Recent content by rolfdog

  1. R


    I fear I have been using gustar wrongly at times. As a defective verb it is only conjugated in the third person. My confusion happens when in this hypothetical conversation: Te gusta a ella? Si, me gusta. Then I ask La gusto a mi? ( Do I please her?) I know that is not...
  2. R

    How does one say...

    How would one say ?I hope all went well?? 1)Espero que todo pas? bien, 2)Espero que todo parara bien. 3)Espero que todo haya pasado bien. I think I found the answer. I am aware of the rule with the imperfect subjunctive in that the starting verb needs to be in the preterite, or...
  3. R


    Can anyone tell me what aguanile means? Its a Marc Anthony song. Not in dictionary or RAE. Thanks Steve
  4. R


    Is oler only used in the third person like gustar? Can "yo huelo ajo" be said to say "I smell garlic"? Or am I saying that "I smell like garlic"? Should I have said "me huele ajo"? It might explain some bewildered looks. Steve
  5. R


    What does derb?z mean as in "La hora de derb?z" ? Its a slapstick comedy hour on Univisi?n. It is not in my dictionary or on RAE. Thanks in advance Steve
  6. R

    debo o deber?a

    How does one say "should" in spanish? I have seen and heard debo (de) hablar and deber?a (de) hablar for I should speak. Substitute any infinitive for hablar. I know "should" to me implies a possible future obligation or event. So to say I should go = me debo de ir, sounds to me as I must...
  7. R

    Proper spanish?

    Recently on a trip to Costa Rica, I saw several signs at a hotel that read: Sonrie (with a big yellow smiley face) Estas siendo grabado Smile, you're being filmed(recorded) What kind of construction is this? Present passive progressive? What other ways can this be written? Estamos...
  8. R


    Can anyone help me with cu?n? It seems a peculiar word and my dictionary says it means how, but as an adverb. I do not think I have ever heard it. Is it mainly used in writing? Some examples of its use would be appreciated. Steve
  9. R


    What is the translation for this? Its a telenovela and I can't find the definition in my dictionary or RAE. I know madrugada means early morning... between midnight and sunrise. Thanks Steve
  10. R

    spelling bee

    After seeing the final round of the recent US spelling bee, I wondered how popular they are in a spanish speaking world considering that spanish is such a phonetic language. Aside from confusing an s for a z or ll for y, Its pretty much spelled as it sounds. Don't get me started on the...
  11. R


    Does anybody have a link to new york times quality crosswords in spanish? Along with newspaper headlines, it is another tool to gain fluency. IMO it is the epitome of fluency. I never see someone (no matter how well educated) with english as their second language, tackle a sunday crossword...
  12. R

    La foto se me borr?

    I am having trouble translating the title of the song lLa foto se me borr?. The photo was erased by me?? Thanks Steve
  13. R

    Si and the subjunctive

    When does the preposition "si" (if) require the subjunctive mood? I sometimes hear and read it with the indicative mood. And If there ever were (was) a reason to use the subjuncive. it should be following "si". Steve
  14. R

    Se los recomiendo...

    Hi all, I've ben reading reviews of a hotel/resort written by spanish people and the phrase se los recomiendo... keeps popping up such as "se los recomiendo es un magnifico lugar para vacacionar. saludes" I can't figure out the construction. I assume they're saying I recommend them/these...
  15. R


    Can someone help with chivo. I know it can mean a male goat, cheat sheet, and pimp, among other things. Can it mean a cool or neat parson such as Que chivo un chico or se hace de chivo loco?? Steve