Home Loan by a Bank?


Rafael Arriaga

I am a Dominican born but raise in the U.S. After retiring I will be moving there. A lot of people has suggested obtaining a loan by La Asociacion Popular de Ahorros y Prestamos. My question is can I obtain a Pre-approval amount $$$$ base in the income that I am receiving before I actually choose a house or an apartment. Can anyone tells me also what type of documents they maybe requiered. Any toll free number or specific information will be appreciated. Can I applied from the U.S.

DR One

As far as I know, and I have taken out two loans, you will need to have the property before you get a loan approved by a savings and loan association such as you suggest. The best loans are available through the Asociaci?n Cibao de Ahorros y Pr?stamos, based in Santiago (interest rate at about 18% per year -- normal 20 year loans.). They will require a property title, and that you prove your income level. You will have to pay a fee to the Banco Nacional de la Vivienda and the bank will charge you to insure the property. Their telephone number is (809) 581-4433. While it is expensive to take out loans in the DR, you will be playing the exchange rate, which reduces the cost of your loan if your income is in pesos.