Renewal of Tourist Card


New member
Jan 6, 2012

I have been living in DR for 2 years so far. Every 3 months I go to the capital and get a 90 day extension for my tourist visa. I do not plan to live here for more than another 2 years so do not want to get residency.

I have heard from many people (but can find nothing online about it) that this current situation is no longer permitted. I have heard that you can have 60 days when you first arrive and that is it. If you wish to stay longer you MUST start residency (for which I have been quoted US$1000) or pay $450 for a medical in order to get another 60 days.

Please, does anyone know the truth? When my current tourist card finishes in the middle of February will I have to make the choice of either leaving the country or paying for residency?

Awaiting your answers .... ? :confused:

Thank you.


Jan 1, 2002
I am not 100% sure but I have not heard that they have changed the rules that much. Max fine is like $150 dollars for 5 years overstay...but you can ask around.



Apr 3, 2011
Good point HB, so why not just pay the fine or take a trip to Dajabon and cross the border every 3 months.???


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I have been living in the DR for about 9 months. Flew to Georgia in July and Las Vegas in October. Am flying to Florida next Friday, I will have been over 60 days straight by then. If anything unusual happens I will post it. But like the moderator said I haven't heard any news about any changes. You would think that if they made a major change like that you would have seen more about it on the news seeing as alot of people stay here past 60 days. captboink
Jan 10, 2012
Hi, I'm a U.S Citizen and I've been staying in D.R for more than 5 years and I have not renewed my tourist card in that period of time. I would like to know, how much will I have to pay to leave the country? I'm planning to go to California on the 26th of this month, but want to know how much do I have to pay? I did stay once for 3 years and only paid $30 but that was 10yrs ago. Does anybody know?
032 De 30 dias a 3 meses 800.00
033 De 3 meses a 9 meses 1,000.00
034 De 9 meses a 1 a?o 2,500.00
035 De 1 a?o a 1 a?o y 6 meses 4,000.00
036 De 1 a?o y medio a 2 a?os 5,000.00
037 De 2 a?os a 2 a?os y 6 meses 6,500.00
038 De 2 a?os y medio a 3 a?os 9,000.00
039 De 2 a?os a 5 a?os 14,000.00
040 De 5 a?os en adelante 17,000.00

La Verdad

New member
Jan 4, 2009
Has the overstay policy changed or not?
The migration website has not been updated in three years.
Hopefully we can get a response from someone with legal knowledge or experience.

la verdad
Jan 10, 2012
Thanks for the info, I just hope that when I go that's what I'll be paying, $17,000 for the 5 yrs. It's like what la verdad said the website has not been updated since 2009.


May 29, 2004
Thanks for the info, I just hope that when I go that's what I'll be paying, $17,000 for the 5 yrs. It's like what la verdad said the website has not been updated since 2009.

What I've witnessed leaving via Pto Plata airport, is there is occasionally someone there between the metal detectors and the immigration booths that will ask how long I've stayed. For the 1000 pesos it usually costs me, I tell them the truth & they direct me to a line/room where I simply pay the 1000 pesos and get a receipt.

Now, in your case with 17000 pesos on the line, I'd suggest that when you go through immigration...

Fill out the form, and where it lists "length of stay" just put '5'. Don't add 'days' or 'weeks' or in your case, 'years'. If you're asked prior to the immigration booth itself, mumble "5 dias" & see if he waves you on past. Sometimes they'll flip through your passport looking for the entry stamp... and you're caught at that point. "Oh, I didn't say years?? Sorry, 5 years!"

If you make it past that hurdle, at the immigration booth, hopefully you'll get lucky enough that they don't take the time to find an entry stamp. If so, you'll be through quickly with 17000 pesos still in your pocket. If asked there, I'd come clean immediately & pay the fee.

Anyhow, I'd make them do their job to get the 17000 pesos from me. I wouldn't just walk up and say I owe you 17000 pesos. After 5 years, you know that no real Dominican would either!
Jan 10, 2012
Thanks Silver, I found it funny, but I think I'm going to do just that. I once stayed for 3 yrs and I only paid $30. They didn't even bothered to look at my passport for the entry stamp.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
It depends, I suppose, on luck and how busy they are. After we cleared security and headed over to the immigration desks at SDQ, two people stopped us and put their hands out for our passports and paperwork. One scribbled on the papers and then handed everything back to us. We had been there over 2 months, so I thought she had marked that we owed something [well, just me, he's a dual citizen], but they just stamped our passports and waved us on.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Hi guys,

Where in Santo Domingo do I need to go to update my tourist card?

PLease help!

Many thanks.



Oct 29, 2010
Anyone know if there is anything to stop you driving over the border to Haiti at Dajabon with an out-of-date tourist visa, paying the fine, then turning around and renewing it on the way back?


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
In response to all,

I went yesterday Jan.11,2012 to migration in SD, paid the usual 800pesos and got 3 months extension to my tourist visa.
No change from last year........Now you just have to get in line to recived an ID card before enterting.

PS. need photo copy of passport info page and page of entery stamp, you can get the copies done at the entrance for 5 or 10 pesos each.

Yes you can pay the fine when returning to your home country ( which is cheaper and less trouble ) but then for your stay in DR you are an illegal tourist and have no status in this country. Usually no problem if you do not run into any trouble in the DR.


Oct 24, 2004
While dealing with a totally different issue at the U.S. consulate, I was told by an official there that Dominican entry and exit stamps are routinely forged in peoples passports. Since U.S. passports are not stamped leaving the United States (or on return either when using Global Entry) the only way to verify a stay in the D.R. is to have immigration dept. issue proof. Since they won't be all that interested at the airport, perhaps some discrete inquiries around the parking lot at immigration might result in your obtaining the necessary stamps at a more reasonable cost. Just sayin'.
Last edited:
Jan 10, 2012
In response to all,

I went yesterday Jan.11,2012 to migration in SD, paid the usual 800pesos and got 3 months extension to my tourist visa.
No change from last year........Now you just have to get in line to recived an ID card before enterting.

PS. need photo copy of passport info page and page of entery stamp, you can get the copies done at the entrance for 5 or 10 pesos each.

Yes you can pay the fine when returning to your home country ( which is cheaper and less trouble ) but then for your stay in DR you are an illegal tourist and have no status in this country. Usually no problem if you do not run into any trouble in the DR.

Where do you have to get in line for an Id card? I also need photocopies of my passport entry stamp? Why do they need that for?