Looking for Legal opinion for Insurance


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
some times pays to be bored. An thought I would also post this in the legal forum. and Possibly Mr. Guzman can provide an answer also for the left/right turn questions. and whether the international license covers the owner/rental insurance questions.


having gone through all my reading material and being desperate. I was perusing my Manual de Conduccion that I received when I obtained my drivers license here.

This manual is part of the documentation received from Direccion General De Transito Terrestre, so am assuming that it contains the correct information(yea I know bad to Assume)

There has been much discussion of the validity of international licenses before. So from Page 12 Permiso Internacional de conducir.

Este documento facilita a su beneficiario a conducir automotores en cualquier pais signatario de las convenciones internacionales celebradas en Ginebra ante la ONU y OEA en1949, excepto en el pais de origen. Tiene una validez de 1 a?o, es un documento de identificacon personal valido en todo el mundo
los requisitos son:
Cedula de identidad
Licencia de conducir vigente
Dos Fotos

And google does a great job again

This document provides the recipient to drive vehicles in any country signatory to international conventions in Geneva at the UN and OAS in 1949, except in the country of origin. It is valid for 1 year, is a valid personal customer ID document in the world
the requirements are:
Identity card
Valid driver's license
Two Photos

Now this does not reference Insurance, but seems worth checking out! If it valid to use for 1 year, then should be valid for insurance purposes

I was really looking for written information on the legality of "left turn on red" from a 1 way street to a 1 way street running to your left, also for right turn on red, Both of which I was told by DGTT are legal, but they agreed that AMET does not know the traffic laws, So am trying to find some where it is written down.



Aug 9, 2005
International Driving Licence IDL or permit IDP

International Driving Licences issued by automobile clubs and association are mostly in conformance with the 1949 Geneva accords. The IDL is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. In Europe it can be applied for 3 months in advance.

I'm not a lawyer, but the convention however states, that despite its validity for 12 months it can only be recognized if the diver has tourist status. Being in a country in order to take up residence, or employment or for any other reason than tourism, invalidates the driver from using the IDL even if the IDL is within its validity period of 12 months. So technically, if you entered a country as a tourist and the period of stay granted under that status has expired, or you have infringed the entry conditions in any way, your IDL is not valid for use that country.

On the question of the validity of a motor vehicle insurance policy, one would be well advised to read the small print very carefully, and seek professional advice,.ALL insurance policies will require the driver to hold a valid driver's licence or permit, in order for any cover to be in force. If you've overstayed your period of stay as a tourist, your IDL may not be recognised as valid, and in those circumstances your motor insurance cover is questionable to say the least. An insurer looking for a reason to reject a claim would certainly pounce on that.

I too, would welcome Dr Guzman's input on this subject....


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
As far as I'm aware, International licenses are a scam.
What the AAA etc offer, are International Driving Permits.

That being said, you cannot drive on it, unless it's accompanied by a valid license from your home country.

The rules are applied to your license.
These rules have been covered many times in the forum.

International Driving Permits
Foreign Visitors Driving in the U.S.: USA.gov
International Drivers License Scam

And most of this I will agree with Robert. its only good when accompanied with a valid drivers license from your originating country or USA State.

I would assume thats why the book says that its not valid in your home country, as you have a valid license.

My question is due to the write up in the drivers manual here. I have never seen it stated the way it was here anywhere else. There is no reference to residency, tourism or anything else just the fact that they recognize it for 12 months!

Regards but I will still wait on MR. Guzman.