Improper implementation of the Hague Convention


New member
Feb 15, 2011
The Tribunal de Ninos, Ninas y Adolescentes de la Provincia de Santo Domingo
Hearings were held, Tuesday May 17, 2011 and Monday June 13, 2011 and Thursday June 16, 2011 at 9:00 AM ruling in regards to the return of my children, Isabel Makielski-Rivera and Gabriel- Makielski-Rivera, pursuant the Hague Convention: Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
The Dominican judge William Encarnaci?n Mejia did not allow the parties nor their attorneys to be present during the testimony of my daughter; only the Judge and the 2 Dominican psychologists were present during her testimony.
In an unprecedented ruling, the Judge ordered that I should not have contact with my children due to the allegations of abuse. This decision can?t be appealed because it is not a final ruling.
The Judge?s ruling is contradictory to the constitutional legal principles of territoriality and the supremacy of international treaties. The Dom. Court has only jurisdiction to rule on the acceptance or denial my petition for international child abduction.
The Judge also ordered that I stop making posting on the web.
The Judge ordered my presence for the next hearing on June 30, 2011.
Maria Rivera's attorney, Dilia Leticia Jorge Mera, writes in her blog:
"... a los Estados signatarios del Convenio de La Haya, incluyendo nuestro pa?s. Es importante entender el alcance y el compromiso para la correcta aplicaci?n de ese Convenio. No se trata de juzgar una guarda o un derecho de visita. Judging is not a guard or access rights. El Convenio analiza si ha habido un traslado o una retenci?n il?cita y el Estado Parte, a trav?s de las autoridades competentes, debe ordenar el retorno de ese ni?o o ni?a a su pa?s de residencia habitual. Se trata de respetar los ordenamientos jur?dicos de los Estados contratantes y confiar en que se aplicar? una sana justicia en beneficio de ese ni?o o ni?a, en su pa?s de residencia habitual."
"? the signatories of the Hague Convention, including our country. It is important to understand the scope and commitment to proper implementation of this Convention. The Convention considers whether there has been a wrongful removal or retention and the State party, through the competent authorities shall order the return of that child to their country of habitual residence. It's about respecting the laws of the Contracting States and hope that justice will apply a healthy benefit of that child in their country of habitual residence."

Help Bring Gabriel and Isabel Home - Help Bring Gabriel and Isabel Home


Jan 1, 2002
You do know that that lawyer is from a long and powerful group of lawyers? Seems to me that there is a lot here that is not being said. What a shame for the children.
Here, generally speaking, the mother always wins these cases.

Even in the US, it seems to be this way.



New member
Feb 15, 2011
Article 49 of the DR Constitution .- Freedom of expression and information. Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts, ideas and opinions, by any means, without prior censorship.

Art?culo 49.- Libertad de expresi?n e informaci?n. Toda persona tiene derecho a expresar libremente sus pensamientos, ideas y opiniones, por cualquier medio, sin que pueda establecerse censura previa.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I'm sorry for what you [OP] are going through, but it will be a long and difficult road with a very small chance of success. You only have to look at the case of the boy taken to Brazil from NJ - even after his mother died, it was quite a challenge for his father to regain custody. Good luck to you.



New member
Feb 15, 2011

The Hague Convention: Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

The Hague Convention- Bring Sean Home Foundation | Bring Sean Home Foundation
Article 19
A decision under this Convention concerning the return of the child shall not be taken to be a determination on the merits of any custody issue.

This is not a custody case this a Child Abuduction, which is a violation of both US and DR law. I respectfully request, William Encarnaci?n Mejia to follow the DR's constitutional legal principles of territoriality and the supremacy of international treaties. In other words, please send the children home where issues concerning the children can be heard by a court with proper jurisdiction.
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