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Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
To the poster above Berzin...

You, SIR...are a disgrace to MANkind...

That's NOT THE's YOUR truth...

Good luck living life that way...KARMA IS a B**CH, you know!!!! :devious::devious::devious:


New member
Oct 11, 2007
wow have all you men gone back to the 18th century???
Sure the original posting is taken us women back there too, but in the end that girl will get exactly what she deserves, and so will the man who falls for it!!!!!!!!

A take from my point of view......a 42 yr old widow, well established and happy. I date a lot of men from as young as 25 to as old as 50, and each have their own qualities to give in the relationship. What makes them all different really is what I put into it. I dont need a man for anything.........even sex. I can pls myself quicker and actually with better results than with most men. As Im sure most of you men can too....... I just know now , how to help them along with being a better lover.

But I can pls most men better than all those great bodied, young women , who in all reality may look good , but dont know a thing about great sex. Dont forget men , we were all young once , and know what it was like back then. We played the good game , and you were all so stupid you didnt know it was a game.......In fact you guys did all the work , because most of us didnt have a damn clue about having great sex.

Well now we know how to have great sex, we know ourselves and how to pls a man......and thats expereince talking........and being told , time and time again.

Fortunatly, I as a women, know the difference between love and sex, and you really can have great sex without love, but most women want it all , as im sure most of you men do too..........your just too stupid to get past wanting that 20 something blonde great bodied looker. Who will one day not be what you want.

Now question to the ive read a lot of forums on here, and most are men from US or Canada, who have women in the DR...........who are the much younger ones.......hmmmmmmm why go all that way for the young one, is it because you arent all that, here in North America?


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Now question to the ive read a lot of forums on here, and most are men from US or Canada, who have women in the DR...........who are the much younger ones.......hmmmmmmm why go all that way for the young one, is it because you arent all that, here in North America?

Its because women in DR know their place and understand what it takes to fulfill a man's desires.

My latest girlfriend said to me "I will devote my life to your happiness" where as typical American women like to clamor about how they have money and degrees and how they don't need a man.. Pretty soon they will start to pee standing up.

I'd rather believe in a Dominican Lie than the American truth!


New member
Oct 11, 2007
she will devote her your happiness.........come on no one devotes to someone elses happiness...........and, as a man, if thats what you want from a women well your better off with her then me........
we devote it to ourselves and thus makes that special someone " happiness" as well

hey i dont disagree with how some women are.........i was making my point that a lot of us women are not like how you all make it seem bad most of you arent as open minded.........


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Im in my 20's, attractive and make a great living..this is my time to explore, so that when I do settle down with a fresh 20 year old when im like 40 I will have stopped scavenging the world's barrios.

Why go around wasting all types of unecessary money on females in America when I'm not ready to settle down, and don't want an American wife?

For me its all a Vanity/Ego Trip

I can go to DR and affordably rent or buy a villa, hire bodyguards, personal drivers maids and companionship for the same money that I would spend chasing some american female and might get a kiss or might score but I winds up not being worth it..

It's all about maximizing every oportunity.


New member
Dec 26, 2006
:laugh: how much did you pay her? I guess a couple of hundred a month would do it ...

If that's what it takes then, it shall be done..I'm very happy with my situation. If you know of anything better please share, I am open to suggestion.


Jun 28, 2003
Does this mean I can't(or shouldn't) go to the NYC get-together in Queens?;)

Berzin El MUY Malo(mas malo que Bob)

hmmm, and here we were trying to get MORE ladies to attend.I would think for the sake of Save The Party Org. it might not be a bad idea you didn't attend.


Nov 17, 2004
hmmm, and here we were trying to get MORE ladies to attend.I would think for the sake of Save The Party Org. it might not be a bad idea you didn't attend.

I wasn't planning on attending. I'd rather speak my piece with honesty than attend a party with a bunch of closet whoremongers who say one thing on this board for the sake of political correctness but go to the DR and do something else.

It just goes to show you-nobody likes to hear the truth. They go CRAZY when you tell them what life really is like, as opposed to what they imagine it to be.


Jun 28, 2003
Mr. Honesty

I wasn't planning on attending. I'd rather speak my piece with honesty than attend a party with a bunch of closet whoremongers who say one thing on this board for the sake of political correctness but go to the DR and do something else.

It just goes to show you-nobody likes to hear the truth. They go CRAZY when you tell them what life really is like, as opposed to what they imagine it to be.

Really hope you're not making a reference to me. Being politically incorrect is no shield from rudeness.
Your fault, may I add, is you paint with too big of a paintbrush. Entitled to your opinions but state them as yours.

So I guess your not coming to the party? (just checking)


Jun 28, 2003
Hey Johne:

I noticed that you are being very funny today.

Let me get some of what you are taking, LOL

Nice observation. In a very good mood as one or two things really came togther today. Don't want to post them bc I will need to answer to AZB later on my net worth etc., crap.



Jun 3, 2006
If that's what it takes then, it shall be done..I'm very happy with my situation. If you know of anything better please share , I am open to suggestion.

With Dominicans that we, tourists, meet? I don't think there is anything better than cash. And, yes, some of them are beautiful, smooth, wonderful talkers. I don't think they remember anything they say afterwards, but while they are saying it - it sounds really really nice ;)


New member
Oct 11, 2007
It just goes to show you-nobody likes to hear the truth. They go CRAZY when you tell them what life really is like, as opposed to what they imagine it to be.

heres just a bit of truth just for you berzin......" none are so empty , than those that are so into themselves"


Nov 17, 2004
Really hope you're not making a reference to me. Being politically incorrect is no shield from rudeness.
Your fault, may I add, is you paint with too big of a paintbrush. Entitled to your opinions but state them as yours.

So I guess your not coming to the party? (just checking)

If you read what I had written I am merely playing the "Archie Bunker" role here for the sake of getting some of these topics out there.

But what I believe or don't believe is not the topic here. All you have to do is separate the comment from the person making it and maybe we can get somewhere because there are many who share similar viewpoints to varying degrees.

Did not Robert and AZB make similar statements? Why should I hide because the feminists don't like whats' being said?


New member
Nov 1, 2007
It's interesting how generalized these replies are towards gender. It's as if those posting here don't think this same situation exists in reverse.... with the man being the gold-digger and the woman getting stiffed with the expensive divorce settlement. Here's a short story:
A friend of mine married a pleasant enough man that had been serving in the U.S. military and made little money. He was younger than she and was just beginning his civilian career, she had been in hers about 10 years. Upon marrying she had a completely furnished home, car, stable income, nice retirement fund going, and a savings nest egg. He brought nothing into the marriage except a promise to be a good provider and faithful lover. Both of these were lies, he felt entitled to "all" in life without expending much of himself towards earning it, and when she got tired of waiting for his promises to be true (about 13 years) she finally divorced him and moved on. BUT, because they had been together for so long, even though he had abused their financial situation by gambling, running up debt, and using drugs, the judge still granted him HALF of everything -- INCLUDING half of her retirement account (including the amount she had coming into the marriage and all she'd contributed through working since) even though she had encouraged him to set up his retirement account at work on several occasions. Is that really fair??? I don't think so. (He tried asking for alimony since she made about twice as much money as he did but thankfully the judge recognized it for the vain attempt it was and denied him. Not surprisingly, the ex-husband has not kept up his side of the divorce decree financial obligations either.)
Just FYI: This same woman remarried some years later - at age 44 (btw, with a child from the first marriage), to a man of her equal earnings, but a man of much higher social upbringing (East coast "old" money) than she had been raised with (west coast truck driver). Although she admitted to feeling slightly intimidated around him and his family, the subject of money was NEVER an issue in their relationship. (I use past tense because, unfortunately their relationship was shortened by his death from cancer.)
Current update on same woman: Now she's a widow with the inheritance from the second husband but continues to work in her chosen profession and dates from time to time. Unfortunately, she says many of the men she meets any more are younger men that she feels are just looking for a "sugar momma" or just a plain 'ol Momma to take care of them. She's decided not to play that role long-term but admits the benefits of younger men interested in her is one that keeps her young and fit!! Hmmmm.......I wonder what she could be referring to? :cheeky:
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