Exit Fee


New member
May 17, 2010
The last time I left theDR I was charged a fee for staying 45 days. Can anyone tell me what the schedule of fees is.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
they still handle it suavecito, no increase of rates, yet.
but always keep in mind that the fees shown on the lists which spread around the internet are fees to renew a expired tourist visa at immigrations office.
just overstaying and getting caught on exit is usually more expensive, the least they can do is to add the officially gybmin %%% for debts, at Rentas Internas at the moment 5.73% pER MONTH, and that calculated back in the time from the first day til the actual day you try to leave.
i still did not see it enforced rough on short time overdoing travellers, but i know that it will be enforced strictly by the book, soon.
then a 10-15 years overstayer who nere renewed his visa during such long time period will not leave with a fine of just the 15-18K pesos listed in the papers.
45 days now will not cost more than $10.- and all is fine.
immigrations is not looking for extrawork by looking on tourists who stay a few weeks or a couple months over the tourist visa time frame.
but it get's difficult for the long time overstayers who did not start a residency application, yet.
i had 3 of them a few weeks ago, 8, 10 and 13 years on the Island, never gave any legal paper any thought, one did not even have a renewed passport, 2 germans and 1 austrian guy, they contacted a lawyer office in santo domingo(a reputable office which i would recommend without a doubt) and been told that without the paper from immigrations that states that their status on the Isle is up to date their office will not do their residency process, b/c it would be a illegal act by them to do so for peopole without a clean visa status.
some mayor changes on that stuff is done and on hold since several years, around since 2004 if i remember right, main reason why it is stoill not enforced is that there may be coming some additional changes to the immigration laws in case of Haitian Immigrants, so the gubmin needs to be in agreement on those points first before all the rest goes out public and will be the law then.
i make every bet that in case of long time overstayers the rules/requirements will for sure not get any better/easier, they anyways been handled very soft and easy, but there is a good chance that some will face a hard time soon.
i would not wait for any new/additional rulings/laws before starting the residency process, there will come the day where a long time overstayer will simply be seen as a person who violated visa/immigration laws and therefore will simply be send home.


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005

032 De 30 dias a 3 meses 800.00
033 De 3 meses a 9 meses 1,000.00
034 De 9 meses a 1 a?o 2,500.00
035 De 1 a?o a 1 a?o y 6 meses 4,000.00
036 De 1 a?o y medio a 2 a?os 5,000.00
037 De 2 a?os a 2 a?os y 6 meses 6,500.00
038 De 2 a?os y medio a 3 a?os 9,000.00
039 De 2 a?os a 5 a?os 14,000.00
040 De 5 a?os en adelante 17,000.00

Direccion General de Migracion
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Jan 1, 2002

032 De 30 dias a 3 meses 800.00
033 De 3 meses a 9 meses 1,000.00
034 De 9 meses a 1 a?o 2,500.00
035 De 1 a?o a 1 a?o y 6 meses 4,000.00
036 De 1 a?o y medio a 2 a?os 5,000.00
037 De 2 a?os a 2 a?os y 6 meses 6,500.00
038 De 2 a?os y medio a 3 a?os 9,000.00
039 De 2 a?os a 5 a?os 14,000.00
040 De 5 a?os en adelante 17,000.00

Direccion General de Migracion

And they are hungry. My wife flew out of POP yesterday and had forgotten about that. She was short a few pesos and tried to get them to take less. No way, I had to drive all the way back to the airport. They had 2 women working there (Nothing worst than a woman in a position of authority) and they were checking everyone with a fine tooth comb.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
right Ian,
that's the actual listing of rates/fees/taxes to extend a tourist visa.
but it does not say that a tourist has to extend his/her viasa time afterwards,
the visitor would be during all those months/years etc be a so named Alien, an illegally on the streets wandering foreigner which could anytime be handled as such, and that means deported jsut like taht.