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    Weather Alert

    Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens: Dominican Government Warns of Heavy Rain and Possible Flash Floods The U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo advises U.S. Citizens in the Dominican Republic that the Government of the Dominican Republic (GoDR) has issued a Green Alert for possible flash floods and...
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    Fiscal Cracks the Case

    Orgullo Dominicano - Fiscal coloca pistola en un colch?n para acusar a traficante
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    College Transcripts - Translated from Spanish to English

    Good morning folks, anyone know of a place/person here in Santiago I can get 4 pages of PUCMM College Transcripts translated into English? any idea on how much it would cost? Thanks......
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    US Visa - Dominican Style

    Assemblywoman Gabriela Rosa pleads guilty to marriage fraud charges, must resign immediately - NY Daily News
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    Another one bites the dust- Queen

    TSA supervisor busted for having sex with underage girls in the Dominican Republic: officials? - NY Daily News
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    Interesting times/country we live in.....

    Mob in Dominican Republic Kills Haitian Father - ABC News
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    Santiago - Punta Cana - established commercial air service company?

    In my internet search and in addition to several several phone calls to STI, SDQ and PUJ Airports. I still feel as if I have not got a firm answer on my question, which is - 'Can you get from Santiago to Punta Cana by commercial (purchase a seat) air transportation? Do they have some sort of...
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    USA Unemployment Benefits?

    I work for an American firm, but live here in DR, I wondered is it possible to file for and draw unemployment benefits from here if I am laid off? Has anyone actually done it?
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    Just took Possesion of a New Apartment ( unfurnished) Santiago

    as the post states - apartment is empty I need everything, anybody have anything they want to sell or get rid of in city of Santiago? most immediate need- a bed ( king or queen preferably) and a refrigerator- goes without saying that I will pay for items ( dollars or pesos) if neccessary...
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    Criminals latest tool

    Long time reader/ first post as I thought it might be important to spread the word as my neighbor ( canadian fellow) fell victim to this activity this afternoon, he is in the hospital now recieving treatment. ( please forgive odd sentence structures - I translated the page from spanish...