Recent content by Beatriz

  1. B

    Is it possible to pay in Euros the tourist card?

    Hello everybody, I hope someone can help me... Do you know if it is possible to pay in Euros the tourist Card at the airport? I suppose that it isn't.. What about changing Euros to Pesos in Punta Cana? Thank you...
  2. B

    Licey Airport

    Hello everybody, It's a long time since I last posted here... Happy to see everything goes well... This is a little question.. Is Licey Airport open? I have searched a bit in message archive but I'm not sure.. Is it possible to fly from NY? (I've read about Santiago Municipal, I suppose...
  3. B

    Happy new year everybody, and Congratulations Rob and Dolores...

    As some one has said, this is like arriving to a new city and feel a bit lost... But I'm sure that in two days I will move around the forums like at home... FELIZ A?O NUEVO A TODOS, hope 2002 will be a good year for us!!!