Attitude toward missionaries

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Nov 27, 2007
I think if you study Osteen a bit you will find that even Christians are having a hard time with him, Thandie.

Calm down please. Vacara was not spouting prejudice but his opinions of one person's ministries.

Yes I am aware of that, but that proves nothing. He has a super popular church, is very successful and rich. Not shocked people are jealous of his success.
BTW I am very calm!
IMO Vacara was and has spouted his prejudice beliefs about people in that group and others in this and other threads. We will have to agree to disagree about that.
You might not view it in that way because you state you have 'a thing' against evangelical Christians based on your experience with them growing up in the South.

For part of my youth I grew up in a very fundamentalist evangelical church.
Jamaica has more of these churches per captia than any place on earth!
You dont not need to preach to me about some of the wrongdoings of too many who go to those types of Church. I know them quiet well. I went to a Catholic elementary and high school. I know about the many evil wrongdoings of the many who call themselves Catholics. I know there are many bad but also many good!

But I refuse to PREJUDGE every evangelical Christian like you and others do, put them in one box and paint them with the same brush.
I judge people soley based on the 'content of their character' as the great MLKjr preached.....

And you say you marched with MLKjr ...(fought against prejudice and discrimantion and for peoples rights), so I expect you to be able to do the same.

FYI I am not coming to any one particular persons defensive.
To me prejudice based on someones skin colour, race is no different than prejudice based on someone religious beliefs

I refuse to remain silent when people spew their prejudiced beliefs and comments.


New member
May 4, 2009

1. In the Dominican Republic, What is safe? My last place that I rented I lived like a caged animal and I got robbed there too. They used a car jack to pry the bars apart.
9. Everything is possible, I was robbed again last week as I was taking a shower.
10. Yes we have a gate, but they broke the lock and came in. Last week they broke the door knob and took a cell phone and my watch. I am the only dog, I bark but don?t bite.
11. I don?t have any evangelical friends here, they are all untrue. I have no friends, no family. I do have my students that love me and I love them as if they were my own children. From the age of 6 to 43.
13. Yes being robbed is like being raped.

So where do I go from here, Do I sit here a 49 year old man that is trying to do something for the people of the Dominican Republic.

Robberies/burglaries can happen anywhere, but in your case it seems like you were are lot more vulnerable and at risk. There are threads under "living" that talk about being safer and blending in here that you should read.

I can't imagine what it would be like to be ALONE alone here, it must be hard. But it is important anywhere to have a support network, especially as a foreigner in another country. You should try to put your religious judgements of others aside and make some friends and contacts, because no offense but you can't just rely on your internet pastor and your beliefs to be safe and happy here.

I guess you have never been raped. That's all I'll say about that.

Should you stay or should you go? Well, it's up to you. If I were you, I would probably go back to the US, take some time to process, and make a connection with an organized and established group to do similar work.

If you stay...
You could find a trusted intermediary to bribe people and the police to get the stuff back. Make some friends regardless of whether or not they share the same beliefs. Get a mean looking dog and beef up your security. Move to another town and start over even. :ermm:
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La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004
Dear Brother Cobra ?boy?

As heartless and childish as you words are and now knowing that you are a nonbeliever, it leads me to think that you are not worth responding to. Someday you will think twice about your beliefs.

Get a Life, Get a Job, and Get God

El Profe

So why did you answer to ??? :ermm:


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
Yes I am aware of that, but that proves nothing. He has a super popular church, is very successful and rich. Not shocked people are jealous of his success.
BTW I am very calm!

Joel Osteen gets 43 millions in tithes, and 36 millions in donations through the mail, that's almost 80 millions dollars a year just for telling people God wants them to be rich. How can anybody consider that as an honest accomplishment is beyond my comprehension and is very telling about your character and your personal values.

I noticed too that you see everything through the glasses of race, for you all is about skin color, racism, discrimination etc. Even in this thread; that has nothing to do with racism you keep bringing that subject up time and time again.

Your views on Dominican attitude toward Haitian is slanted and prejudiced, you are either a racist or suffered a lot of racial discrimination and then project those weaknesses of your character unto Dominican people.

I feel sad for you; you can't stand the though that Jamaicans are way more racist than Dominicans.

I won't eat jerk chicken for a week.


Dec 11, 2003
just to clear up the bio a bit

Yes I am aware of that, but that proves nothing. He has a super popular church, is very successful and rich. Not shocked people are jealous of his success.
BTW I am very calm!
IMO Vacara was and has spouted his prejudice beliefs about people in that group and others in this and other threads. We will have to agree to disagree about that.
You might not view it in that way because you state you have 'a thing' against evangelical Christians based on your experience with them growing up in the South.

For part of my youth I grew up in a very fundamentalist evangelical church.
Jamaica has more of these churches per captia than any place on earth!
You dont not need to preach to me about some of the wrongdoings of too many who go to those types of Church. I know them quiet well. I went to a Catholic elementary and high school. I know about the many evil wrongdoings of the many who call themselves Catholics. I know there are many bad but also many good!

But I refuse to PREJUDGE every evangelical Christian like you and others do, put them in one box and paint them with the same brush.
I judge people soley based on the 'content of their character' as the great MLKjr preached.....

And you say you marched with MLKjr ...(fought against prejudice and discrimantion and for peoples rights), so I expect you to be able to do the same.

FYI I am not coming to any one particular persons defensive.
To me prejudice based on someones skin colour, race is no different than prejudice based on someone religious beliefs

I refuse to remain silent when people spew their prejudiced beliefs and comments.

just to clear up the bio a bit here, Thandie

I did not grow up in the South, I was born and raised in New York City. So as you are Jamaican. I am a New Yorker, which is, we will note, the second city largest city of the Dominican Republic.

I did spend 14 years in Asheville, North Carolina.

I was baptised and raised Episcopalian and attended a Quaker School for 14 years.

I have been a member of a Quaker Meeting for the last 29 years.

There are many Quakers who are Evangelicals, in fact, the majority of Quakers now in the world are Evangelicals. However, that is not the Branch of the Quakers with which I am affiliated as I do not identify myself as a Christian. I am what is called a Universalist Friend.

I have difficulty sympathizing with those who believe that theirs is the only path.

I see that you refuse to remain to silent.

Perhaps that is a good thing at times. At other times, perhaps silence is welcome respite.


Nov 27, 2007
Joel Osteen gets 43 millions in tithes, and 36 millions in donations through the mail, that's almost 80 millions dollars a year just for telling people God wants them to be rich. How can anybody consider that as an honest accomplishment is beyond my comprehension and is very telling about your character and your personal values.

I also read he does not take any money from his congregation as a salary.
There are no reports that he steals from his church.
He does not need to, he HONESTLY makes millions from his books and other businesses....
So yes I consider his accomplishments honest.

He is not hurting me or others so what do I care. Free country.

And regarding the rest of your post.... You once again have proved you are a delusional, crazy and immature individual.
You may have to change your name again and start posting under another handle.


Dec 11, 2003
you don't even have enough to get out of the country


1. In the Dominican Republic, What is safe? My last place that I rented I lived like a caged animal and I got robbed there too. They used a car jack to pry the bars apart.
2. Yes, I have $6,500 pesos
3. No my rent is not paid for next month.
4. To eat $120 pesos per day, Rent $7,000 pesos per month, Elect about $1,200 per month, internet, $600 per month, Gas for my bike $600 per month. Misc 3,000 per month
5. No Expired
6. No I am a loner
7. I go to the river or up the mountain to think and pray
8. About $3,500 USD
9. Everything is possible, I was robbed again last week as I was taking a shower.
10. Yes we have a gate, but they broke the lock and came in. Last week they broke the door knob and took a cell phone and my watch. I am the only dog, I bark but don?t bite.
11. I don?t have any evangelical friends here, they are all untrue. I have no friends, no family. I do have my students that love me and I love them as if they were my own children. From the age of 6 to 43.
12. Drinking? why not? How can you go threw something like this and not have a beer or two.
13. Yes being robbed is like being raped.
14. I don?t do drugs
15. I have been to every church in Jarabacoa and I don?t feel right in any of them. I am true to my Pastor Joel. I watch him on the internet.

So where do I go from here, Do I sit here a 49 year old man that is trying to do something for the people of the Dominican Republic.

FYI- I lived well when I was back home, but I felt an emptiness in my heart. I wanted to do something to help people be better.

In Miami I managed a Multi Million Property in Miami Beach for some very wealthy people. I was the asset manager, meaning that I was over boat captains, pilots, maids, gardeners, drivers, security and so on. These people were the most unhappy people that I ever met in my entire life. Money is nothing, money dose not bring happiness. Doing good for others brings you happiness. And that is what I had.

Yes I charge my students a small fee $150. per week of class and that is a whole lot cheaper than all the other schools in town. One school is charging $27,000 per semesters where I only charge $1,900.
I am not doing this for the money. I?m doing it for the good of the people and for my own good. Pastor Joel says If you want to feel good make someone else feel good. And it?s true. It?s like my favorite movie ?Pay it forward?.

Well I have spilled my guts out to the DR1 community and If you guys want to keep on poking at so be it. I will keep on praying for you ALL.

Good Night and God bless you All.

If your ticket is expired and you only have $6500 pesos, and you have been here two years then you do not have enough money to even get out of the country.

Since you have not found any friends among any of the Christians in your community, and since you have not found any support, except perhaps Thandie, and perhaps a few others, on this Board, if I were you, I would call the US Embassy in the morning and explain the situation to them and see about getting a flight home.

At least in the States you will have more personal security and the chance to make a living.

And there are plenty of people to help there as well.

Good luck to you.


Nov 27, 2007
I have difficulty sympathizing with those who believe that theirs is the only path.

I see that you refuse to remain to silent.

Perhaps that is a good thing at times. At other times, perhaps silence is welcome respite.

Are you trying to silence me on a public DISCUSSION board, because you dont like what I have to say?
Ok nice try LOL:cheeky:
Maybe you should take your own advice.

If you dont want to read what I have to say, then dont read my posts...simple as that. You already 'warned' me you were going to block me in a PM.


Mar 4, 2004
Except for Lambada who evidently trained as a diplomat and always manages to keep her cool.

I can hear Grahame chortling from the other study.........:cheeky: A diplomat? I thought I was Mother Vulture :laugh:

What, however, I do do is watch patterns and there is a lot of mirroring going on in this thread. I, too, read his homepage 9 weeks ago when the problem first happened. When he posted this

I'm not one to go around asking for hand outs or money. If someone wants to help in some way I would appreciate any help but again I don't like to ask.

Not sure what he has done about the problem in the intervening 9 weeks but we know he overcame his reluctance to ask for money, maybe through necessity. You, mountainannie, went public about the PM which enabled others to say they also had received one. He continued apologising for the PMs but also slammed back in a somewhat over the top fashion to you and several posters, me included. You, annie, then tried the 'let me help you' approach and got a response to your empathy (see what I mean about mirroring?) viz. answers indicating extreme loneliness, a parlous financial situation, a guy in a somewhat desperate situation. I'm sure there are posters who would be very concerned about this plight.

But is it real? I have no idea. It could be if someone tried another approach they would get that mirrored back too.

I would agree about seeking US Embassy help if the situation is as El Profe describes it. And I would agree about returning to the US & taking some time to 'process' as minerva feliz tactfully put it. But in all honesty I do not know if the switching of style in posting is indicative of personal problems or games playing.
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? bient?t

my boyfriend .


Darn it! Here I am, in H-town, Space City USA, working my sexy physique in mid-90s temp; feeding my brain with Chemerinsky and all things constitutional; attempting to master Proust in its original; memorizing Leonard Cohen's lyrics; dispensing compliments a diestra y siniestra; turning down sexual advances from oh-so sexy Nepalese babes; eating salmon like it's 21.12.2012; wishing I was Will Shortz for a day; and all the while, devouring Mills and Rousseau, Castro and Mao, in intellectual pursuit to become DR's version of Christopher Hitchens, in order to impress you... and this is how you pay me: you have A BOYFRIEND???

Mujer, I'm a rarity: a one-woman Dominican man, witty, sexy, a budding intellectual, fit, charming, strutting around like Lawrence Fishburn in "Bad Company," and funny to boot. In other words: good-fricking-looking and smart. I was ready to be your Dominican Stephen Colbert. But nooooo!

With permission from Jose Virgilio Pe?a Suazo:

Que todas
Que todas
Que todas las mujeres son chifleras
Las que dicen que no, son unas aguajeras
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Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
What agenda were you forwarding when you said he made a racist comment?

And regarding chip on shoulders...that is my point.
I think this post illustrates that many posters have a big chip on their shoulders in regards to evangelical Christians.
I am not necessarily defending the OP and El Prof, I just think that MOST of these attacks are unfair and are primarily about their religious beliefs. I am against ANY type of discrimination..whether it is based on skin colour, sex, sexual preference or religious affiliation, etc. I am not one to remain silent in the presence of it. I will call it out when I see it!

(i.e. attacking his written English? Are people kidding. I am a native English speaker, university educated, a professional, but my posts are not perfect, like many others here. While I have been posting I was working, cooking, watching TV and talking on the phone. Darn I squeeze in posting between a bunch of other things, I am bound to make some mistakes but that is not a TRUE reflection of my language/writing skills. It is a message board, it is custom to use abbreviations and slang. I could care less because it is not a professional setting, I dont proof read or use spell check, different expectations IMO)

Just like some on this board try to veil their anti-Haitian feelings, some posters obviously have anti-Christian feelings.
I respect people more when they just come out and say they have biased, prejudiced beliefs.
You need to use the "search" feature, Thandie. On my name, going back a bunch of years.

I am unreligious. Not non. Not Anti. Not pro. Un. It doesn't register with me because it cannot be proven or disproved; I will spend mental time elsewhere.

I rarely post about religion. Why? Because I know many good people who are religious. But they don't talk about it and wear it as a T-Shirt. They live it, and I am greatly respectful to those.

I poke fun at the "parachute missionaries". I happen to travel the DR far more than 95% of folks do, and I get to encounter them more frequently than most. My prior statements stands on them. I just wish they'd just tell the real rreason why they are here and not fluff it up. I stated how they could help to make a lasting impact if they wanted to. I guess building a latrine while those who will USE that latrine sits is a chair under shade and watches somehow appeals to their "feel good" state.

When El Profe made his post I felt sorry for the guy because he lives in my quiet town. Many if not most have had stuff stolen in the DR if they've been here long enough. Not fun. It was a bland solicitation for $$$. I thought the post would be canned.

Then came the PM that many, many here got. Sorry, I don't like being begged for money under the name of ANY God. My response:
Do you have permission from DR1 to spam PM's for donations?
Legitimate question, not disrespectful.

His response (keep in mind he's teaching kids English):
Sorry to bother you Cobraboy, But I am not spaming. This was a privat message that I sent personaly. Have a nice Day!

El Profe

Then I got 4 PM's from folks who know I live where El Profe does asking if I knew him since THEY got the EXACT same PM. A "private message that I sent personally"? Oh, really? Personally, as in "just for me"? Baloney.

My response:
No offense, but you might want to clear it with the site owners before asking for money on THEIR board.

It was a canned message. If it was just for ~me~, you'd know: I live in Jarabacoa.

You should have had your business insured.

Nothing the least bit disrespectful. It may not have been the answers and replys he ~wanted~ but they were not disrespectful.

Then he comes here, his tailfeathers all askew, and proceeds to show his REAL attitude.

Just sayin'...

To El Profe:

You say you are in dire straits, yet you refuse to go to the other churches in town because of some sort of religious disaffection.

Maybe God is trying to tell YOU something.

I know for a FACT that one of the larger English-speaking Christian Schools in town is Desperate for teachers, and they pay around $RD15,000 a month (depending). If you are degreed and have experience teaching, they'd want you. But they might not be the right "flavor" of Christianity; can you overcome that? I am very surprised you don't know about them. Heck, I don't have a teachers cewrtificate, but I've been recruited by them and the local university to teach! Why haven't you?

I wish you well. But that attitude may need some tweaking before that happens.


Dec 11, 2003
El Profe-

I hope that you are feeling calmer this morning. Thanks for being so open and honest with us. I had not realized that the entire incident was two months ago.

So it looks like there is after all an opportunity for teaching in Jarabaco and even among the Christians, which would seem to be really wonderful and would give you a solid income for a while to at least get on your feet.

Hope it works out for you.
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I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
El Profe has been in Dominican Today also asking for donations, almost same luck as here. Take a look to one of his replies;

Hello TuPapaupa

Yes I did send some members a PM asking for you help and you were on the list of PM's. Unfortunately, the police and the laws are not the same in the Dominican Republic as they are back in the Unites States. This occurred two months ago and I have been lead on a wild goose chase looking for the thieves, putting gas in police vehicles and motorcycles, buying lunch and paying then for their time spent looking for the wild goose. Meanwhile we have not recovered a single piece of equipment. On top of that I had to prove that I owned the things that were missing, like presenting photos of the items and receipts of where they were purchased. In this country the thieves are protected by the laws that are in place. Its not like back in the USA that if you catch someone in your home performing a robbery and you shoot them you are protected by the law. Here you go to jail for that. Also, in the DR they do not take finger prints or do a formal investigation. I am not one to ask for anything from anyone, but I am at a point where I had to do it. I personally funded everything that I had in the Academy my self with money that I had from selling my personal items back in the states before coming to the DR. If you feel like you would like to help the children, it would be a great thing on your part. I am not out to scam anyone. Please take a look at our page on My Space and click on the photos and videos to see what I am doing with the children for your self. In the two years that I have been teaching here in the DR, I have students that have found good paying jobs working at resorts, restraints, and local companies that export their products to the United States. I appreciate any help that you can send us and the students will appreciate more. Thank you for taking the time to respond and God Bless You and Your Family.

The guy couldn't even produce a police report to show the poster in Dominican Today, so they would feel more at ease helping him. To me this guy is either emotionally disturbed and not functioning properly or this is a badly planned scam that's not going anywhere. Anyway good luck to him, he got my sympathy already.


Dec 11, 2003
Not a scam

El Profe has been in Dominican Today also asking for donations, almost same luck as here. Take a look to one of his replies;

Hello TuPapaupa

Yes I did send some members a PM asking for you help and you were on the list of PM's. Unfortunately, the police and the laws are not the same in the Dominican Republic as they are back in the Unites States. This occurred two months ago and I have been lead on a wild goose chase looking for the thieves, putting gas in police vehicles and motorcycles, buying lunch and paying then for their time spent looking for the wild goose. Meanwhile we have not recovered a single piece of equipment. On top of that I had to prove that I owned the things that were missing, like presenting photos of the items and receipts of where they were purchased. In this country the thieves are protected by the laws that are in place. Its not like back in the USA that if you catch someone in your home performing a robbery and you shoot them you are protected by the law. Here you go to jail for that. Also, in the DR they do not take finger prints or do a formal investigation. I am not one to ask for anything from anyone, but I am at a point where I had to do it. I personally funded everything that I had in the Academy my self with money that I had from selling my personal items back in the states before coming to the DR. If you feel like you would like to help the children, it would be a great thing on your part. I am not out to scam anyone. Please take a look at our page on My Space and click on the photos and videos to see what I am doing with the children for your self. In the two years that I have been teaching here in the DR, I have students that have found good paying jobs working at resorts, restraints, and local companies that export their products to the United States. I appreciate any help that you can send us and the students will appreciate more. Thank you for taking the time to respond and God Bless You and Your Family.

The guy couldn't even produce a police report to show the poster in Dominican Today, so they would feel more at ease helping him. To me this guy is either emotionally disturbed and not functioning properly or this is a badly planned scam that's not going anywhere. Anyway good luck to him, he got my sympathy already.

As I said before, I don't think it's a scam, except perhaps a bit for the religious part.Not that he doesn't think of himself as a believer but that he is not affiliated with any Church or operating under any sort of direction or guidance or references.

The guy just had a little school going to support himself and then had all his stuff taken and has no way to make a living here.

But the issue is that you actually can't just come here and set up a school. The laws in this country about curriculum (sp?) are very strict. (ok, hard perhaps to believe but very true) You can set up an after school program, which I guess is what he did.

Of course, he sees it that he was helping these kids, which he probably was, but he was also making his living at it. And now that is gone.

So he tried to get his stuff back, spent more money doing it. And now is down to his last couple of hundred bucks, has no money for the next month's rent, no return ticket, no support structure back in the States and no where to go.

The US Embassy does have a program that will, I believe, at least get him a plane ticket to Miami. If he sells the rest of his stuff, his bike, his computer, he might at least have a bit of a grub stake that can get him into the city and he can start up based in the shelter system there. At least there is a shelter system there.

So yes, it is pretty sad to be in this situation at 49 - to see that you have no friends, no family, no support system AND no money! Gee- if you have either the former or the latter things can be at least tolerable but without EITHER things are pretty tough!

But perhaps it will serve as a really big wake up call that there is something going on inside that needs to be fixed.

One hopes.

Maybe this should go into the "moving to the DR on a low budget" thread



I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
What racist remark did he make?
I didnt see anything racist in his posts.

But I guess you are right when you say 'whenever you go looking for it, you'll usually find it.'

Excerpts from post #186

I grew up in a country that was full of racism, discrimination, you know what I mean.

El Profe

Dominican and Cubans are very much alike. Our history is intertwined. We are the most beautiful people in the world.

El Profe


Jan 1, 2002
This particular fellow seems to have a target on his back. Perhaps now that theyhave taken everything, he will be left alone.

His command of the English language seems to be a little "iffy" IMO...but who am I to judge...



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
interesting outcome, finally.
i follow the whole thread since the beginning and will go on to do so,
but the lil side-theme 'Profecito' is a part i will not consider again to answer in future posts here on this thread.
over 2 months and moved nothing than to believe in a TV priest philosophy,
doesn't look like that TV priest care's much about his sheeps aside of taking their bucks when selling them their lifeguide books.
and if you believe in God, please let the ole man out of the game, he's like so often just used to convince people to open their pockets and as camouflage to tab the own inability to live a God fearing life as a good and hardworking person in the face of the Lord.
if we cut all that religious and racism and low brain crap out we just have:
* an other Expat who made the move on a low budget
* without doing any research before setting up a business
* without any backup funds to cover life's basics when something goes wrong
* without a valid return ticket to ask back home the society for a meal
* in case he would not even have a residency the thieves could sell the 'puters and out of that made money they bribe 1.000.- pesos to the local police to get him handed over to immigrations/out of the way.

it is what we sorrily see on the Isle many times every month all year long, the embassies have crowded waiting rooms due to such uneducated and clueless plannings.
i am always sorry to see again somebody confronted with life's reality, but those situations are 100% homecooked, by the person itself. those thieves have not so much to do with that.
when all goe's wrong and stupidly no kind of backup is available, then there's still the possibility to work to pay for the next meal. i was reading completely the other thread from back in May2009, the theft occured may 13th 2009.
Profecito received many good advice there, he got christian institutions/schools named right in his town by people living in his town where they even look for teachers and pay reasonable salaries and many other hints how to survive, but such would not be "his style", not written in his guidebook "how to get rich".
and just in case, to survive, a man can do any job, legal job, they are available.

you say as the mainreason you are sooo sorry for the Students to loose their oppotunity to learn real american english and get a job at a import/export company or in a tourist area and feed the family.
thats completely BS!
I say You are a LIER!
you are just sorry and down because you couldn't make it like described in the books of your beloved TV Priest, you completely failed on all the stuff you "believe" in. and i say it again:
the almighty has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Bon Voyage
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