Advice on gift giving


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I'm a new poster and am starting a new thread - I think that's what passes for daring in online-forum-land, and I hope I won't be blasted by more experienced posters!

My boyfriend moved back to the Dominican, and I'll be going for a visit next month.

Since he lives with his parents, I'll be meeting and staying with them, and his mother in particular is planning to help host and show me around while he's working during the day. I'd like to bring his mom and dad a little gift of appreciation for their hospitality.

1) I was thinking alcohol for his dad and a bottle of wine for his mom, but I see you are only allowed to bring 1L of alcohol into the DR. Does anyone know if this is enforced?

2) I noticed on another post that Johnny Walker black label is very popular in the DR, but if I read the posts correctly it is perhaps a bit of a ghetto option? Or is it a safe bet? Are their other whiskies that are considered classy?

3) Family friends of theirs will also be having me over for dinner, so I wondered if that also calls for a little hostess gift? Any thoughts on what would be appropriate?

He knows I like jewelry, so his mom's going to bring me shopping and buy me some jewelry. Any thoughts on whether it would be appropriate for me to try to buy her a piece of jewelry too, or would that come across as weird?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

mike l

Sep 4, 2007
I'm a new poster and am starting a new thread - I think that's what passes for daring in online-forum-land, and I hope I won't be blasted by more experienced posters!

My boyfriend moved back to the Dominican, and I'll be going for a visit next month.

Since he lives with his parents, I'll be meeting and staying with them, and his mother in particular is planning to help host and show me around while he's working during the day. I'd like to bring his mom and dad a little gift of appreciation for their hospitality.

1) I was thinking alcohol for his dad and a bottle of wine for his mom, but I see you are only allowed to bring 1L of alcohol into the DR. Does anyone know if this is enforced?


2) I noticed on another post that Johnny Walker black label is very popular in the DR, but if I read the posts correctly it is perhaps a bit of a ghetto option? Or is it a safe bet? Are their other whiskies that are considered classy?

3) Family friends of theirs will also be having me over for dinner, so I wondered if that also calls for a little hostess gift? Any thoughts on what would be appropriate?

He knows I like jewelry, so his mom's going to bring me shopping and buy me some jewelry. Any thoughts on whether it would be appropriate for me to try to buy her a piece of jewelry too, or would that come across as weird?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

Ok, I will Play???

Bring Cash because Alcohol is inexpensive here.

Meet all of their friends and bring more Cash.

Jewellery is expensive so bring more Cash.

Bring Credit Cards for when you run out of Cash.

Give all the people in the DOMINICAN all of your cash and ask them to deliver it to Haiti.

Bring your receipts to me for tax purposes!

Just make sure they READ " CASH "


Sep 27, 2006
i hate to dissapoint you but alcohol is not a good gift in DR unless your bf's family is rich and can appreciate a bottle of expensive wine.
bring them sweets - seriously, all dominicans love sweets.
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New member
Dec 17, 2009
I'm a new poster and am starting a new thread - I think that's what passes for daring in online-forum-land, and I hope I won't be blasted by more experienced posters!

My boyfriend moved back to the Dominican, and I'll be going for a visit next month.

Since he lives with his parents, I'll be meeting and staying with them, and his mother in particular is planning to help host and show me around while he's working during the day. I'd like to bring his mom and dad a little gift of appreciation for their hospitality.

1) I was thinking alcohol for his dad and a bottle of wine for his mom, but I see you are only allowed to bring 1L of alcohol into the DR. Does anyone know if this is enforced?

2) I noticed on another post that Johnny Walker black label is very popular in the DR, but if I read the posts correctly it is perhaps a bit of a ghetto option? Or is it a safe bet? Are their other whiskies that are considered classy?

3) Family friends of theirs will also be having me over for dinner, so I wondered if that also calls for a little hostess gift? Any thoughts on what would be appropriate?

He knows I like jewelry, so his mom's going to bring me shopping and buy me some jewelry. Any thoughts on whether it would be appropriate for me to try to buy her a piece of jewelry too, or would that come across as weird?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

Jody, a very nice bottle of wine is not in appropriate, anything with concord's much sweeter. And if your definitely not sure, you can always buy a home gift rather, then personalizing the gifts.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Jody - welcome and you sound like a very nice person to me!! I think it would be nice if you brought something that is a real luxury here - say a small bottle of perfume for his mum. As suggested, bring little boxes of chocolates for if you are invited out for dinner. To be honest, often when people come for dinner they do not bring anything - apart from the proverbial whisky!!

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Nov 22, 2009
chocolate will never go wrong here. especially combo style(like almond joys, mounds, snickers, 3 musketeers, etc).


Apr 29, 2005
like Matilda said, a small bottle of perfume for the mother is an excellent gift, don't worry about bringing a gift for a dinner party, but, if they have young kids, bring some toys for them....and chocolate is never a bad gift


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Thanks for all of the great ideas, and for being so welcoming to the newbie! Much appreciated,
Feb 7, 2007
As for Whisky, a "classy one" might be Jack Daniels. This is getting popular with some people here. If you want to impress, maybe JW blue or green label, or at least gold label, or Chivas Regal 18 years.


May 2, 2008
i always take a bottle of not so expensive, not so cheap wine when we go to dinner somewhere. JWblack is good for the men, but it's cheaper if you buy it in the duty free in the airport. Victoria's Secret perfume and lotion is really popular with the ladies.


Jan 12, 2007
It's thoughtful that you want to bring gifts. I would do non alcohol gifts. Easier and smaller to pack and carry. Like someone else said something more personal i.e perfume, jewelry for the mother and have your boyfriend advise you on what his dad likes maybe a small electronic item. Bringing things that are difficult to get here and expensive would be ideal.


Mar 22, 2006
As for Whisky, a "classy one" might be Jack Daniels. This is getting popular with some people here. If you want to impress, maybe JW blue or green label, or at least gold label, or Chivas Regal 18 years.

At least?? I thought Gold Label was above Green Label in the hierarchy, just below the Blue.