Cholera in Casa de Campo


Feb 8, 2003
Are you enemy of Casa de Campo or DR to alarm with that title?
There is not cholera in CDC. A group of venezuelans were celebrating a wedding in CDC with chefs and food from Venezuela that maybe does not know how to manage food in the tropics. and that food had the cholera bacteria.


Aug 10, 2005
Are you enemy of Casa de Campo or DR to alarm with that title?
There is not cholera in CDC. A group of venezuelans were celebrating a wedding in CDC with chefs and food from Venezuela that maybe does not know how to manage food in the tropics. and that food had the cholera bacteria.

So are you saying that the cholera was brought from Venezuela. How many cases of cholera have been identified in Venezuela.


Jan 1, 2002
I have been advised of this issue. the lab tests are not back. If it was as some posters have noted, then it was probably mishandled well as the possibility of local veggies being improperly washed...I do not know the full circumstances.

Have to wait a bit..



Jan 1, 2002
So are you saying that the cholera was brought from Venezuela. How many cases of cholera have been identified in Venezuela.

No, I think what is being said was that you were off base putting the blame on Casa de Campo when there are other possibilities and, as Hillbilly pointed out, the lab results are not yet all in.


Aug 10, 2005
No, I think what is being said was that you were off base putting the blame on Casa de Campo when there are other possibilities and, as Hillbilly pointed out, the lab results are not yet all in.

I never put the blame in Casa de Campo or nobody, since the paper reflects is was found in Casa de Campo, meaning a villa inside CDC. There plenty of people sick because of this. It is not a lie.


Jan 1, 2002
My source was my old Venezuelan roommate from prep school. so we go way back. His friends are among the ill and his doctor is treating 13 of the patients. The Venezuelan Minister of Health spoke on television yesterday, She mentiones the DR.

I expect to hear from my friend tomorrow after lab work comes back..


this just in from Venezuela: He wrote

Efectivamente era una boda de venzolanos. Hay 37 casos. Entre los que fueron hay unos afectados; otros que no lo estan. Por la investigacion que se ha hecho se ha detrminado que los afectados comieron un ceviche de camarones que se ofrec?a en la boda y los no afectados no lo comieron. Aparentemente por ahi esta la cosa.
En cuanto a los comentarios no se si la comida y pasapalos vinieron de Caracas pero ese que dice que a lo mejor no sabemos como manejar la comida en el tropico se olvida donde est? Venezuela. Es ridiculo!
Te mantendr? informado.

No comment...HB


May 3, 2000
The Ministry of Public Health Bautista Gomez Rojas confirmed on Thursday, 27 January that there had been nine cases of cholera of around 500 persons attending a wedding at the villa of Gustavo Cisneros in La Romana, as reported in LaZ101digital. The confirmation comes after the story broke in Venezuela, following a press conference by the Venezuelan Health Minister that cases of cholera had been reported in Venezuela and were traced to Venezuelans returning from an event in the DR. The Ministry routinely reports once a week on cholera cases.
This is the first major outbreak to occur. All those affected have recovered he said. Several of those attending the wedding had traveled back to their home countries, primarily Venezuela.
The Minister of Public Health said the situation was quickly subject to control protocols to avoid spreading. All those attending the event were notified. He said that none other than those who ate lobster at the party are known to have been contaminated. The investigation revealed the contamination could have occurred with improper refrigeration and lack of appropriate cooking. The lobster came from Pedernales, on the border with Haiti and that is known for the best lobster in the country.
Gomez Rojas said that as soon as the outbreak was suspect authorities in Venezuela and the Panamerican Health Organization offices in Washington, D.C. were notified. He said the private party took place on Saturday and the incubation period was 8 to 48 hours.
Local news reports indicate that Fernando Hazoury, one of the owners of Cap Cana, was hospitalized after attending the party at the private villa in Casa de Campo and has recovered.
The lobster was served by a third party caterer, not by Casa de Campo itself. Ironically, Casa de Campo itself has just completed the installation of a US$9 million state of the art kitchen facility to guarantee food service to their customers.

For an overview on cholera and travelers, see
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New member
Jan 10, 2011
since cholera is spread by contaminated water, it seems more likely its a case of the amoebas we all try to avoid by not eating raw anything. We'll have to wait for the lab results to be sure, but I seriously doubt this many people came down with cholera from a trip to Casa de Campo. Proper handwashing, drinking bottled water, and avoiding uncooked food and salads that you haven't prepared yourself are the best ways of self-protection from food borne illnesses.
Jan 17, 2009
Are you enemy of Casa de Campo or DR to alarm with that title?
There is not cholera in CDC. A group of venezuelans were celebrating a wedding in CDC with chefs and food from Venezuela that maybe does not know how to manage food in the tropics. and that food had the cholera bacteria.

Venezuelan not used to manage food in the tropics? You must be kidding me. Venezuela is a tropical country and the north coast is on the Caribbean (including Caracas) !!


Jan 1, 2002
Dolores: My friend in Venezuela tells me that there are 3 dozen ill in Venezuelan clinics.



Feb 8, 2003
My source was my old Venezuelan roommate from prep school. so we go way back. His friends are among the ill and his doctor is treating 13 of the patients. The Venezuelan Minister of Health spoke on television yesterday, She mentiones the DR.

I expect to hear from my friend tomorrow after lab work comes back..


this just in from Venezuela: He wrote

Efectivamente era una boda de venzolanos. Hay 37 casos. Entre los que fueron hay unos afectados; otros que no lo estan. Por la investigacion que se ha hecho se ha detrminado que los afectados comieron un ceviche de camarones que se ofrec?a en la boda y los no afectados no lo comieron. Aparentemente por ahi esta la cosa.
En cuanto a los comentarios no se si la comida y pasapalos vinieron de Caracas pero ese que dice que a lo mejor no sabemos como manejar la comida en el tropico se olvida donde est? Venezuela. Es ridiculo!
Te mantendr? informado.

No comment...HB

Se perfectamente donde queda Venezuela. he ido varias veces. Sin embargo en Venezuela no existe la infraestructura de manejo de alimentos que existe en Punta cana o Casa de Campo. Todo este escandalo que armado tu presidente Ch?vez no tiene otra intenci?n que no sea la de denostar un pais competencia en el ambito turistico y vengarse de su archienemigo politico Gustavos Cisneros, quien posee grandes inversiones en CDC.
Porqu? en varios meses que lleva la epidemia del C?lera no se ha registrado un solo caso en el area hotelera del Este? Precisamente porque los chefs y la infraestructura en el ?rea de manejo de alimentos que poseemos es muy superior a la de Venezuela.
Mar 1, 2009
Chavez will stop at nothing to smear Cisneros. Plus all other caribbean basin countries have been itching to snatch away whatever piece of DR's tourism business they can. We have the hotels, infrasctructure, location and human capital to continue as the leading spot for tourism in the Caribbeann.


Jun 4, 2008
This sound very suspicious at best!

I wonder why not a single case of Cholera has been reported in New York City, Puerto Rico or Madrid, they have the largest Dominican population out side of the DR, even in the DR the cholera cases that has been reported come from Haitians and Dominicans in the border region.

I pretty much doubt that those Venezuela tourist got the cholera when they were vacationing in the DR (Casa de Campo).

Don't tell that at least one of the thousand of Dominicans traveling every single day from the DR to NYC hasn't been reported with cholera yet, but tourist in a rich hotel complex far away from the border has been contaminated. I don't believe it.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
The lobster came from Pedernales, on the border with Haiti and that is known for the best lobster in the country.
And that's the most likely reason.

The people that caught the lobster were probably Haitians or Dominicans, contaminated with Cholera (or the river that dumps water in that area may had been contaminated, since in Haiti rivers are often used as human waste disposals), and the rest is history.

As long as people want to pretend that a fluid border is not a big deal, events like this will continue to happen.

As usual, Dominicans authorities prefer to learn the hard way.

On a positive note, we're halfway through the high tourist season. While this could affect the rest of the season, it probably won't be enough to ruin it.

Can't wait for the next outbreak of some other disease in Haiti. We all know its only a matter of time. Every year something happens over there and it spills over thanks to the laissez faire attitude regarding the border.
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
This sound very suspicious at best!

I wonder why not a single case of Cholera has been reported in New York City, Puerto Rico or Madrid, they have the largest Dominican population out side of the DR, even in the DR the cholera cases that has been reported come from Haitians and Dominicans in the border region.

I pretty much doubt that those Venezuela tourist got the cholera when they were vacationing in the DR (Casa de Campo).

Don't tell that at least one of the thousand of Dominicans traveling every single day from the DR to NYC hasn't been reported with cholera yet, but tourist in a rich hotel complex far away from the border has been contaminated. I don't believe it.
The average Dominicanyork doesn't eat lobster caught in Pedernales, right next to Haiti on every trip. Nor does most tourists!


Dec 11, 2003
The lobster came from Pedernales, on the border with Haiti and that is known for the best lobster in the country.

Just wanted to say that I just came back from Pedernales and inspected the cholera treatment center in Anse A Pitres on the other side of the border.. which is run by Medicins Sans Frontier and Batay Relief Alliance. They have not have one single confirmed case of cholera there.. although the docs did say that they had had several suspected cases which were treated quickly. The lab work was sent to the MSF HQ in PauP and had not come back yet... Investigative reporters may want to contact the Cuban trained Haitian doctor who works for BRA for an update.