How does one challenge an AMET cop when they start to make up their own rules?


Nov 2, 2006
Usually I don't have any problems with AMET myself. We only seem to get hassled when I'm with the missus (who's Dominican) in her car.

A couple of weeks ago we went to Banco Popular in Sosua. Their carpark was holding some kind of car sale expo and was closed. Mr Watchie told us to park around the corner opposite the plaza where the Orange shop is. My missus stayed in the car whilst I went in the bank. When I came out, I found that she was being harassed by an AMET cop who told her that she had illegally parked. Even though she was sitting in the passenger seat, they asked for her drivers license and wrote her out a ticket.

When I arrived I asked for the sign that said no parking. There wasn't one! Apparently you have to go by local knowledge.

Today was another one. We got stopped just after Playero and asked to pull into the police station. She was driving and was asked for her license again. They never say why they've stopped you until they have your license in their hands! This time it was for not wearing her seat belt. How can you argue against that. She WAS wearing her seat belt!

Then he noticed that the missus is pregnant.

"Pregnant women are prohibited from driving!" Was his reply and wrote her out another ticket!

I called my lawyer and asked her if such law existed and apparently the AMET guys are very ignorant of the laws that they are supposed to be upholding!

I would understand if they are asking for bribes, but they are writing out tickets that get paid into Baco Reservas, so what can you do? How does one challenge the ticket? All they write is an infraction code that could mean anything? They don't tell you how much the fine is, you have to wait until you go the bank and they tell you how much that infraction code costs!

I got done for an illegal U-turn in POP last year. Mea culpa and I got caught! That ticket cost me RD1000.
Feb 7, 2007
Get the guy's badge number / name and go to speak to his commanding officer. If that does not help, tell the commanding officer that you will be taking up the matter directly to Santo Domingo, where you arr friends with colonel/general this and that... what you say should be something like...
" XXX (rank) YYY (name) I hope we can resolve this issue here. Of course I could get it sorted out through my friend colonel/general XYZ en la Capital but I really do not want to bother him with such small issue as a ticket. Mr. Commandante the ABC officer was really incorrect at issuing this ticket, because...(explain)... and when it comes to that that my friend makes some calls it may cause some issues for the we should avoid that because we want to have good relationship with you ... of course i know YOU comandante are very straight and law upholding officer and you will not go along with the wrongdoing and illegal ticket. I will make sure that when i speak with my friend colonel/general en La Capital I will put good word for you and tell him about how outstanding commander you are!"
Feb 7, 2007
When I came out, I found that she was being harassed by an AMET cop who told her that she had illegally parked. Even though she was sitting in the passenger seat, they asked for her drivers license and wrote her out a ticket. did she GIVE him the driver's license in the first place? Why did she admit she was having one??? I don't get it. If she was sitting in the passenger seat she should have told him he did not have driver's license and he had to wait for her husband to issue/argue any infraction/ticket.


Jun 9, 2004
Easy, don't pay it! I have about 5 unpaid AMET tickets and they keep coming, i once asked an AMET guy what happens if i don't pay and he said it would show up on the computer at the airport when i try to leave the country, i left DR and went back twice since and no problems at the airport.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
FYI - If you park anywhere there is a yellow curb line, you CAN technically get a summons according to Ley de Transito 241 on the AMET website. It is number 50 on the list of common violations that are written up, so be careful where you park! I did not see any violation listed pertaining to pregnant females operating motor vehicles, that is totally ridiculous and you should definitely bring that to the attention of a higher up! Good luck!


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Easy, don't pay it! I have about 5 unpaid AMET tickets and they keep coming, i once asked an AMET guy what happens if i don't pay and he said it would show up on the computer at the airport when i try to leave the country, i left DR and went back twice since and no problems at the airport.

Be careful, if you own your own vehicle it might pop up when you re-register (Marbete), remember that plate is flagged if you owe that many tickets, someday it will bite you in the @SS when you least expect it...but if you get away with it, GOD BLESS!!!


Jun 9, 2004
Be careful, if you own your own vehicle it might pop up when you re-register (Marbete), remember that plate is flagged if you owe that many tickets, someday it will bite you in the @SS when you least expect it...but if you get away with it, GOD BLESS!!!

You might be right, although I've been "carrying" unpaid tickets for about a year but when I got a new Marbete this year I had no problems, and the vehicle is in my name. My theory is that they don't have a centralized system that shares information, maybe it is somewhere in AMET's system, but it is not shared with any other GOV agencies.


Aug 11, 2002
either your car is a cool new mercedes or porsche convertible, or, your wife is named mercedes or porsche and she is hot, (too look at, shoulders up) as she's in a car. no disrespect and god bless if that is the situation, but the police have this thing called envy. the bible talks about it, not that i'm a preacher but envy has been around for a long long time, at least as old as the bible. i drive the oldest thing my brother in law owns while i'm in SD. he usually has a three or four clunkers driveable maybe, i make my mother in law ride up front, i show a picture of myself and my brother in law (colonel in P.N.) as identification. in the U.S. they say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, in china they say the nail that stands up gets hammered the U.S when i'm on a custom motorcycle i always get pulled over for nothing, but, if it's a sunday and i'm with ten friends half drunk and stupid, as a group, the cops want to salute us (they jealous)'s a cop thing, who would want a job where your sole purpose in life was to put someone in have to be sick to want that job.....oh i know they have all those TV shows that glamorize the life, but deep down at the basic level, down to the bare bones, you are the executioner, you are the guy that gives out floggings, nowadays maybe only monetary floggings. you're the punisher, usually the guy that got picked on in high school, couldn't fight for yourself but now you have a gun and badge, you're still an ass. same thing goes for district attorneys, states' attorney in florida, just a higher level of education.


Nov 2, 2006
113 did she GIVE him the driver's license in the first place? Why did she admit she was having one??? I don't get it. If she was sitting in the passenger seat she should have told him he did not have driver's license and he had to wait for her husband to issue/argue any infraction/ticket.

I guess because she was an easy target. I was driving, but it was her car that was in her name. The AMET cop asked who's car it was, she replied "mine". He asked to see her license and wrote her a ticket because I allegedly parked illegally. There are no yellow kerbstones, no "no parking" signs and it wasn't on a corner. I think that they decided that because the bank car park was closed it was easy pickings for bank customers who needed to park.


Nov 2, 2006
either your car is a cool new mercedes or porsche convertible, or, your wife is named mercedes or porsche and she is hot, (too look at, shoulders up) as she's in a car. no disrespect and god bless if that is the situation, but the police have this thing called envy. the bible talks about it, not that i'm a preacher but envy has been around for a long long time, at least as old as the bible. i drive the oldest thing my brother in law owns while i'm in SD. he usually has a three or four clunkers driveable maybe, i make my mother in law ride up front, i show a picture of myself and my brother in law (colonel in P.N.) as identification. in the U.S. they say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, in china they say the nail that stands up gets hammered the U.S when i'm on a custom motorcycle i always get pulled over for nothing, but, if it's a sunday and i'm with ten friends half drunk and stupid, as a group, the cops want to salute us (they jealous)'s a cop thing, who would want a job where your sole purpose in life was to put someone in have to be sick to want that job.....oh i know they have all those TV shows that glamorize the life, but deep down at the basic level, down to the bare bones, you are the executioner, you are the guy that gives out floggings, nowadays maybe only monetary floggings. you're the punisher, usually the guy that got picked on in high school, couldn't fight for yourself but now you have a gun and badge, you're still an ass. same thing goes for district attorneys, states' attorney in florida, just a higher level of education.

Maybe you're right, but we were in her car which is a little Toyota Yaris. But yes she it hot!:cool:

I never get any hassle when I'm in my car which is a Porsche Cayenne!

I have a friend who is a very close personal friend to Pres Fernandez. He is extremely well connected and has helped me out on a number of occasions. I don't want to bother him with trivial little things like this. It's a bit like using a nuclear bomb to crack a walnut!

My feeling is that if these idiots stop you and make up some stupid infraction, I would be inclined to roll up the window and just drive off. What can they do?
Feb 7, 2007
Well, maybe if you live in that city (Sosua??) you should get to know the Commandante of Amet (and PN & Politur as well). Use your friend's pull.

Have your friend call (directly or via someone) to the local commandantes, laying a link saying that FULANO so and so (you) would want to get know the Commandante. Once a meeting is set up, go there, introduce yourself, make some chit chat talk, tell the commandante you really appreciate having a chance to know him, fork out a bottle of Johnie Walker Black, and you nwill be new friends. Remember, is that the INTRODUCTION call has to be made in advance. During the meeting, tell the Commandante of AMET that you respect him, how good he is doing his job and that you will be putting up a good word for him with your friend FULANO THAT AND THAT who is "bien pana del Se?or Presidente de la Rep?blica". Go back to Step 1 and repeat with PN, Politur, etc.

Now you will have cards with private phone numbers of all the commandantes, and you can use that when the little guys are bothering you. Just say to them then "mira aqui yo soy amigo del comandante XYZ, poque no lo llamamos a ver si realmente las mujeres embarazadas no pueden manejar vehiculos...a evr lo que dice el..." he will be this little "_" and will go away.


Aug 11, 2002
stay in the cayenne,,,, in fact my buddy, one of the richest guys in the country insists his hot wife, 50 years old, drive the cayenne, stupid cops know not to mess with her if she is in a cayenne. whereas you have miss santo domingo driving a yaris, she must be eligible, someones daughter, someone to mess with. put her in a 5 year old mercedes and the problems will go away........better yet if she feels like a runner, get her a ten year old cadillac, best thing going in a demolition derby, but cops in SD shoot guns and hide........put her in the best car available, let me drive............cell phone is too slow for bullets......just kidding, somewhat serious, but my wife brother is the colonel and on top of that she almost never travels alone, 9 bothers and sisters not to mention nieces and nephews,,,,,,,,,,i'm going to need a van...


Jan 1, 2002
This thread brought to mind this story from the good old United States of

Subject: Are you afraid?

A Minnesota Department of Safety Officer pulled over a pick-up truck owner for a faulty taillight. When the officer approached the driver, the man behind the wheel handed the officer his driver's license, insurance card and a concealed weapon carry permit.

The officer took all the documents, looked them over and said. "Mr.. Smith, I see you have a CCP. Do you have any weapons with you?"

The driver replied, " Yes sir, I have a 357 handgun in a hip holster, a .45 in the glove box and a .22 derringer in my boot."

The officer looked at the driver and asked, "Anything else?"

"Yes sir, I have a Mossberg 500 12 gauge and an AR-15 behind the seat."

The officer asked if the man was driving to or from a shooting range, and the man said he wasn't, so the officer bent over and looked into the driver's face and said "Mr. Smith, you're carrying quite a few guns, May I ask what you are afraid of?

Mr. Smith locked eyes with the officer and calmly answered, "Not a f*cking thing!"


Jan 1, 2002
This thread brought to mind this story from the good old United States of

Subject: Are you afraid?

A Minnesota Department of Safety Officer pulled over a pick-up truck owner for a faulty taillight. When the officer approached the driver, the man behind the wheel handed the officer his driver's license, insurance card and a concealed weapon carry permit.

The officer took all the documents, looked them over and said. "Mr.. Smith, I see you have a CCP. Do you have any weapons with you?"

The driver replied, " Yes sir, I have a 357 handgun in a hip holster, a .45 in the glove box and a .22 derringer in my boot."

The officer looked at the driver and asked, "Anything else?"

"Yes sir, I have a Mossberg 500 12 gauge and an AR-15 behind the seat."

The officer asked if the man was driving to or from a shooting range, and the man said he wasn't, so the officer bent over and looked into the driver's face and said "Mr. Smith, you're carrying quite a few guns, May I ask what you are afraid of?

Mr. Smith locked eyes with the officer and calmly answered, "Not a f*cking thing!"
Ill be laughing all night.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Well, maybe if you live in that city (Sosua??) you should get to know the Commandante of Amet (and PN & Politur as well). Use your friend's pull.

Have your friend call (directly or via someone) to the local commandantes, laying a link saying that FULANO so and so (you) would want to get know the Commandante. Once a meeting is set up, go there, introduce yourself, make some chit chat talk, tell the commandante you really appreciate having a chance to know him, fork out a bottle of Johnie Walker Black, and you nwill be new friends. Remember, is that the INTRODUCTION call has to be made in advance. During the meeting, tell the Commandante of AMET that you respect him, how good he is doing his job and that you will be putting up a good word for him with your friend FULANO THAT AND THAT who is "bien pana del Se?or Presidente de la Rep?blica". Go back to Step 1 and repeat with PN, Politur, etc.

Now you will have cards with private phone numbers of all the commandantes, and you can use that when the little guys are bothering you. Just say to them then "mira aqui yo soy amigo del comandante XYZ, poque no lo llamamos a ver si realmente las mujeres embarazadas no pueden manejar vehiculos...a evr lo que dice el..." he will be this little "_" and will go away.
Listen up, kiddies, Uncle George just gave some ^^^sound^^^ advice.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
You might be right, although I've been "carrying" unpaid tickets for about a year but when I got a new Marbete this year I had no problems, and the vehicle is in my name. My theory is that they don't have a centralized system that shares information, maybe it is somewhere in AMET's system, but it is not shared with any other GOV agencies.

Why don't you pay your tickets? No wonder you have problems. Is this common in DR not to pay your fines?

Bob K

Aug 16, 2004
In fact if you look at yesterdays news here on DR1. AMET says that only 15-20% of tickets are paid and they now want to make in mandatory to pay your tickets. What a novel idea

Bob K


Feb 3, 2002
So why not do the right thing and just pay the ticket...if you were in The US you would without trying to find some higher up connection that would free you from responsibility.

I know it's irritating when you get a ticket. Trust me I've seen red more than a few times when cops in The US have given me BS tickets, but in the end you end up paying it. I do agree that they should clearly state what your options are, but again This IS The DR...if you wanted everything to be spelled out for you then you probably wouldn't live here.
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