Venting again...

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Mar 22, 2006
You guys are comparing apples to oranges, comparing USA public health system to the Dominican private system, if any of you get sick and go to a public hospital in the DR (I know, I know you would never go there, too dirty, too crowded bla bla bla) you won't get charged a dime, or a really little amount. Of course you don't choose that, you choose the really shiny HOMS or Cedimat, and of course, there you have to pay.

The same situation as if I for example show up at one of the rehab clinics that millionaire uses to get detox (nor that I need any rehab of any kind), if I don't pay them at least 50% before the ingreso, I won't get any treatment. Now we are comparing apples to apples.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
more than 60% of the people who use our hospitals in the borders are from haiti. thousands and thousands of haitians come every year here to have their baby. We have to pay for them, and americans say nothing.
Now, we have 3 dominican women in USA having their baby and you are crying.

.... and if WE did say something you would bitch about us saying something.
Telling us to mind our own business, this isn't America.

Why should we (Americans) say something about you (Dominicans) allowing Haitians to have their babies in the DR?

Are we your guardians?
What a silly statement.

So, why DON'T you Dominicans do something about the thousands and thousands of Haitians who come every year here to have their baby?



Mar 22, 2006
Speaking of apples to oranges. ExtremeR, does this post have anything to do with Dominicans abusing the US health care system?

minverva feliz, Thank you for pointing out some relevant facts.

Was responding to a previous posts of Don Santiago and Sking where they said that if the same happened in the DR they would drop dead in the emergency room.


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
Extreme R

You guys are comparing apples to oranges, comparing USA public health system to the Dominican private system, if any of you get sick and go to a public hospital in the DR (I know, I know you would never go there, too dirty, too crowded bla bla bla) you won't get charged a dime, or a really little amount. Of course you don't choose that, you choose the really shiny HOMS or Cedimat, and of course, there you have to pay.

The same situation as if I for example show up at one of the rehab clinics that millionaire uses to get detox (nor that I need any rehab of any kind), if I don't pay them at least 50% before the ingreso, I won't get any treatment. Now we are comparing apples to apples.

Walk into any public funded hospital ER in the USA and read the Declaration posted on the wall in at least 2 Languages, If you make it in here on your own they have to treat you! no Refusing. I did have a friend here in your public system but because he was a foreigner, was having to pay, this was a public clinic on Independencia here in the capital. COULD NOT CHECK OUT UNTIL PAID AND DIED OF DENGUE. And that is your apple to apple.

As far as the suing the person that sponsored the person, hell we cant even deport illegals we have either caught or know where they are at it costs more to sue than we can get out of them. Obama's aunt from Nigeria is still living in public housing in Boston, in defiance of a court order deportation.

I have not ever lived in NYC have visited 2 times, the best 2 places are jfk, and laguardia, but I can go the US consulate here in the capital, and get the directions to most of the SS and welfare offices in NYC. now why is that?


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
You guys are comparing apples to oranges, comparing USA public health system to the Dominican private system, if any of you get sick and go to a public hospital in the DR (I know, I know you would never go there, too dirty, too crowded bla bla bla) you won't get charged a dime, or a really little amount. Of course you don't choose that, you choose the really shiny HOMS or Cedimat, and of course, there you have to pay.

The same situation as if I for example show up at one of the rehab clinics that millionaire uses to get detox (nor that I need any rehab of any kind), if I don't pay them at least 50% before the ingreso, I won't get any treatment. Now we are comparing apples to apples.

So the next time the wife gets pregnant I will rush her to the DR for free baby delivery.

So, your statement admits in principle that the Dominicans are rushing to the U.S. not only for the free baby delivery, but the "Fast Track to American Citizenship"!

Your defense is that there are ex-pats in the DR and they potentially could do the same thing.

You and I both know that is an unlikely event.

But it is a possibility, so therefore it's okay for the mothers to rush to the U.S. to have their babies, FREE and CLEAR.

Do you hold a political office?
You could win with that logic in the DR.

(I know, I know you would never go there, too dirty, too crowded bla bla bla)

Your original tune was that ex-pats were doing the same thing in the DR, you changed your tune.

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Mar 22, 2006
Walk into any public funded hospital ER in the USA and read the Declaration posted on the wall in at least 2 Languages, If you make it in here on your own they have to treat you! no Refusing. I did have a friend here in your public system but because he was a foreigner, was having to pay, this was a public clinic on Independencia here in the capital. COULD NOT CHECK OUT UNTIL PAID AND DIED OF DENGUE. And that is your apple to apple.

As far as the suing the person that sponsored the person, hell we cant even deport illegals we have either caught or know where they are at it costs more to sue than we can get out of them. Obama's aunt from Nigeria is still living in public housing in Boston, in defiance of a court order deportation.

I have not ever lived in NYC have visited 2 times, the best 2 places are jfk, and laguardia, but I can go the US consulate here in the capital, and get the directions to most of the SS and welfare offices in NYC. now why is that?

I call BS on that, if that actually happened it it would have been a huge scandal, is there any links in any newspaper of that case, or are you just trying to escalate things a bit fabricating stuff?? Head to Maternidad La Altagracia and watch how many Haitian foreigners are giving birth there with no bill to pay.

That kind of things happens in Clinicas only as a friend that I had (really good baseball player) died after some delincuentes shot the car he was, got injured by the bullets and his friends took him to Clinica Indepedencia, in the ER they demanded DR$20,000 or they wouldn't touch him. Poor kid died after 4 hours waiting assistance. But that was in a clinic, not in a hospital.


Nov 22, 2007
Walk into any public funded hospital ER in the USA and read the Declaration posted on the wall in at least 2 Languages, If you make it in here on your own they have to treat you! no Refusing. I did have a friend here in your public system but because he was a foreigner, was having to pay, this was a public clinic on Independencia here in the capital. COULD NOT CHECK OUT UNTIL PAID AND DIED OF DENGUE. And that is your apple to apple.

As far as the suing the person that sponsored the person, hell we cant even deport illegals we have either caught or know where they are at it costs more to sue than we can get out of them. Obama's aunt from Nigeria is still living in public housing in Boston, in defiance of a court order deportation.

I have not ever lived in NYC have visited 2 times, the best 2 places are jfk, and laguardia, but I can go the US consulate here in the capital, and get the directions to most of the SS and welfare offices in NYC. now why is that?
It is a scam and these people should be sued by the government and their families here should have their wages garnished to pay for these bills. I don't know why the government is not doing that....they say alot and do nothing. I am sure that if people's wages started getting garnished, they wouldn't be so quick to run their pregnant cousin to the Social Services office. As a taxpayer, I am sick of it.
My patient has just recieved her Epidural, very costly in materials, medication, and Anesthesiologist's time...I should've just handed him (the Anesthesiologist) my wallet. And these are not just Dominicans doing this, I must stress that. I am only commenting on Dominicans because that is what I have had recently as patients.
To whom do I write to ask why sponsors are not being held responsible for their families bills???


Nov 22, 2007
Gotta go. My work shift is over and in a few hours I will be in sky headed to Santiago...Legally
Jun 18, 2007
Walk into any public funded hospital ER in the USA and read the Declaration posted on the wall in at least 2 Languages, If you make it in here on your own they have to treat you! no Refusing. I did have a friend here in your public system but because he was a foreigner, was having to pay, this was a public clinic on Independencia here in the capital. COULD NOT CHECK OUT UNTIL PAID AND DIED OF DENGUE. And that is your apple to apple.

As far as the suing the person that sponsored the person, hell we cant even deport illegals we have either caught or know where they are at it costs more to sue than we can get out of them. Obama's aunt from Nigeria is still living in public housing in Boston, in defiance of a court order deportation.

I have not ever lived in NYC have visited 2 times, the best 2 places are jfk, and laguardia, but I can go the US consulate here in the capital, and get the directions to most of the SS and welfare offices in NYC. now why is that?

I thought Obama's roots are in Kenia not Nigeria;)


New member
May 4, 2009
Write to your representative!

If you really feel strongly about this one way or another, I think the most effective thing to do would be (if you are a U.S. citizen) to write your Representative in Congress. Just don't use this mailbox to mail your letter:

Here is a link to find your Rep:

DR1 is pretty sweet, and it's nice to debate on here, but in the end nothing will probably come of it. Immigration laws are made by Congress, so read up on it some more, write to them and let them know what you think should be done to change it.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Was responding to a previous posts of Don Santiago and Sking where they said that if the same happened in the DR they would drop dead in the emergency room.
USA > USA Guide > Health > Hospitals
In case of critical emergencies, you will usually be taken to the nearest hospital (private or public), even if you have no health insurance and are unable to pay. However, note that the world ?critical? refers to life-threatening situations only. If you?ve broken your leg in a car accident, this might not be considered critical (you?ll probably survive but might never walk properly again).
I stand by my statement..........
Try telling a Dominican Clinic you have no money to pay, they will let you die first.



Mar 22, 2006
REPEAT: Myself and SKing are NOT against LEGAL immigration from ANY nationality.


So, your statement admits in principle that the Dominicans are rushing to the U.S. not only for the free baby delivery, but the "Fast Track to American Citizenship"!

Nice way to contradict yourself Don, I knew it was the bolded part that irked you.

I agreed earlier that clinics may leave you dying if you don't pay as the example I wrote in a previous post, (I believe since that incident the laws changed, they have to treat you and when stabilized send you to a public hospital). But I really doubt Dominicans girl on visa goes to a private clinic in USA to give birth.

Also I believe Sking post is full of assumptions, how does she knows that girl is on a visitor visa and isn't a resident or even a US citizen?? How does she knows that the girl is poor as she stated in the OP. A visa holder doesn't have any sponsor, they get the visa in the assumption they will return to the country and has ties in the DR and of course a hefty bank account.

It is really difficult to get a visitor visa to the US nowadays, as I have a female friend which has a good paying job (35,000.00), has real state and some savings and she got denied because she was too young and single. So is no everybody who can get into the USA with a B2 as everybody assume here.
May 5, 2007

I agree with your anger over the abuse, but have to ask: As a Health Care Professional (Nurse I assume from your posts) how do you have access to the patients private and very sensitive insurance information?

No one, outside of billing, administration etc. should know whether the patient is worth a Billion dollars or has no means to pay for a band aid
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Retired Ussername
Jan 9, 2002
I have a few thoughts, Ms King.

1. I hope that the status (legal or financial) of whomever you are treating does not affect your treatment of that patient. After all, they are a human being, and you are a medical professional trained to treat human beings, and not just citizens or "legals" whom have some money or insurance. I'm sorry if I have misinterpreted your venting to be that of a nurse, instead of that of a taxpayer.

Is this topic something that you or other staff grouses about daily at the nurses station, or in the break room ? - it's toxic and can cloud one's judgment and perspective. The patient's immigration status or ability to pay should not cloud your professional work, if your hospital made the decision to accept people without the ability to pay.

The only thing professionals should be seeing when they enter a patient's room is another human being who needs their skills. If it does affect your outlook, maybe you should look for a different job in a hospital that does not accept these types of patients and focus on being a nurse. Then again, it might not pay as well.

2. Many of the game's rules were written in Congress by New England politicians with large amounts of voters with foreign origins in their districts, or by do-gooders. The only thing you can do to change this is to vote for someone who shares your views.

3. Immigration laws were written so that any child born in the US is a US citizen, regardless of their mother's legal status. Again, the only way to change this is by voting. Them's the rules of the game as written by politicians. Are you blaming mommy for playing by the rules as they stand to give her unborn child what she perceives as an advantage?

Do you now want to involve Immigration in Healthcare, and verify each patient's immigration status and legality, before commencing any form of treatment? If so, that's what is clogging up the healthcare system - too many many people involved, too many forms, too much INFORMATION. Get on with the treatment.

In the DR, any child born in the DR is also dominican, IF their mother has legal status in the DR at the time of birth. Who wrote those rules ? Dominican politicians who know that the issue of not allowing illegal Haitian (or other nationalities) mothers to gain Dominican citizenship for their new children is important to their supporters.

4. As far as receiving other forms of help offered following a birth, like WIC, etc - there are plenty of "white trash" and other folks in the US who also take advantage of the same programs. How are they any different - luck of birth, better game players, what?

To me there is no difference between a US citizen who is an unmarried woman living in the South Bronx who has never worked a day in her life but managed to have 4 kids by 4 different men, and a dominicana (or any other nationality) who managed to get to the US by any means possible to have her kid(s), and plays by the same rules. These kinds of folks are all looking for something "free" and they all add to the tab for the rest of US citizens' tax bills.

Maybe Obama should include another universal provision in his healthcare plans: EVERYONE needs to pay the first ($1000, $2000, $5000,whatever) every year for their healthcare requirements, and after that, they can talk to the government or the hospital about what help is then available for their particular situation. Nobody gets a free ride, NOBODY. Their family can go out and pick up cans or cardboard to sell to meet the deductible before they get treated. It would be similar to the DR where anyone can get "free" medical attention, but must go out to buy whatever meds or IVs are needed for their treatment at a pharmacy.


Feb 3, 2002
If Sking had been born in The DR she too would have tried to make it to the US to have her babies with a US citizenship...end of story.


Oct 24, 2004
Just wondering, Shalena, do you know for a fact these women had legitimate visas? There seems to be very little hindrance to anyone entering the U.S. illegally. A few months ago a Dominican acquaintance of my spouse told us he was headed to the U.S. thru Mexico and crossing the border in Texas. At the time the going rate was U$ 13,000. Sounds a little steep to me but if you can't get a legit. visa it might be worth it to give your child dual citizenship.


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
more than 60% of the people who use our hospitals in the borders are from haiti. thousands and thousands of haitians come every year here to have their baby. We have to pay for them, and americans say nothing.
Now, we have 3 dominican women in USA having their baby and you are crying.

Americans say a lot, they force us to accept them!.


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
You see them getting WIC? You see them getting wellfare?? those children's once born return to the DR to be raised, I have known several families with more money that you can imagine doing that same thing, the only reason is to give their children a choice when they grow up where do they want to make their lives.

I have notice that you are really against Dominican immigration to the USA Sking, and I think that is a bit hypocritical having in mind you live in Santiago, in the DR. That 'I can get into your country, even live there, but I'll be really mad if you do the same in my country" attitude is really disturbing, well at least for me. I know not everybody will agree with me because this is an ex-pat forum but start thinking how Dominicans who live in the USA got there in the first place, the ones you chit chat with in NY or even the ones who post in DR1, they may have been sponsored by a family member, but that family member had to get a way to get in USA in the first place.

I think Shalena is a firm believer the last two good wetback that got into the US were her parents, so please "shut the door".


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
You are totally misunderstanding me. I have MANY Dominican friends here in NYC and in NC that have immigrated, even at an older age but you know what? They WORK, they pay thier bills.
I am a Registered Nurse, so honey when I get a pt...I know their insurance and because I work in Labor and Delivery, I know whether they get Medicaid, Food Stamps, or WIC. I would not have posted this thread if they were private insurance patients. I PAY FOR MEDICAID, AMERICANS PAY FOR MEDICAID...and I just feel that if you are sponsored to be here "visiting", you should not be getting free health care, infant formula, or food....period. If your sponsor can't pay for you, you shouldn't be here.
These people give me a headache, thank God this is my last workday and I will be in Santiago in the early AM...

Do you know what they would say to me at HOMS if I showed up pregnant and told them I had no insurance and expected top notch medical care, and also some infant formula, and a debit card to buy food for the length of my stay in DR?:surprised

Since Shalena is a nurse she should be familiar with this;

"I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly to faithfully practice my profession of nursing. I will do all in my power to make and maintain the highest standards and practices of my profession.
I will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping in the practice of my calling. I will assist the physician in his work and will devote myself to the welfare of my patients, my family, and my community.
I will endeavor to fulfill my rights and privileges as a good citizen and take my share of responsibility in promoting the health and welfare of the community.
I will constantly endeavor to increase my knowledge and skills in nursing and to use them wisely. I will zealously seek to nurse those who are ill wherever they may be and whenever they are in need.

I will be active in assisting others in safeguarding and promoting the health and happiness of mankind."

.........but she is proposing to leave unattended pregnant women about to deliver their babies,
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