Latest post from Nuala's blog. The "S" word.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
The last post from Nuala?s blog caused uproar. Let?s see what will happen with this one. I think she hit the nail on the head with this one.

The “S” Word ? Nuala Knows

The ?S? Word

August 12, 2010

One of the things that I missed the most while living on the Island as an adult was engaging in sex-talk with my York girlfriends. We would discuss who did whom, how bad it was and who to prey on next. On the Island however, discussions about sex (at least among women) are taboo. No one tells anyone what everybody is doing with everyone.
Sexuality on the Island is arbitrary. There is no dating, thus differentiating the forbidden from the permissible becomes a tricky endeavor. ?Test-driving,? is non-existent, therefore gauging a perfect fit (literally and figuratively) is learned when you tie the knot, what I entitle ?Backward Training: Dating Your Spouse After Getting Married.?
I have been trying for the life of me to decipher Island sexuality, and trust me when I say that even if Champollion had written the manual, I would still fail miserably. There seems to be a secret and elusive bedroom protocol that few are privy to, for it is that men that write the rules on what constitutes suitable sexual behavior. For example, for a while I thought that Islander men liked women as slutty as they come. However while being a little ?too forward? with an Islander ?boyfriend,? he apprehensively asked ?Y??Qui?n te ense?? eso a ti?? a question that is loosely translated as How many sexual partners have you had? Needless to say, I was dumped por saber demasiado. (More on Nuala?s love adventures with Islander men to come). When I decided to go through the process of deskanking myself, I had unfortunately become de esas mujeres que son buenas para coger de relajo, pero no para casarse.
Faster than you can say American Airlines? please hold, a Good Samaritan decided to enlighten me on this ever-confusing topic. She said that a little premarital experimenting was okay, provided I heed the golden rule to abstain from engaging in vaginal intercourse. She sternly warned that violating this would result not only in a broken heart but a broken hymen as well, which makes you worthless according to Islander male standards. Alas, it was late for me to implement the so-called rule (I think you know why). However, in effort to save you future headaches and heartaches, I give you the guide to understanding what to do or say when fooling around with Islander men, provided you care enough about what they think of you or if marrying an Islander male is on your to-do list. I am grateful to my very reliable sources who have broken the honor code in effort to shed light on such a concealed topic. I thank them for revealing what goes on behind the bedroom doors of las caba?as tur?sticas (moteles in Island vernacular).
The first thing is to understand how men define the sexual habits of women. The Slut (as per societal values) in Islander lingo is: avi?n, cuero, cuerazo y cuerinche. This is the woman who has slept with (I am sorry to say) more that one man. Although there is no official slut-o-meter, it is pretty much set in stone that a woman is expected to withhold intercourse at all cost until marriage. Failure to comply will put you at risk to being ****ed, literally and figuratively.
Many Islander women do confess having slipped, so to avoid being judged as a promiscua they say the following cuentazos to their beaus:
Example A: ?I told my boyfriend that besides him, I have only slept with another man because he lured me under false pretenses. Doy mi llora?ta and he was pretty okay with it.?
Example B: ?I told my boyfriend that after I lost my virginity, me convert? a cristiana to cleanse myself.?
Example C: ?Yo me hice la vaginoplast?a para hacerle creer a mi novio que lo tengo nuevecito.?
On the other hand, divorced women have it the hardest. Islander men assume that they engage in a daily sexual sm?rg?sbord and that living alone is synonymous with one-woman brothel. ?Los hombres piensan que las mujeres divoriciadas lo tenemos pintado en la frente? said an Islander friend over salty dogs. Surprisingly, they are still expected to withhold, because giving it up will prompt the inquiry: Si ella me lo di? a m?, entonces??A cu?ntos m?s se lo habr? dado?

Virgins (a very loose term) are a favorite of Islander men. Virgins represent the days of yore when chivalrous young lads would court a suitable maiden in hopes to continue the propagation of the species. These men crow about having the ?honor? to be the first ones to teach her the moves. She follows the golden rule (even though she will engage in every sexual filthy act possible) because if she gives up her diez cheles or tapita, she will cease to be ?marriable.? However, the best trick these gaticas de Mar?a Ramos have under their sleeve is to engage in vaginal intercourse to pressure boyfriends into nuptials. Hence, this explains the increased number of bodas al vapor that result in the highest population of ni?os sietemesinos in the world.
If you are none of the above, consider yourself a jamona.
Once again, I firmly state that this article is shot to **** if you are foreign woman, especially a blonde American or European. You are a hot commodity, a symbol of upward mobility, a worshiped breed who can do no wrong even when infested with every STD known to mankind. Islander men will say that eso no e? na? que ella haya tenido otros amantes. Eso se usa en (insert country here). A double-standard called ?modernizaci?n? (if you are a foreigner, non Dominican-York, of course) and ?libertinaje? if you are a Dominican of any sort.
I have been told though that since the Island ha cambiado much?????simo, there is a cadre of so-called sexually uninhibited women. I found out that they are either currently reinventing themselves as wives, mothers, escorts, or nuns, or they have otherwise moved away (far away) from the country to write their own rules.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
I'm glad all this "with holding" stuff does not happen on the Island I live on.

Interesting post, not that I necessarily agree with all of it, "some" of it is pretty accurate in my experience.

It's all about what others will think, but that changes if they feel they will not be caught or are behind closed doors. Maybe thats why we have so many Caba?as ;)

Then again, if most Dominican guys are like Figueroa in bed, then as a female I would prefer to stay a virgin or hold out as long as possible. jejeje


LMAO! Too funny. Dizque los diez cheles. haha. I also go to the blog itself. The format is a lot better. Thanks for keeping us updated chicataina!


Nov 22, 2009
Well, I think there are points she didnt expound on that I suppose she wouldnt be privy to know, from the man s point of view. And also she didnt actually inquire into how tight the women hold to these rules themselves. Now you know I got stories.

a. I had a friend from La Otra Banda who told me that her another reason that she and her friends prefer American men is because the is liberty in sexual expression. She can be with an American(or extranjero) man and you dont hold it against the woman or insinuate that she is of poor moral fiber, like the Dominican men would. Which favors me because I really want to do it to you, and her because its foolish to live in need of physical interaction or stimulation because of some weird 17th Century mores.

b. Another thing, is that from the outside looking in, Dominican men like to crow about how great lovers they are and I like to quote the Last Poets in response to this when I say "Related to what?" She s right about "if you know how to do too much or you are too good doing it they will dump you", it intimidates these men. But this is a boon for the foreign man with enough energy, patience and......endurance. Seriously, to me the Dominicano has set the bar too low with respect of how to care for his woman, in intimate matters and generally speaking in all others. But all this is mutual. The women take advantage of the carnal feelings that the dude has for her, and after a while he gets the roller coaster ride at HappyLand. So she uses that as an opportunity to get him to do what she wants him to do...maybe.

When I met my brothers in law in Jarabacoa back in 1999 and they were telling me about how to be with a Dominican woman, all " sister doesnt know anything. You have to be tender and kind." I m standing there thinking what the hell are they talking about? I ve been stabbing this woman since I got out the guagua. She didnt have everything down but enough...
One thing that I m not at ease with is "the dead fish". Alot of the guys know what I mean here. But that is also in deference to making the man the center of the sexual encounter. For him to be pleased is the most important thing, the sole pertinent issue. How selfish can you get?

I think divorced women have it tougher because all the dudes are looking for younger women, I dont think it because of perceived promiscuity. Younger women are easier and less adept at dealing with the nonsense to come. Younger women are more romantically inclined to hold fast to those fairy tale dreams and without children they have less baggage and allow the man the ability to be frivolous with his intentions. I have a very attractive 36 year old slender friend in Porto Plata who has convinced herself that she is super ugly because she doesnt have a boyfriend and cannot even meet a guy to "hacer al caso". But still finds herself with desire "saltar el tigre".

Finally that thing about dating, courting and figuring each other out, reminded me of a conversation I had earlier today with a woman from Pueblo Nuevo when I asked her what she like to do for fun, she told me she told me already. Its true she did, but to me it was rudimentary chit chat, from 2-3 weeks ago. I dont take it upon myself to remember every damn useless statement emanating from someones mouth when you 1st meet them. But she took offense to that. "You talk to so many people you cant remember what they say." I m thinking "This btch crazy. My life is a bit more interactive than a job as a secretary at the Ayuntamiento de Santiago, 2 conchos to get home and then? Suspended animation? Gossiping with the neighbors? If I dont remember what you say it is probably because it wasnt that interesting." To me, and most of you, you feel somebody out and then decide where you want to go from there. But here it is as I see it, devote yourself to the person until you get bored with them and then find someone new. So the minute you meet someone, 15 minutes later it has been decreed that you 2 are novios. And after dating someone for 1 week, you re going to marry her. What the hell is that?
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Feb 3, 2002
It does sound like some people here live in a different planet altogether. The whole thing about virginity hasn't been the rule for like 20+ years...A little experimenting before you get married? Hilarious...


Sep 10, 2008
what people say they do and what they do do are two different things !

did I just say do do?


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Two do do's equal a da... If you do it often enough, you end up with a song by the Police :)

Sorry about that, back to the topic at hand....
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It does sound like some people here live in a different planet altogether. The whole thing about virginity hasn't been the rule for like 20+ years...A little experimenting before you get married? Hilarious...

You're kidding me right? I'd love to meet the kind of women you date from over there, let's see if they are so willing to admit that they are sexually active. The only ones I know of are the ones from the lower classes, of course they have nothing to lose. Pero esas hijitas de papi y mami... puhleeze! That's exactly what they are... gaticas de maria ramos. Se lo ma***an a la capital entera... pero son "decentes" Of course men are not going to complain. They are the ones who benefit from all this.


Feb 3, 2002
You're kidding me right? I'd love to meet the kind of women you date from over there, let's see if they are so willing to admit that they are sexually active. The only ones I know of are the ones from the lower classes, of course they have nothing to lose. Pero esas hijitas de papi y mami... puhleeze! That's exactly what they are... gaticas de maria ramos. Se lo ma***an a la capital entera... pero son "decentes" Of course men are not going to complain. They are the ones who benefit from all this.

Please RE-READ my post...Nobody expects virginity anymore. They can act "decente", but everybody knows.