Child Pornography and Prostitution


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002

Can we please not turn this into a location of DR whorehouses. No need to go into those details and such specific locations.

back on topic please

Thanks all 


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
every campo also has a cathouse, known as a ''negocio''. many foreigners in this country only know of places like Sosua, and Boca Chica, but there are unknown towns behind God's back which have some rip snorting bordellos. Altamira, Montellano, Payita near Cabrera, Rio Burende, all come to mind. how do i know this, you ask? a friend told me.


What do you think about what Cheddy’s comments?


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
Every Campo, Barrio, Pueblo, City that i have been to in the DR boasts from at least one Cabaña up to thousands depending on the population.

That does not even count the short time hotels.

As far as Lobo's Percentages he stated what he believed not actual stats.

And what do cabanas have to do directly with child prostitution?

Cabanas are where couples go to have some intimate time together away from their overcrowded dwellings. And yes men and women having affairs use them as well.

Any link between cabanas and child prostitution is far fetched when it comes to the whole of DR.

They do have cameras recording those entering and exiting by the way so probably not the wisest thing to use them for anything illegal especially if a gringo. Not surprising then that the gringos caught out were using their home premises for their activities with the underage.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010

Can we please not turn this into a location of DR whorehouses. No need to go into those details and such specific locations.

back on topic please

Thanks all 

actually, you are right about going into specifics, because they are superfluous. however, their existence contributes to the narrative, because there has to be a nexus somewhere between the proliferation of cathouses all over the country, and spinoff effects such as child pornography.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
actually, you are right about going into specifics, because they are superfluous. however, their existence contributes to the narrative, because there has to be a nexus somewhere between the proliferation of cathouses all over the country, and spinoff effects such as child pornography.

I would suggest that much of the child prostitution is taking place by those individuals seeking it, using social media platforms. It is largely out of sight. Even the dark web is in play?

I don't concur with you about the abundance of cat houses throughout the land. Maybe in years gone by but from my experience of living full time in the campo it is no more and the links between older men and younger persons takes place openly.

At weekends in the barrios throughout land, underage girls do dress up with their friends and pout themselves as they walk up and down main street to an audience of interested admirers. They may well be found later outside a popular colmado or other drinking establishment. And then there are the known single mothers who do prostitute their children, sick as it is, and they are known and outcasts in the community. If indeed there is a cat house it will be older chicas in play but from what I have seen they ply there trade working at drinking outlets. Even in the city you will see the truck drivers park on 30 de Mayo near all the cabanas and they go seek their date at the bodega there. Yes there are interactions between Dominicans and underage post pubescent adolescents and I agree it is quite common yet illegal with the age of consent in this country. Many Dominicans don't know. We must remember that in much of Europe and North America that the age of consent is two or three years lower than here and as has pointed out elsewhere the actual age is not so clear cut for Dominicans.

What we do know is that there is a concentration of paedophile activity in places like Sosua, Boca Chica and Zona Colonial with foreigners involved. In these places children...young children...are put out there to attract those with devious desires. Foreigners should know better, but some succumb and some come here and hide within such communities where there is a open sex trade involving foreigners. That is the real problem...they hide and prosper where sex tourism flourishes. And therefore I support the idea of regulated red light areas even if this will offend our monger readers and the catholic church here.

Lets stop this bu**s**t trying to semi-excuse foreigners indulging in underage sex because there are underage interactions with Dominicans going on throughout the land. If you read the local press, Dominicans are being detained and charged for such activities but still not enough.


Sep 7, 2012

I don't have any data to support my opinions but am guessing neither do you.
I don't think the majority of predators (that's what they are) are using social media although surely that is a portion. My opinion on this comes from my belief that the large % of child abuse on Dominican children comes from Dominican men and that they don't for the most part use the internet to commit their crimes. The fact that I believe that this abuse is committed more by Dominicans does not in any way try to take away from the same crimes by men from other countries (just demographics). My personal feeling is that any pedofile should be castrated regardless of nation of origin. I do think in other countries like the states you would be correct and most predators use the internet. Here in he D.R. I think it is the predator be they domestic or imported prey on girls (and boys) building confidence and /or exploiting financially deprived families. We obviously know that some parents either encourage this for $$$ or at least look the other way.
I'm not sure how living a long time in the campo gives you a pulse on the numbers of cat houses or the age of the girls working in them. I don't believe there has been any decline in the number of cat houses (except for foreign owned cat houses) nor do I believe the existing cat houses are staffed by older women.

Poverty, lack of education and a culture that has existed for decades have allowed this horrible problem to exist. Hopefully the authorities are finally, with international assistance making inroads in getting these lowest of the low pieces of crap incarcerated, and once again if I had it my way they would serve their time minus some body parts.

We may disagree on the specifics of the current situation of prostitution and how the predators work but I believe our disgust of this issue is very much the same.


Feb 10, 2018
To compare whorehouses with child pornography/child sex exploitation or pedophile activity in the DR is fallacious.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
did you mean Fellatious ??

They all start somewhere- or end up somewhere... like a training camp

It's not that much of a stretch


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014

I don't have any data to support my opinions but am guessing neither do you.
I don't think the majority of predators (that's what they are) are using social media although surely that is a portion. My opinion on this comes from my belief that the large % of child abuse on Dominican children comes from Dominican men and that they don't for the most part use the internet to commit their crimes. The fact that I believe that this abuse is committed more by Dominicans does not in any way try to take away from the same crimes by men from other countries (just demographics). My personal feeling is that any pedofile should be castrated regardless of nation of origin. I do think in other countries like the states you would be correct and most predators use the internet. Here in he D.R. I think it is the predator be they domestic or imported prey on girls (and boys) building confidence and /or exploiting financially deprived families. We obviously know that some parents either encourage this for $$$ or at least look the other way.
I'm not sure how living a long time in the campo gives you a pulse on the numbers of cat houses or the age of the girls working in them. I don't believe there has been any decline in the number of cat houses (except for foreign owned cat houses) nor do I believe the existing cat houses are staffed by older women.

Poverty, lack of education and a culture that has existed for decades have allowed this horrible problem to exist. Hopefully the authorities are finally, with international assistance making inroads in getting these lowest of the low pieces of crap incarcerated, and once again if I had it my way they would serve their time minus some body parts.

We may disagree on the specifics of the current situation of prostitution and how the predators work but I believe our disgust of this issue is very much the same.

I think my post is quite clear and we agree on a core issue.

Foreigners have little say in relation to the underage sex that takes place within the Dominican population, but should be aghast that young children are being openly exploited in tourist resorts where foreigners flock.

These deflections from the real issue amaze me knowing that sex tourism is a conduit to the very worst of paedophiles who pray on prepubescent children. These are the people that use social media to find and groom their targets. And they have found the DR a haven with those exact children being touted by uncaring parents who have migrated to the tourist resorts.

The vile peadophile cases we have seen over the past year relating to foreigners fit the profile of such perverts finding refuge in the sex resort areas of DR and doing their thing in their premises and not in cabanas that some think are like cathouses which they are clearly not.

There clearly are cases of Dominican pre pubescent sex taking place and they are being reported and justice dished out. But what I believe you are also referring to is post pubescent girls who dress up to look like voluptuous full women engaging in early sex with older Dominican men throughout the country and indeed being targeted from the age they pass puberty. Perhaps Dominicans should be asking them selves if 18 is the correct age of consent or should it be 16 like many other countries. The pregnancies at a young age show us that early sex is prevalent but it would also surprise you that most of the pregnancies are between youngsters in the 14 to 18 age bracket.

I do believe you are wrong about the number of cat houses these days beyond the big cities and my experience has been drawn from living in rural DR between Villa Altagracia and Bonao. Available women are at hand at all the bars, colmados car washes throughout this region. And you will find plenty of women and men using all manner of social media platforms including advertising portals sites to seek partners with very explicit wording.

Constantly deferring to reference the activities of Dominican men, is no reason to not look inwardly at foreigners like ourselves who should be far more accountable when visiting a foreign land.


Sep 7, 2012
I am fully aware of the age of young girls getting pregnant (even lower than 14). I have read the stories of a hospital in S.C. which takes care of the many children pregnant woman from S.C. to Azua and even Barahona (these are by far impregnated by older Dominican men.
Having said this I have tried to convey the point that I do not look to deflect from foreigners involved in the same vile acts. I would give all of them much much harder sentencing than they currently receive.
I have lived in the country for almost 12 years now, from S.D. to Puerto Plata and now Santiago. I have been surprised various times when I came to find out that a house I had either driven or walked past many times was actually a whore house. No outward signs such as Passion was in Sosua or even Passion in Santiago I have used car washes where there were prostitutes working and the one and only time I was at Elvis's in Cabarete was when I drove by the front, parked my truck and walked back to get some food only to find out there were about 20 "young" working girls working there. I wasn't looking for them and yet I found them. If you look for them you will absolutely find them.
As I stated in my other post on the subject I do believe that with cooperation with other Gov. policing agencies using more advanced technology we are seeing more and more arrests of these predators regardless of if they come form U.S./the EU or Canada. I do believe many of the cases within the D.R. perpetrated by Dominican men go unreported.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
I am fully aware of the age of young girls getting pregnant (even lower than 14). I have read the stories of a hospital in S.C. which takes care of the many children pregnant woman from S.C. to Azua and even Barahona (these are by far impregnated by older Dominican men.
Having said this I have tried to convey the point that I do not look to deflect from foreigners involved in the same vile acts. I would give all of them much much harder sentencing than they currently receive.
I have lived in the country for almost 12 years now, from S.D. to Puerto Plata and now Santiago. I have been surprised various times when I came to find out that a house I had either driven or walked past many times was actually a whore house. No outward signs such as Passion was in Sosua or even Passion in Santiago I have used car washes where there were prostitutes working and the one and only time I was at Elvis's in Cabarete was when I drove by the front, parked my truck and walked back to get some food only to find out there were about 20 "young" working girls working there. I wasn't looking for them and yet I found them. If you look for them you will absolutely find them.
As I stated in my other post on the subject I do believe that with cooperation with other Gov. policing agencies using more advanced technology we are seeing more and more arrests of these predators regardless of if they come form U.S./the EU or Canada. I do believe many of the cases within the D.R. perpetrated by Dominican men go unreported.

Gary you justify my point.

The cat houses to which you have chosen to mention with underage girls are in Sosua municipality, a tourist destination with sex tourism tag, and more upscale places in Santiago and Santo Domingo catering to an out of town client.

When it comes to the campo there are known colmados, car washes and bars that have working girls serving the cold drinks with the owner taking a commission and I could list you several along Autopista Duarte but the chicas are not children.

And yes there will be such places on the East Coast for sure because on social media they advertise for girls to entertain westerners.

The recent tirade on child prostitution in Sosua does have a real basis but several posters responding in this thread didn't want to fully recognise this.

I am glad you want this issue addressed, but in my opinion you have to target places such as Boca Chica, Sosua and Zona Colonial equally if not harder to send a very clear message, domestically and internationally, that the past is the past and the tolerances of the past are going to be a thing of the past. And part of that will be very lengthy sentences in nice Dominican prisons such as La Victoria.


Sep 7, 2012
Agreed to make the impact internationally and discourage these predators from coming here we do need these destinations targeted. I am aware of cat houses in smaller towns but don't think they have big neon lights.
By the way I don't think (at least for the most part either Passions or say CMP or others had underage girls working in them)
Any one that does not recognize 1. International predators are aware of the D.R as a sex destination and/or 2. Children are made available in tourist areas is a fool and/or a liar.
Let's hope that progress is made and less and less children are exploited and suffer at the whims of these animals.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
Is the DR gov't doing enought to fight child pornography and prositution against both that that live her and those that come from abroad? Are celebrities doing anything at all to help?

examples if possiible please...

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Is the DR gov't doing enought to fight child pornography and prositution against both that that live her and those that come from abroad? Are celebrities doing anything at all to help?

examples if possiible please...

i am not sure that the government is proactively going after predators. i do know that when predators are caught, the government throws the book at them.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I am fully aware of the age of young girls getting pregnant (even lower than 14). I have read the stories of a hospital in S.C. which takes care of the many children pregnant woman from S.C. to Azua and even Barahona (these are by far impregnated by older Dominican men.
Having said this I have tried to convey the point that I do not look to deflect from foreigners involved in the same vile acts. I would give all of them much much harder sentencing than they currently receive.
I have lived in the country for almost 12 years now, from S.D. to Puerto Plata and now Santiago. I have been surprised various times when I came to find out that a house I had either driven or walked past many times was actually a whore house. No outward signs such as Passion was in Sosua or even Passion in Santiago I have used car washes where there were prostitutes working and the one and only time I was at Elvis's in Cabarete was when I drove by the front, parked my truck and walked back to get some food only to find out there were about 20 "young" working girls working there. I wasn't looking for them and yet I found them. If you look for them you will absolutely find them.
As I stated in my other post on the subject I do believe that with cooperation with other Gov. policing agencies using more advanced technology we are seeing more and more arrests of these predators regardless of if they come form U.S./the EU or Canada. I do believe many of the cases within the D.R. perpetrated by Dominican men go unreported.

I know for a fact that most cases involving an older Dominican guy and an underage girl go unreported however I know a Dominican guy here in Jarabacoa was recently arrested and jailed for making child porn with his stepdaughter, a ten year old.