all that closely, too depressing and tragic.

I did see a report not too long ago stating that the Haitian Govt was intending to reassemble a standing Army of sorts - an expensive add-on item that the country clearly cannot afford. As to why the DR is amassing on the border, I really don't know. If forced to guess, I'd say it may have something to do with showing a presence, convincing would river walkers to stay on the other side, routing out charcoal pits and farm plots in the National Forest and giving the DR soldiers a different view and set of trees to seek shade under for a period of time (aka operational maneuvers).


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
In developed nations, yes, its expected and happens. As per Mr. Bob (retired Canadian military), he was part of many but this was Canada, USA, Australia, etc.

This kind of movement aren't the norm nor expected for a country as the DR and much less Haiti.
War games are not only for internal preperation. They are also for opponents to see organization and will.

With the centuries old conflict with Haiti why should anyone be surprised?


Feb 7, 2013
The entire military and police apparatus is one big jobs program. Not unlike socialized medicine back when people stayed in the hospital way too long. Isn't it a standing urban legend that the DR has more generals than the USA?

The soldiers don't get paid much, but there are other benefits. separate healthcare.

In Colombia, they even have separate schools. And they get to retire at 20 years and keep the health care. Start at 16 and full small pension with bennies for life at age 36. Many people entered middle class this way.

The GI Bill was the biggest and most successful social engineering program ever in the history of the united states. WW2 service was a path out of grinding poverty for the many millions who survived their service. It had a big effect on the 1950's prosperity.

I hope it has a similar effect for DR.

It could be for Haiti too.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
Haiti has been a failed state for years, why would the DR pick this time to do this and not before?

Because its long overdue. The DR cannot continue to take on thousands of refugees without global support. The money and infrastructure are just not here to sustain this type of immigration.
There is really no magic to this. The DR is not a wealthy country to begin with and it is not their sole responsibility to carry the burden of Haiti. Perhaps a permant change of government in Haiti could be arranged. After all there is still over 7 billion dollars of relief money that hasn't been sent because of coruption within Haiti.


Brain Donor!
Jan 12, 2016
I have said it before. If there was ever a country that needed a wall the DR is it. Now that some of the prototypes have been built it should lessen the cost.

You're kidding....right?

Screw the wall hows about a missile defence system?
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Jul 7, 2015
IMO it is just a response to the ongoing claims that the gov is not doing enough to stem the flow.

Look no further than one of today's headlines: "Senator proposes a wall of industries for Haitians to find work on the border."

There has been a fairly steady stream of this and similar sentiments in that article. The sentiment being that some in the military turn their eyes or assist some to cross. In order to combat the accusations of being complicit and not doing anything, they're now doing something.

As has been suggested, it is just an expansion regular military exercises.

I've seen them more than once doing it at Playa Sosua... a helicopter arrives with a team that jumps from the chopper into the water and swim to shore in full gear.

I didn't see any of the local Hatians running away. :pirate:


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
I too have spent several years in the Canadians Military, two of which were with what the world calls ''Special Services''... that in my opinion is simply a way of saying that we have ''Urgent Operational Readiness'' on tap anytime. And, while I was a Team Member we were deployed two times.(Nothing too special).
Protecting ones Sovereign State is the task of all Military Forces.
Governments show their magnitude of force many times be it through ''Exercises'' or beefed up security.
RD is simply applying their Military Expertise through Border Security; that will cover illegal migrants as well as Narcotics.

I have flown over the Border and can understand why a more secure zone will be beneficial to RD.
I have also recently been in Haiti and noted that conditions there are deplorable and totally inhuman.

RD should be concerned of an increase of illegal migrants at the border.
If people need water, food and shelter they naturally will try to go where the Grass is greener (no pun intended).

If this is a war , then it is a war against future poverty caused by far too many people in the system; which can hardly support its own citizens with the basic essentials.

Should the Officials holding the purse strings of the Haitian Relief money exercise the Treasury for the intended purpose then RD would not be in this fix!

Blame it on the NGO's .... they are the architects of this mess in Haiti. ....

I too believe the ''Fit will hit the Shan'' ... in the not too distant future.
My family feels more secure with the RD Military Forces at the Border.....

Any way that is my two pesos worth....



Feb 10, 2018
Wow, two folks with military expertise and both from Canada.

Thanks for the detailed information Russell. The point is not to be afraid, rather concern.

Anytime small countries as these two come to blows it usually derives from small mishaps, misunderstanding which in turn end in military escalation.

Take Ecuador and Peru as sample of prior confrontation, the end state there was military confrontation and death.

Russell and Mr Bob, were you two officers, enlisted, combat veterans?

Are there more members with military background, SEALS, Special Forces, etc that could chime in as far as their experience with military deployments and maneuvers as this one?
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Feb 10, 2018
War games are not only for internal preperation. They are also for opponents to see organization and will.

With the centuries old conflict with Haiti why should anyone be surprised?

Could you cite any exercise of such magnitude prior to this one?

I've not been able to gather any information myself.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Could you cite any exercise of such magnitude prior to this one?

I've not been able to gather any information myself.
Can you cite where this is the definitive largest one without precedent?

I thought not.


Feb 10, 2018
Things continue to heat up at the border.

"The Ministry of Defense sent 60 men from the command unit of the Dominican Army and 30 agents against riots of the National Police to Pedernales, where today a group of citizens has announced violent reactions if the Haitian citizens do not leave the province before 10: 00 in the morning."

Translation from Spanish to English by Google translator


Feb 10, 2018

Not necessarily military geared movements as the one happening right now but good background, thanks.