"Cowboy capers of the Dubya kind"



I was reading "The Times of India" this morning (not :), well don't you, & came across this little piece . . .

This would be riotously funny if it wheren't so DAMN true . . .


~ ~ ~ Cowboy capers of the Dubya kind ~ ~ ~

by Jug Suraiya

GOLDURN it, what's an all-American Republican president to do when he's all gunned up with nowhere to go? Especially now that the economics of the country is on the downslide, after being on the upslide for two whole terms when that other honcho was riding herd in the White House. 'Course, everyone knows that like a rolling moss that gathers stone, the economics started going wrong when Bill was in the saddle, so why blame Dubya, who was only whirling the reapwind? But try telling that to the guys who
interview you on TV and keep tripping you up on your own feet even when you're sitting down.

No siree. If Dubya's gonna leave his footprint on the hourglass of history, by gum he's gotta to do something that'll make folks sit up and give notice, and pronto. So what's Dubya to do, particularly when his role model is that good ol'cowboy, Ron Reagan, another rough ridin', straight shootin' Republican? Well, if Ron could have his `Star Wars', by golly why couldn't Dubya have his NMD? Hey Ron, try that 20-gallon hat on for size! Besides and below which, apart from being mucho macho, wouldn't a li'l Nuclear Missile Defending be good for the economics too? If you went and scrapped that wimpy Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty and that killjoy Mutual Assured Destruction and went ahead and nuked up to the nines so's you could look any rogue state in the eye and blast the sumbitch to hell and back before it knew what hit it, well, you'd need to spend a lot of dinero to put all those extra megatons on the table, wouldn't ya? An' everyone knew the more bucks you spent on your bangs, the bigger and better the economics grew. Heck, all you hadda do was ask that one-man military-industrial complex, Charlton `Moses' Heston of the National Rifleman's Association, which guarantee the constitutional right of every man jack American the right to bear arms. You tell 'em, Charlieboy!

Look at Dubya's own stompin' ground, Texas, the biggest, ballsiest Lone Star state of all. You think the economics of Texas was based on oil, beef? Think again, pardner. An' be ready to slap leather and draw your shootin' iron when you do. Just kiddin'.

Seriously though, if guns weren't so big in Texas, how would a little unknown guy like Lee Oswald have ever made it into the history books? Wasn't that the ultimatum of the American Dream: from Log Cabin to White House cortege? Hey, that was one helluva shot you pulled off, Ossie!

What's that you're askin'? What's the international community going to say about NMD? What's India going to say about it? What's India, Dubya's cat, got to do with NMD anyway?
Here pussy, pussy, pussy....!

Not that India, but the other one? Shucks, Dubya'd plumb forgetten there was another critter by the same name. Don't that beat all. Hey Condoleeza, you an' Dick Armitage take care of it, willya? Promise 'em some extra HI-B visas, or a visit to the Oval Office, or sumthin'. We can always cancel later.

What's that you say? Did Dubya know that Freud said that guns were a penis substitute? Which would make the NMD truly a global screw up? Watch your mouth, buster. Don't you be using dirty words like `substitute' in front of Dubya, whatever it means. An' who's this Freud anyway? Sounds like a faggot liberal draft dodger who never went to 'Nam.

Which reminds Dubya. Where's that darn six-shooter of his? What's that you say? Dubya's sitting on it? Gee thanks, mister. Dubya could of done hisself a nasty injury there and blown his brains out.


America, (US of A, that is) the rest of the world sees things differently and we are being laughed at, for better or worse . . .


. . . CES