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  1. O

    Why you must get out of the DR now if you can?

    I've been a member for over 17 years. 10 of those years in the Recession thread I have maintained the same position namely that a global economic crisis and collapse as that which rocked the world during the Great Depression would come again. That time has come. The coronavirus pandemic has...
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    Dominicanize Yourself: Deception and Subterfuge

    There are ex-pats such as Messineymar. They are upfront, honest, straight shooter types. They are used to deals being done square, looking right in the eye where you mean what you say and say what you mean. Unfortunately, such is not always the case within the DR. I see a dichotomy between...
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    How many of the original members remain?

    I don't know if I qualify as an original but I am pretty old here by now. My original start date according to the older of the two O&C accounts is 3-21-2002. I have had a permanent problem between two accounts that to this day Rob & co. have been unable to repair. But that is a sideshow and...
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    When will the DR water systems be repaired?

    Why isn't there any discussion on repairing the water system? Why doesn't Pick and company ever speak of repairing the most basic fundamental resource which all humans need namely water? We can not drink the water in the DR. We can't bathe in pressurized water as in other parts of the world but...
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    Food prices

    Following the same mode of the exchange rate thread, how about a thread stating the food prices for the most basic staples. If this thread lasts like the other we can all see the change in prices and where the cheapest and most expensive is to be had. Just place the area and the prices. I'll...
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    Is there a DEATH-METAL scene within the DR? I just happened to stumble upon this and was wondering if there was a DEATH METAL scene in the DR. Or does this scene go counter to the Dominican culture? It would seem to be so since the DR...
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    I want the WEBSITE of

    the Dominican magazines online like SUCESOS which shows all the horrid crimes without any censorship that occur there. It appeared in a prior thread and someone posted the link. Thanks
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    Have any long time DR1 Contributors thought of opening up their own DR forum?

    There are some here who I think do qualify and I was wondering if any are considering doing that.
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    I don't know where to put this

    What happened to the REP points? It is an attempt to equalize us all, LOL. Here comes the resurrection of Lenin, HAHAHA. While you're at it, how about removing the number of posts. Then we will all truly be equal here in DR1 LAND.
  10. O

    Why don't we see candelabras in the DR?

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> As you can tell from this video, candelabras are used to hold candles. I, for one, have not seen many in the DR. It is an excellent way to hold...
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    What does it mean to be WHITE to a WHITE Dominican?

    The social conditioning thread truly opened my mind and got me to thinking on the question I placed in my title. What does it mean to be WHITE to a WHITE Dominican? Does it mean anything to be WHITE to a WHITE Dominican? Of course, this begs the question- What is WHITE in the DR? I feel that...
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    Will the cholera outbreak spell doom for the DR or is it just a nothingburger?

    Will cholera spread massively to the DR? If cholera spreads to the DR in an epidemic form, will DR's precious tourism jewel be affected? Will fear prone tourists avoid the DR at all costs and what will this mean for the DR?
  13. O

    REAL Crime Solutions for the DR

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  14. O

    Dominican mountains versus Costa Rican ones

    I love mountains. I love them a whole lot. I've seen the mountain ranges of Spain and the DR. I pick the mountain ranges of the DR over Spain. Constanza especially by the old cemetery has an unbelievable view of three massive mountains and their ranges which are singular in beauty, structure...
  15. O

    Do Dominicans like MUSICA DURANGUESA??

    I have recently heard this from a friend and I like it. I have never been exposed to this type of music before. I love the jumpy jerky feel to it. As a Dominican, I guess it must be strange to like it since I don't know other Dominicans who like it. Do any of you out there in DR1, Dominicans...
  16. O

    If the subsidies were removed, what would be the price?

    I have placed this in living since I guess it has to do with living in the DR but if it doesn't belong here, then the MODS will move it to where it belongs. I am in favor of removing the subsidies for electricity and natural gas plus no more preferential pricing for oil imports. Do others here...
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    Ex-pats (3 or more years in the DR), any change of heart?

    Due to the increasing crime rate in the DR and some of it being perpetrated on ex-pats with extremely violent consequences, I am curious as to the answers to the following question: Expats that made the Dominican Republic their full time home 3 or more years ago. Would you do it now?
  18. O

    Do Dominican women make good wives?

    I have American and European friends who have asked me this question. Honestly, I have been quite negative lately on all things Dominican even though I am Dominican. So to be fair to my friends, I'd like the DR1 community to voice their opinions on this. Then my friends can read it here for...
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    Do you believe Dominicans are a humble simple people?

    Just curious to see how the DR1 crowd responds. I was talking to a friend of mine who says that Dominicans are arrogant while extolling the virtues of Hondurans as a simple and humble people especially the women. I was wondering is this a general feeling amongst people that Dominicans...
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    This video rattled my nerves

    I was shocked by this and this really brings home the dimensions, the magnitude of this catastrophe. If this doesn't move you, you would have made an excellent Ukrainian guard at Treblinka. YouTube - Haiti's Makeshift Morgues: Raw Video