Would love to be at the Kerry Kennedy press conference


Jan 1, 2002
Supposedly, Kerry Kennedy, Bobby's daughter, will hold a press conference tomorrow.

I am wondering how the Dominican nationalists and rightists will treat her. The Kennedy name, in and of itself, is pretty potent. But she is accompanied by Sonia Pie, the Haitian, who rakes the DR over the human rights coals.

The issue is Dominican, first and foremost, so, as much as I loved and respected her father and uncle, I cannot see her anything good coming from this.

The Dominican Constitution is fairly clear on the issue of citizenship, and it seems that the issue is with the interpretation of just what "transient" and "illegal" mean.

Stay tuned. Headlines coming...

Please, no racist comments on this post. This has to do with international relations, and the interference of a US do-gooder, plus Constitutional issues.



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
This will certainly be very interesting, considering that the new constitution is as clear as it can possibly be. There is no room for ambiguity. Here is the section of the new constitution of interest, the full constitution is available at the link at the end:

De la Nacionalidad

Art?culo 16. Son dominicanas y dominicanos:

a) Quienes ya gocen de la nacionalidad antes de la entrada en vigor de la presente Constituci?n.

b) Los nacidos en el territorio nacional, con excepci?n de los que fueren hijos de extranjeros miembros de legaciones diplom?ticas y consulares o de extranjeros que se hallaren en tr?nsito o residieren ilegalmente en territorio dominicano.

c) Los nacidos en el territorio nacional de padres desconocidos o ap?tridas.

d) Los nacidos en el territorio nacional de padres extranjeros si la legislaci?n de su pa?s de origen no les atribuye ninguna nacionalidad.

e) Los nacidos en el extranjero, de padre o madre dominicanos, no obstante haber adquirido, por el lugar de nacimiento, una nacionalidad distinta a la de sus padres. Una vez alcanzada la edad de dieciocho a?os, podr?n manifestar su voluntad, ante la autoridad competente de asumir la doble nacionalidad o renunciar a una de ellas.

f) Quienes contrajeren matrimonio con un dominicano o dominicana, siempre que opten por la nacionalidad de su c?nyuge y se hallen en condiciones de cumplir los requisitos impuestos por la ley.

g) Los descendientes directos de dominicanos residentes en el exterior.

h) Los naturalizados. La ley fijar? las condiciones y formalidades requeridas para la naturalizaci?n.

The New Constitution


bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Certainly the American government wouldn't like a prominent family member of any famous family that was not American coming to the states to openly talk about some of the controversial USA policies like renditions.....etc.


Apr 28, 2006
They already met yesterday with the president of the Junta Central Electoral, Julio C?sar Casta?os Guzm?n. From the looks of things and how Mr Castanos Guzman always conducts himself, they had a civil conversation.

Santo Domingo.- El presidente de la Junta Central Electoral, Julio C?sar Casta?os Guzm?n, se reuni? en la ma?ana de ayer con la se?ora Kerry Kennedy, del Centro Robert Kennedy de los Estados Unidos, y Sonia Pierre, directora del Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico Haitianas (MUHDA) con quienes trat? la situaci?n de los inmigrantes haitianos que residen en la Rep?blica Dominicana.

La Rep?blica - Presidente JCE recibe a Kerry Kennedy y a Sonia Pierre
Last edited:
May 12, 2005
Sonia Pierre needs should use her energies to address and improve that total disaster of a country called Haiti. It certainly needs the help. All I have to say to her and Kennedy, vete mujeres, vete!


Apr 28, 2006
Hija Robert Kennedy pide a JCE regular indocumentados

Kennedy has expressed herself and the media has reported. So far no lynching.;)

Santo Domingo.- La presidenta del Centro Robert Kennedy de los Estados Unidos, Kerry Kennedy, y la directora del Movimiento de Mujeres Dom?nico Haitianas (MUHDA), Sonia Pierre, externaron su preocupaci?n al presidente de la Junta Central Electoral (JCE) por la situaci?n de los inmigrantes haitianos que residen en el pa?s sin documentos de identidad

La Rep?blica - Hija Robert Kennedy pide a JCE regular indocumentados

Mr. Lu

Mar 26, 2007

This will certainly be very interesting, considering that the new constitution is as clear as it can possibly be. There is no room for ambiguity. Here is the section of the new constitution of interest, the full constitution is available at the link at the end:

De la Nacionalidad

Art?culo 16. Son dominicanas y dominicanos:

a) Quienes ya gocen de la nacionalidad antes de la entrada en vigor de la presente Constituci?n.

b) Los nacidos en el territorio nacional, con excepci?n de los que fueren hijos de extranjeros miembros de legaciones diplom?ticas y consulares o de extranjeros que se hallaren en tr?nsito o residieren ilegalmente en territorio dominicano.

c) Los nacidos en el territorio nacional de padres desconocidos o ap?tridas.

d) Los nacidos en el territorio nacional de padres extranjeros si la legislaci?n de su pa?s de origen no les atribuye ninguna nacionalidad.

e) Los nacidos en el extranjero, de padre o madre dominicanos, no obstante haber adquirido, por el lugar de nacimiento, una nacionalidad distinta a la de sus padres. Una vez alcanzada la edad de dieciocho a?os, podr?n manifestar su voluntad, ante la autoridad competente de asumir la doble nacionalidad o renunciar a una de ellas.

f) Quienes contrajeren matrimonio con un dominicano o dominicana, siempre que opten por la nacionalidad de su c?nyuge y se hallen en condiciones de cumplir los requisitos impuestos por la ley.

g) Los descendientes directos de dominicanos residentes en el exterior.

h) Los naturalizados. La ley fijar? las condiciones y formalidades requeridas para la naturalizaci?n.

The New Constitution


Isn't (D) somewhat ambiguous? Considering that many Illegal Haitian don't have documentation and aren't registered in Haitian books, therefore when they come and have children here, their children can not obtain Haitian recognition because their parents aren't recognized. Therefore isn't there a default situation for giving a Haitian child citizenship?

Also, couldn't the fact that Haiti does not recognize dual citizenship be a cause of ambiguity when a Haitian child is born in the DR. It's a tough issue.

But at the end of the day its a Dominican / Haitian issue. What's Kennedy's vested interest in this issue?

Mr. Lu


Jul 25, 2007
Isn't (D) somewhat ambiguous? Considering that many Illegal Haitian don't have documentation and aren't registered in Haitian books, therefore when they come and have children here, their children can not obtain Haitian recognition because their parents aren't recognized. Therefore isn't there a default situation for giving a Haitian child citizenship?

Also, couldn't the fact that Haiti does not recognize dual citizenship be a cause of ambiguity when a Haitian child is born in the DR. It's a tough issue.

But at the end of the day its a Dominican / Haitian issue. What's Kennedy's vested interest in this issue?

Mr. Lu

Political street cred, nothing else nothing more. Unfortunately, the Haitian people will benefit little from this more than likely.

Mr. Lu

Mar 26, 2007

Political street cred, nothing else nothing more. Unfortunately, the Haitian people will benefit little from this more than likely.

I guess that is the saddest part of this all. Media prancing and in the end Haitians still have no government. No resources and no real plan to rehabilitate their country.

Mr. Lu


Jul 25, 2007
I guess that is the saddest part of this all. Media prancing and in the end Haitians still have no government. No resources and no real plan to rehabilitate their country.

Mr. Lu

Heck, my client's resort project in Haiti will no doubt benefit Haiti more than all of these blowhards! I'll be going there soon to do the survey and am really looking forward to it to.

May 5, 2007
Some may try to associate Kerry K with politics, but she has been a hard working and vocal spokesperson for impoverished people all over the world

Have any of you "being Catholic?' Impressive how a Catholic raised girl, a Kennedy no less takes on the Catholic Church for its view on abortion

Maybe she has a political agenda, maybe she doesn't; but if it is personal gain she better do something soon as she isn't getting any younger :glasses:


Apr 28, 2006
What is all the fuzz about, she is a human rights activist and does what activist do. Apparently she has ruffled some here, which means she is pushing the right buttons. Its good to see that some in the Dominican media are not some right wing nut job or some loco nacionalista.


On Vacation!
Sep 3, 2006
Obviously, the guy who has been dyeing Michael Jackson's skin over the years can find decent business in the DR doing the same thing. Although I have been told only Haitians can be black and Dominicans cannot, regardless of how dark their skin is......


? bient?t

What is all the fuzz about, she is a human rights activist and does what activist do. Apparently she has ruffled some here, which means she is pushing the right buttons. Its good to see that some in the Dominican media are not some right wing nut job or some loco nacionalista.

What mi primo Hidalgo said.


Jul 25, 2007
Maybe she has a political agenda, maybe she doesn't; but if it is personal gain she better do something soon as she isn't getting any younger :glasses:

Maybe political is not the right word, nonetheless her NPO will certainly receive more donations because of stunts like this.

I think their goals are unrealistic and ideolistic to say the least. What do they really have to gain by allowing Haitians to be legal in this country - access to all the free and great services that they don't have now that all Dominicans have?

Why don't they do something pragmatical like help the numerous legal Haitians studying here in the DR, who can actually effect real change in Haiti? Re mountanannie's post:



Dec 11, 2003
Los nacidos en el territorio nacional de padres desconocidos o ap?tridas.

Since under the Haitian Constitution only those whose parents were born in Haiti have a right to Haitian citizenship, it seems that the new constitution opens a path for a portion of the Dominican Haitianos of Pierres Constituentes who are considered officially stateless.


Apr 28, 2006
And what you say goes back to the observation made by Mr. Lu....
Isn't (D) somewhat ambiguous? Considering that many Illegal Haitian don't have documentation and aren't registered in Haitian books, therefore when they come and have children here, their children can not obtain Haitian recognition because their parents aren't recognized. Therefore isn't there a default situation for giving a Haitian child citizenship?

Also, couldn't the fact that Haiti does not recognize dual citizenship be a cause of ambiguity when a Haitian child is born in the DR. It's a tough issue.

But at the end of the day its a Dominican / Haitian issue. What's Kennedy's vested interest in this issue?


d) Los nacidos en el territorio nacional de padres extranjeros si la legislaci?n de su pa?s de origen no les atribuye ninguna nacionalidad.

This may just help those stateless individuals who every descent person should have feelings for. Statelessness is one of the worst physically, emotionally, psychologically status to be in .


Jul 25, 2007
And what you say goes back to the observation made by Mr. Lu....


This may just help those stateless individuals who every descent person should have feelings for. Statelessness is one of the worst physically, emotionally, psychologically status to be in .

Really no offense primo, tut this is just typicall huff and puff liberal ideology that has no substance.

I'm sure by far the majority of the Haitians in this now "limbo" situation will have no problem moving back and forth to Haiti when necessary. In fact they do it all of the time - if you are not sure visit me in Gurabo and you can talk to my Haitian neighbors.

Furthermore, when people are hungry and in need, they could care less about all of this idealistic mumbo jumbo, all they can think about is their next meal.

Therefore, again I ask, what benefits other that the highly subjective ones you mentioned will Haitians reap by having residency?

Has anyone even considered the what would happen to the stability of the DR if all illegal Haitians would automatically have legal status in this country given the porous and ineffective border?

The only real benefit that I can see is that it will be easy for Haitian children to get an education, but supposedly this already is available to them here. But at what price - the very real potential of instability in the DR? I would like to know of the DR1'ers who actually live here in the DR think - not those who sit at a comfortable distance and not have to bear the ramifications of poor decisions.