On Christmas, Make A Poor Family Happy.

El Tigre

El Tigre de DR1 - Moderator
Jan 23, 2003
Im assuming an armful of Presidente Gigantes will be welcomed...

If they are into drinking there is no better thing to bring. I once brought 3 cases of chilled presidente grandes to one of my "not-so-privileged" cousin's christmas dinner party and you should have seen their faces. People partied until 5 a.m. the following day. :cheeky:


Jan 2, 2002
On the second thought, let the poor starve. I bet they would have a greater motivation to work harder the next year in order to avoid another lame christmas. Hahahaha. Me make joke.


Feb 18, 2006
On the second thought, let the poor starve. I bet they would have a greater motivation to work harder the next year in order to avoid another lame christmas. Hahahaha. Me make joke.

you are definitly the Grinch - green and mean!!!!



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Helping the needy is always good, just make sure its good for the needy regardless if you take joy out of doing such (although who wouldn't?).

Personally, I think people should help others not too feel good about themselves, but for the sheer sake of helping others.

Also, keep in mind that being a good friend could be the biggest gift you can give to someone.

A good friend don't just feed the needy during the holidays, but also gives them the emotional or monetary support and enthusiasm they might need in order to break the cycle of poverty and begin an upward movement in personal and financial well being.

Giving people a hand when they most need it is the best thing anyone can do.

Not to mention giving them jolts of motivation to continue to strive for a better future, since many people give up not because they can't make it, but simply because they lose motivation and belief in themselves - thus increasing the likelyhood that they will remain poor and so will their children.

Sometimes, Mastercard commercials are right... the best things in the world are priceless!

A friendship is the best thing anyone can give anyone else. Plus, a good friendship last longer than any one day meal.

But, for the holidays, its always good to give something.... even if its much needed food for a day and nothing more!

Remember the old saying: In any given situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing and the worst thing you can do is nothing!

Feliz Navidad to all!!!
-NALs (Robert, we seriously need a Christmas themed smilie!!!)


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
My guess....

How about gifts for the kids? They range from around 4 into their 20's...it would be a rather daunting task to find something for everyone, but is it expected?

Im assuming an armful of Presidente Gigantes will be welcomed..

Don't make it so hard on yourself.

It's NOT expected for you to bring gifts for everybody. Bringing something for their dinner is enough.

El Tigre mentioned bringing beer, but what about the kids?. If you are going to bring beer, make sure that you also bring mixed nuts, candies, grapes and apples for the kids to eat. "Oh Oh, pero bueno, y los ninos que?", haha.

Now, on "El Dia De Los Reyes", on January 6th, if you want, give a little "something something" to the young ones. But keep in mind that you DO NOT have to give a gift to anybody over 15, if I am not mistaken, (someone correct me if I am wrong).


If only Scrooge were THAT fat, ugly and bald!!. I think you owe Ebenezer and apology. The nerves, comparing him to a character like AZB, wahahahaha!.



Now, do you want to know what SantaMikey is bringing you for Christmas, you naughty girl?.
Sep 19, 2005
AZB auditioning for the role of Ebenezar Scrooge in the DR1 production of a Christmas Carol?

come on HOWMAR..you know every heart wrenching -feel good story needs an Alter Ego character to make the story line better...maybe we dont have to kill AZB in the end.. the story may make him a sweet person in the end.

on another note...i always wanted to ask you HOW-MAR...are you related to M.A.R.???

:cheeky: :cheeky:

I know at christmas time we spend a lot of money on people close to us, so it is easy to think we should be spending some on others that are way less fortunate. But wouldnt it be nice to give a little all year long....not money....other than make LARRY upset.:paranoid: ...it wouldnt help as much as giving some of those really crippled people and very young kids on the streets some thing to eat or wear....

happy holidays



I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

I guess no 1000 posts on this thread. hahahahaha. Loser.
This thread is NOT about posts, it's about helping the less fortunate.

Now, SCROOGE, if you are not helping anybody, stay away from the thread.

I just hope that one the Ghost come visit you and hang you by the "bolas", haha.

Btw: this thread is still beating one of yours, you know, the "Frozen Guacamole Update" thread. Yes, the one that got 2 POSTS, hahahahaha!!!.

Again, if you DON'T find it in your heart to help, shut up an stay away.
Christmas smileys,

ask and you shall receive
AZB one for you


so let's head to the DR

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Jan 2, 2002
I thought about helping some poor folks with some christmas presents and food. I mean I spend more money on a weekend in bars than it would cost me to help some poor family in some barrio. I was about to go food shopping for them but then a friend called me and invited me out with some other female friends of his. Guess what, the hell with the poor folks, I am going to spend this cash on booze and food and women. yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Life is good. Poverty sucks. Hahahaha


Aug 9, 2006

I thought about helping some poor folks with some christmas presents and food. I mean I spend more money on a weekend in bars than it would cost me to help some poor family in some barrio. I was about to go food shopping for them but then a friend called me and invited me out with some other female friends of his. Guess what, the hell with the poor folks, I am going to spend this cash on booze and food and women. yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Life is good. Poverty sucks. Hahahaha

AZB, when your parents named you "Sunshine" they had more in mind than you spreading "cheer" in some bar somewhere poisoning yourself with alcohol. I can see you in a red fur trimmed suit... Baba Noel... in a red truck with 2 or 3 little helpers in little red velour skirts distributing hammers.... Come on man, get with the program. Chicks love "sensitive" men. You won't have to carry a purse, okay?
Sep 19, 2005
aftab.....you should date Mariah Carey...or how ever you spell her name.

you can talk about how good the ethiopians and poor dominicans have it, because they are so thin naturally.... ha ha ha..while you both stuff steak into your face...

yeah they have it good...no one ever hacks their Email accounts... how do they get so lucky... ha ha ha

and they never get heartburn...i guess you actually have to eat something to get that...right?

have a blast...take pictures....



Aug 9, 2006
Count me in!

I asked my friend Mayra to go to a Supermercado and make a list of things needed for a Christmas diner and she gave me the following information:

1- Chicken= 125 pesos each (I didn't write the price she gave me for pork)
2- Mixed nuts= 120 pesos
3- Candy bag= 90 pesos
4- Big Ponche= 140 pesos
5- Grapes= 60 pesos
6- Apples= 100 pesos
7- Rice (5 lbs)= 75 pesos
8- Gandules= 50 pesos
9- Spaghetti= 25 pesos
10- 2 liter Pepsi= 50 pesos

Total: 835 pesos, which is about 27 dollars. Can you imagine making a family so happy and only spending 27 dollars?. Jesus, just my lunch at Chef Allen's, yesterday, was 12 dollars. Amazing!!.


Okay Miguel, I just spent 15$ on lunch. I spend 10$ on cover charges, 20$ to take a taxi home. Not to mention the cappucinos, lattes, frappacinos, mocacinos...

Count me in. I'll send you a cheque and Mayra can make up one more hamper.
And I know people have already mentioned doing things, I think that's great. Yes, even friendship is good. God knows many people get depressed this time of year. The holidays and the end of the year can be very desperate times for people. I think we have a lot to be thankful for vacations in the Dominican Republic, employment/retirement in the Dominican Republic, the ability to take care of our families -- $27 dollars will go along way to make a family happy.

I challenge everyone here to contribute something. Show me the money!


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Chicks might love a sensitive man but they all want a bad man.....AZB your a bad bad man;)

I heard a story about AZB, but cannot verify it.

Seems AZB woman meets a man in a bar. They talk; they connect; they end up leaving together. They get back to his place, and as he shows her around his apartment, his chiropractic apparati, and she notices that one wall of his bedroom is completely filled with soft, sweet, cuddly teddy bears.

There are three shelves in the bedroom with hundreds and hundreds of cute, cuddly teddy bears, carefully placed in rows covering the entire wall! It was obvious that he had taken quite some time to lovingly arrange them and she was immediately touched by the amount of thought he had put into organizing the display. There were small bears all along the bottom shelf, medium-sized bears covering the length of the middle shelf, and huge, enormous bears running all the way along the top shelf. She found it strange for an obviously masculine guy such as AZB to have such a large a collection of Teddy Bears, but doesn't mention this to him, and actually is quite impressed by his sensitive side.

They share a bottle of wine and continue talking and, after a while, she finds herself thinking, "Oh my God! Maybe, this guy could be the one! Maybe he could be the future father my children?" She turns to him and kisses him lightly on the lips. He responds warmly.

They continue to kiss, the passion builds, and he romantically lifts her in his arms and carries her into his bedroom where they rip off each other's clothes and make hot, steamy love.

She is so overwhelmed that she responds with more passion, more creativity, more heat than she has ever known, and even did a few things she had never did with any other man.

After an intense, explosive night of raw passion with the obviously sensitive AZB, they are lying there together in the afterglow. She rolled over, gently strokes his chest and asks coyly, "Well, how was it?" AZB gently smiles at her, strokes her cheek, looks deeply into her eyes, and says......................


"Help yourself to any prize from the middle shelf!"

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:


Jan 2, 2002
Cobraboy, you made me laugh. By the way, some girls call me "oso precioso". (precious bear). I don't know why they always say that when they are playing with my hair on my back.

Aftab in persian means: sun


New member
May 29, 2006
Judging AZB. Not everybody likes to say what they do, maybe he is doing more than some of us. He is just playing and having fun.


Oct 7, 2003
Judging AZB. Not everybody likes to say what they do, maybe he is doing more than some of us. He is just playing and having fun.

You know it! Those were my thoughts exactly!

I have heard through the grapevine that Aftab is actually a very kind, caring, loveable person who has a heart of gold. He justs puts on a tough personna because he heard woman like woman like "bad boys" and that nice men finish last! :cheeky:

Sorry to let the cat out of the bag! ;)
