That one takes the cake.

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Jan 7, 2010
La vocera de las trabajadoras sexuales dominicanas Carmen Ibelka Sarante Rodr?guez, explic? que ellas cobran a sus clientes entre 150 a 300 y hasta 500 pesos por tener relaciones sexuales y por sexo oral 80 y 100 pesos.

Sin embargo, explic? que en los ?ltimos meses han llegado muchas haitianas que ejercen la prostituci?n que se acuestan con los hombres hasta por 30 pesos.

La prostituta dijo que tienen informes de que muchas de las haitianas que ejercen la prostituci?n en la plaza Valerio tienen el SIDA y que no les exigen a sus clientes que usen condones.

?Nosotras las prostitutas dominicanas estamos bien educadas y orientadas sobre ese sentido y lo primero que exigimos a nuestros clientes es protegerse para poder tener sexo?, indic? la ramera.

En ese sentido revel? que hay hombres que defini? como ?agentaos o locos? que no les gustan ponerse preservativos y que ellas tienen que darle muchas labias para poderlos convencer de que se los pongan.

?Entonces ahora han llegado estas haitianas infectadas de SIDA y esos hombres las est?n buscando por barata y ellas aceptar tener relaciones sexuales sin condones, total dir?n que est?n enfermas?, insisti?.

Tambi?n sostuvo que cada tres meses se hacen la prueba del SIDA en Salud P?blica y si una de ella sale infectada es expulsada del ?rea.

Adem?s indic? que en la plaza Valerio hab?a tres cueros con SIDA, pero que tuvieron que irse porque las dem?s prostitutas se encargaban de avisarles a los hombres de su enfermedad.

En ese orden, expres? que esas prostitutas haitianas constituyen un serio peligro para la salud.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
A spokeswoman for the Dominican sex workers Ibelka Sarante Carmen Rodriguez, explained that they charge their customers between 150 to 300 and 500 pesos for sex and oral sex 80 and 100 pesos.

However, he explained that in recent months have received many Haitian prostitutes who sleep with men for up to 30 pesos.

The prostitute said they have reports that many of the Haitian prostitutes in the square Valerio have AIDS and do not require their clients to use condoms.

"We Dominican prostitutes are well educated and oriented to this direction and the first thing we demand from our customers is protected in order to have sex," said the hooker.

In this regard revealed that some men are described as "agentaos or crazy" they do not like to get condoms and that they must give many labia so that they can be persuaded to put them.

"So now you have reached these infected Haitian AIDS and those men are looking for the cheap and they accept to have sex without condoms, all say they're sick," he said.

He also said that every three months are tested for HIV in public health and if it is expelled out of the area infected.

He also noted that the plaza Valerio had three skins with AIDS, but had to leave because the other prostitutes will alert the men of his illness.

In that order, said that these Haitian prostitutes are a serious health hazard.


Aug 22, 2008
The translation sounds like a public service announcement by Borat.

Who are they angry with?
The evil men sleeping with the these evil Haitian prostitutes, the evil Haitian prostitutes themselves?

Or anybody who isn't a good honest, saintly Dominican prostitute?
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Aug 22, 2008
Carmen - woman -figures.

So where are we with this?
Can we run some loose women folk out of town?
Do I get to Lynch somebody?

What is the angle??


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
This thread is not DR related, kill it Robert!, put it out of its misery!, it's full of hate and racism!!.
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mike l

Sep 4, 2007
Is this an attempt to drive down the price of prostitution?

I hope not because this is free advertising for the lonely Hearts Club!


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
You need to relax, does everything need to be censored?

Tamborista, I'm just having fun doing some impersonations.

Are you referring to the thread title 'taking the cake'? ;)
Cake Walk

Bet you didn't know about Hoecakes...........:cheeky:

Fascinating stuff.

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