Warning re poisoning!!!


Feb 27, 2006
In the area of down town Sosua, behind Hideway Beach, there have been a number of cases where dogs have been found suffering with the effects from poisoning. One dog has died and, thankfully, another two have been treated and are on the road to recovery.

All owners should be cautious and aware that their dogs when being walked or run are susceptible to picking up something containing poison, so please be extra vigilant. Should you suspect your dog/ cat has been poisoned you naturally need to get it to a vet as soon as possible ? obviously signs are severe vomiting and diarrohea, possible seizures and difficulty breathing. Initially, try to keep the animal as cool as possible.

Dr. Bob, the veterinarian located behind Coastal filling station, has a ?poison kit? available and it may be advisable to have one on stand-by just in case. If administered immediately, it may give a little time whilst you get your animal to the vet and save it from a terrible and painful almost certain death.

Adrian Bye

Jul 7, 2002
my dog got poisoned a few years ago and almost died. here's a photo of the meat he ate with poison on it so you know what to look for when you're walking your dog.

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Dec 20, 2009
tit 4 tat

i hope the one who has been dropping this stuff gets a little taste for themselves


Feb 27, 2006
More poisoning....

It saddens me to have to resurrect this thread but people who own and love their dogs must be warned....

Just last night, there were 5 poisonings of dogs believed to be by 'human hand'. Three Dobemanns in one household in Costa Azul (Cabarete) - two have died and one is still on the critical list in the capable hands of Dr. Bob, veterinarian, beside Coastal Filling Station, Sosua.

The other 2 dogs, both fatalities, were homed by people in Lomas Mironas, Sosua.

These appear to have been deliberate poisonings of dogs within their own home environments so please, please be cautious and aware that there are evil people out there who will inflict a fast and horrendous death for whatever reason.

In addition, many will have read the thread by belgiank re the Cane Toad, full story here http://www.dr1.com/forums/living/103929-ominous-sounds-our-yard.html These creatures may look quite cute but they are 'evil pieces of machinery' with no known predators - read more about them by Googling Cane Toad and see the destruction they are bringing about in Australia.

Again, it is recommended that everyone who has domestic pets arms themselves with a 'poison kit' which may, sometimes, give those extra few minutes to get your animal to a veterinerian who MAY be able to save it from a horrible, painful and rapid death.

Grandma Jen

New member
Jan 16, 2008
doggie stuff

Also, don't let your dogs out of the house in the morning without checking that your garden is clear


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Sadly, we lost a beautiful white boxer at our house in Playa Najayo from poisoning - it had to be the neighbors who are always sneaking onto our property to steal fruits and vegetables. The dog put a serious crimp in their style. We never replaced her out of fear it would happen again.

Last year we lost a rottie in SD the same way - poisoned meat thrown over the wall into the yard.

I'd love to find the creeps who do this to these animals and feed them some special meatballs....



Jul 25, 2007
Dogs are typically poisoned here for a couple of reasons; one because they yap a lot or two because someone is trying to break into a property.

If you are a real dog lover the best thing you can do is bring them in a night or whenever they bark a lot and add an infrared system at the perimeter of your property.

We have two dogs but have no alarm system. Fortunately, most of our neighbors have dogs and it is a nice area so most are tolerant. We don't have an alarm system but fortunately our house is one of the least attractive on our block nor do we have a garden. It pays to go incognito.


Jun 13, 2009
training to avoid poisoning

There are ways to train your dogs not to pick up any food from the ground, or in the yard, not to accept food from anyone else but you, and the persons you trust, and to eat only food they get into their own personal bowl...

Is this foolproof, nothing is, but it certainly works in the majority of cases...

Mind you, it does ask quite a bit of effort from the owners to get the dog that far (a couple of trainings a day, each around 5 minutes, the duration of the entire training depending from dog to dog (from a couple of weeks, to several months))

If enough people in an area would be interested, and would be willing to share the expenditure of us traveling to that are, we could give a seminar, explaining the training...

BelgianK and Acira


On Vacation!
Mar 27, 2004
Keep your dog on your property and don,t let it crap on my lawn...Why should I have to clean up dog crap? Also, if it wakes me up at 3:00 am...it better be with a wet kiss.