New migration law


Nov 18, 2002
Does anyone know the implications of the new migration law coming in effect as per 1st of January? Heard things about having to apply for a temporary residence for 5 times to be able to apply forth permanent one and it seems one has to deposit a guarantee as well. Would everything change in migration right from next week on? I'm in the middle of the process to get my permanent residence. Trying to deposit all the papers before Friday, but I might not make it and have to deposit next week. Would this mean everything changes for my application?
Feb 7, 2007
Reglamento Ley de Migraci?n, N?mero: 631-11

This is what it says, article 48. usually your lawyer handling residency can provide that.

l) Una p?liza de garant?a, contratada con una compa??a de seguros debidamente autorizada por la D.G.M. para cubrir sus gastos de salud y repatriaci?n cuando proceda;

m) Declaraci?n jurada sobre la solvencia del garante, firmada por ?ste, dos testigos, acompa?ada de las pruebas (carta de banco, patente de negocios, certificaci?n de t?tulos, etc.), mediante la cual se responsabilice a los gastos de manutenci?n y repatriaci?n, respecto a las condiciones morales y econ?micas del Extranjero, debidamente legalizada en la Procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica;

Only the literal (L) seems to be new, but you can get that from an insurance company in the DR (health insurance + repatriation). All other requirements in the new Rule seem to be the same as the ones listed on DGM website DGM - Servicios - Extranjeria - Residencias Provisionales (Adultos)
Last edited:
Feb 7, 2007
ART?CULO 50- El Extranjero peticionario de la Residencia Permanente que interponga la solicitud ante la D.G.M. debe estar provisto de su ?ltima residencia. La solicitud debe ser interpuesta cuarenta y cinco (45) d?as antes de haber cumplido cinco (5) a?os de su residencia Temporal, renovada cada a?o. Al momento en que la D.G.M. admita al extranjero como Residente Permanente le otorga un carn? de Residencia Permanente v?lido por un (1) a?o. Al t?rmino de este per?odo se le otorgar? un carn? v?lido por cuatro (4) a?os, renovable por per?odos similares, seg?n lo previsto en el art?culo 75 de la Ley.

So yes you will ahve to renew temporary residence 4 times (1 granted + 4 renewals) in order to be able to apply for permanent residency. You have to renew yearly, one month before expiration, only the police record, photos, cedula and temp.residency plastic required for renewal (+ fees).
Feb 7, 2007
Trying to deposit all the papers before Friday, but I might not make it and have to deposit next week. Would this mean everything changes for my application?
The Rule was signed by Pres on October 2011, there is no indication whether it started to be effective the same day or on January 1, 2012. But if you did not apply for permanent residency BEFORE the law, you may need to go through the new procedure.


Nov 18, 2002
Thanks Rubio_higuey. Unfortunately they didn't tell me this in Migration 1st of December when I came to do my medical test and paid for it. It seems I will have to apply for the renewal of the temporary residence and did the medical test in vain.


Jun 23, 2011
Yes. i had a friend who told me about it not so long ago. IMHO having permenent residency in just a span of two years was pretty fast, i guess that's why they revised the law. Anyone knows if the passport law has changed? Currently it takes just 3 years to get a RD passport. I might just as well stop procrastinating drop my lil' ego and go for the nationality


Nov 18, 2002
just went to Migration. The people at the information desk say nothing changed and will change (this is not true). Then I talked to a laywer who offers public notary services from the parking lot there and she said I need to deposit before the end of the year. I might be able to do that, while on thursday I will supposedly receive my certificate of good conduct, so I can deposit on friday....talking about Just In Time. However, I wouldnt be surprised that either on friday or when I am due to receive the result I will hear I will only get a new temporary license. In that case I might apply for nationality, which seems to be easy when you are married to a dominican, the only issue is that the dutch government might ask me to submit the dutch nationality. Allthough being married to a dominican might also be a reason for them to allow me to have two nationalities. Sometimes I think it's easier to just be here as a tourist and pay the fine each time I leave the country


Jun 23, 2011
just went to Migration. The people at the information desk say nothing changed and will change (this is not true). Then I talked to a laywer who offers public notary services from the parking lot there and she said I need to deposit before the end of the year. I might be able to do that, while on thursday I will supposedly receive my certificate of good conduct, so I can deposit on friday....talking about Just In Time. However, I wouldnt be surprised that either on friday or when I am due to receive the result I will hear I will only get a new temporary license. In that case I might apply for nationality, which seems to be easy when you are married to a dominican, the only issue is that the dutch government might ask me to submit the dutch nationality. Allthough being married to a dominican might also be a reason for them to allow me to have two nationalities. Sometimes I think it's easier to just be here as a tourist and pay the fine each time I leave the country

Don't sweat it much. There's no distinctive difference between what you can/can't do with a temporary or permenant residence. One is temporary and the other permenant,, that's just it :)


Nov 18, 2002
you are right about that, but if I can avoid to have to take an insurance to cover for health and repatriation costs I ll do my best to deposit this year...:)


Nov 18, 2002
No Health Insurance???
Pray a lot you don't get sick,or in an accident!
Cris Colon
I do have a health insurance of course (got three kids, just had one in the hospital for 2 nights, cost 30,000 pesos, paid 3,420, including the food my wife and me ate joining her), but in the new regulation it is stated you need an insurance, approved by the government to pay for repatriation and health costs. I suppose the health issue would be covered by my health insurance and Migration would accept that, but the repatriation part would not be so easy to insure.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
More than likely this will be just another Dominican "Law".Written,and then not enforced,or selectively inforced.For instance,it could be used as an official reason to deport the Haitians.
Glad you have insurance,I have had 3 kids since I got insurance.It paid for 3 c-sections,and a lot of hospital stays too.
Saved me "Thousands"!


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Don't sweat it much. There's no distinctive difference between what you can/can't do with a temporary or permenant residence. One is temporary and the other permenant,, that's just it :)

You can not legally get a weapons permit with the "Temporary".


New member
Jan 14, 2010
just went to Migration. The people at the information desk say nothing changed and will change (this is not true). Then I talked to a laywer who offers public notary services from the parking lot there and she said I need to deposit before the end of the year. I might be able to do that, while on thursday I will supposedly receive my certificate of good conduct, so I can deposit on friday....talking about Just In Time. However, I wouldnt be surprised that either on friday or when I am due to receive the result I will hear I will only get a new temporary license. In that case I might apply for nationality, which seems to be easy when you are married to a dominican, the only issue is that the dutch government might ask me to submit the dutch nationality. Allthough being married to a dominican might also be a reason for them to allow me to have two nationalities. Sometimes I think it's easier to just be here as a tourist and pay the fine each time I leave the country

I was told that you had to take the appointment to submit the application. Not as and when ready. That is what happened in my case. I gave the medical on April first week and the result came in April third week. I got the appointment to submit the application on June 14.


Nov 18, 2002
More than likely this will be just another Dominican "Law".Written,and then not enforced,or selectively inforced.For instance,it could be used as an official reason to deport the Haitians.
Glad you have insurance,I have had 3 kids since I got insurance.It paid for 3 c-sections,and a lot of hospital stays too.
Saved me "Thousands"!
The only 'funny' thing happened when I wanted to renew my insurance in september this year. My broker told me they raised the premium with 25%. According to her to all customers, but I knew that was not true. When I called the company they told me: you paid 110,000 the past year and we spent 128,000 on you and your family, so we have to raise your premium to compensate for that.
So what do I have an insurance for in the first place. At the end I accepted a raise of 5%, but I sure was surprised how they handle that.


Nov 18, 2002
I was told that you had to take the appointment to submit the application. Not as and when ready. That is what happened in my case. I gave the medical on April first week and the result came in April third week. I got the appointment to submit the application on June 14.

I heard that's not the case anymore, but I ll find out on friday. If it is like that...well, I'll let it come the way it comes


Sep 19, 2010
The only 'funny' thing happened when I wanted to renew my insurance in september this year. My broker told me they raised the premium with 25%. According to her to all customers, but I knew that was not true. When I called the company they told me: you paid 110,000 the past year and we spent 128,000 on you and your family, so we have to raise your premium to compensate for that.
So what do I have an insurance for in the first place. At the end I accepted a raise of 5%, but I sure was surprised how they handle that.

well it does make sense actually, isn't it how auto-insurance works, at least in North America? - if you have a claim, your premiums will generally be raised the next year.


Mar 29, 2010
no... although that's a common belief, it doesn't work that way. I've had claims (actually within 3 months of a new insurance company) without subsequent raises in rates... and at other times raises in rates after years of no claims.

well it does make sense actually, isn't it how auto-insurance works, at least in North America? - if you have a claim, your premiums will generally be raised the next year.


New member
Dec 19, 2011
Does anyone know what the new fees will be each year under the new provisional residency law for 2012, since you have to reapply for four years before you can apply for you permanent residency. In other words, rather than paying once for the provisional and then for the permanent, what will the renewal fees be each year under the new law?