i want relocate in DR



I want to be an English teacher in the Dominican Republic it seems to be my only option...
does anyone know how i can go about making certain arrangements. i.e; finding a school, a program...
anything that allows me to make this possible.
i am willing to volunteer somewhere before making any drastic decisions about my stay.
please help me


New member
Jan 31, 2008
I will be watching this post as I would like to teach English in the Dominican Republic as well!


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
You should send a PM to Mainegirl and to Hillbilly.

The first person actually moved to the DR from Maine and was a teacher there, but only for a few months for personal reasons. The latter is also an American and has been in the DR forever ;) and is a professor at the Madre y Maestra university in Santiago.

Good luck!



Mar 4, 2004
And please have a look at all the other threads on this subject - use the search function on blue bar above & type in 'teacher' 'working as teacher' 'schools' etc etc.


Who empowered China's crime against humanity?
Jun 28, 2004
I want to be an English teacher in the Dominican Republic it seems to be my only option...
does anyone know how i can go about making certain arrangements. i.e; finding a school, a program...
anything that allows me to make this possible.
i am willing to volunteer somewhere before making any drastic decisions about my stay.
please help me

Your post is not inspiring. I hope your resume is better written.


On Probation!
Jul 23, 2006
NOT harsh...realistic

Your post is not inspiring. I hope your resume is better written.

I agree with Luperon...IF someone is trying to ask for help in obtaining a position where they are supposedly going to be teaching proper English, then it is perfectly reasonable to expect that they use proper English in their post. Many employers screen this board for potential employees (I am one of several who unofficially screens DR1 posts for my dh's company for English speaking customer care agents) and I have to say that the OPs note is not only not inspiring and lackluster but lacks a sense of commitment. If people want assistance, it is reasonable to expect that they will have searched the boards for what is available as a resource.

Several of our busy moderators have taken the time to post on the topic of looking for jobs on DR1. I think it is fair to say that this OP DIDN'T bother to look, nor make much of an effort to put together a post that expressed any reasonable level of competence in English.


Oct 7, 2003
I want to be an English teacher in the Dominican Republic it seems to be my only option...

Am i ever glad I never had a teacher like this - where they only went into teaching because "it was there only option". !:tired:

Nothing like wanting to make a difference, shaping young childrens' lives, being dedicated and fulfilling a life long dream!!!!!

I agree, not quite the way to try to get a job, sounds like this person would be better off selling time shares on the beach, I surely wouldn't want her to be in my child's classroom!!!!!!!!

Marlie - who's mother was a teacher and would probably turn over in her grave if she read this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Jan 11, 2008
TESL I believe is the teaching certificate for teaching English in a foreign language. In Santiago there are many language schools. Berlitz is the most famous foreign language study course, and by contacting them you should be able to determine what is your best course of action, and what requirements you will need to fulfill in order to teach abroad, whether in the D.R. or in another country.

Your written post didn't annoy me as much as it apparently did some others on this board. With TESL teachers making around 150rd a classroom hour, I would save my best English for when it counts as well. Good luck!


Mar 4, 2004
Actually I think the other post (Dominicans Abroad) is more revealing. I suspect she searched & searched and 'only' came up with teaching so was probably feeling a bit tired by then.
I'm a senior in college and my goal is to move to DR for an extended period of time after graduation. but i need a job, i want something productive that pays way more than minimum wage. I am an English major.
what can i do?
how can i make more than just plans
i don;t mind trying out the environment first before making a permanent decision

Yohanna, teaching isn't going to pay 'way more' than the minimum wage unless you get lucky with International School of Sosua or Heritage School in Cap Cana or somewhere like that. It isn't the best paid profession here. Sorry.


On Probation!
Jul 23, 2006
What I want to know is how someone who majored in ENGLISH can post to a public forum without capitalizing 'I' as in Lambada's excerpt above. There are certain conventions that we follow in English (just as in Spanish we don't capitalize as many of those same things but it is CORRECT in that language). Sentences begin with capital letters and END with some kind of appropriate punctuation.

I definitely would NOT want her teaching my kids and IF she had really been looking for a job (a higher paying one than a teacher) she lost it when my dh read her post!

Come on job-seekers! You must project the image for the job you are hoping to secure. Proof read and spell check. This isn't just a chat line--you are posting to an EMPLOYMENT board within DR1. It may be find to use street lingo or text language in other forums/threads, but not here if you want a decent job in English! OYE!


New member
Jan 11, 2008
I have to agree that an English major should be accurate and maybe annoyed by poor spelling, punctuation, etc, even at this time of night.


Who empowered China's crime against humanity?
Jun 28, 2004
Better be careful and not criticize or your reputation will turn red, like mine just did. So someone dislikes my comments about our illiterate teacher to be and now I am "shameless" defined as ... 1 : having no shame : insensible to disgrace ....2 : showing lack of shame : DISGRACEFUL

It almost sounds slanderous. ;)

What I want to know is how someone who majored in ENGLISH can post to a public forum without capitalizing 'I' as in Lambada's excerpt above. There are certain conventions that we follow in English (just as in Spanish we don't capitalize as many of those same things but it is CORRECT in that language). Sentences begin with capital letters and END with some kind of appropriate punctuation.

I definitely would NOT want her teaching my kids and IF she had really been looking for a job (a higher paying one than a teacher) she lost it when my dh read her post!

Come on job-seekers! You must project the image for the job you are hoping to secure. Proof read and spell check. This isn't just a chat line--you are posting to an EMPLOYMENT board within DR1. It may be find to use street lingo or text language in other forums/threads, but not here if you want a decent job in English! OYE!


New member
Jan 11, 2008
My reputation is already past crimson.......At any rate, I also studied Enlgish and obvious abuse of the wriiten english language are at least noticable to me, if not annoying. But as we are all typing away on keyboards, not looking for A+ grades and just saying what we think and feel I overlook that sort of stuff. After all, others overlook my typos, and if they don?t, they are wasting valuable time(check out the virtual death meter...or whatever that gadget was from another post).....

El sabelot?

*** Sin Bin ***
Jan 7, 2008
My reputation is already past crimson.......At any rate, I also studied Enlgish and obvious abuse of the wriiten english language are at least noticable to me, if not annoying. But as we are all typing away on keyboards, not looking for A+ grades and just saying what we think and feel I overlook that sort of stuff. After all, others overlook my typos, and if they don?t, they are wasting valuable time(check out the virtual death meter...or whatever that gadget was from another post).....

The Kid's with the good doctor and others: If you majored in English or, as in Yohanna's case, creative writing, shouldn't it come natural to want to savor, caress, a?o?ar, salute, and respect the written word?

Deputy Chief of Grammer Police


Aug 29, 2005
If you're interested in volunteering - teaching English or for anything else, I suggest you contact The Dream Project. They are located on the North Coast and a great organization. I assume there are several threads on this if you do a search.


New member
Oct 11, 2007
There are a few openings for teachers posted on the board. New Horizons, for example, hires college graduates that don't necessarily have teaching degrees. The pay isn't bad in regards to salaries in the dr. St Michaels is also looking. Check it out. The email address and/or fax number is listed under one of the employment posts. You could also try calling them. Some of the numbers are listed under another thread-i think private schools. If you can't find them, send me a pm. Don't give up, if coming here to live is your goal, it's very possible. Keep checking out the forums-they are EXTREMELY helpful.


Jun 2, 2006
I want to be an English teacher in the Dominican Republic it seems to be my only option...
does anyone know how i can go about making certain arrangements. i.e; finding a school, a program...
anything that allows me to make this possible.
i am willing to volunteer somewhere before making any drastic decisions about my stay.
please help me

why the DR ??
there are many options in Puerto Rico, Spain, Central America as well as South America...