"Live" Blood Bank at CMC


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Suggest everyone who is physically able to ever donate call Mary-Jo at x101 (809-571-4696) CENTRO MEDICO CABARETE and get on her list of donors. She keeps this list as a "live blood bank" due to limited blood donors. She sounds American on phone so easy for English speakers to talk with her. She may speak other languages, didn't ask.

OBTW, I have been on the DR1 blood donor list for quite some time, but she did not have my information.

I dread donating blood, but would never want to have failed to save a life if I "only would have known". Being O Negative (universal donor plus an RN), I have given lots of it and keenly aware it could be me or loved one who was the victim! Happens in the blink of an eye....


Oct 6, 2009
I tried to get on their list, but was denied because I have tattoos. They wouldn't even test my blood. It's too bad because I was a regular donor back in Canada. I believe they are cutting themselves short if they refuse to accept blood from people with tattoos.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
But you tried!

This may be a hold over from many years ago when tattoos were uncommon and usually done with no concern for blood borne pathogens. They also are probably limited in their ability to thoroughly test your blood. Agree, too bad. And with the increasing numbers of people with tattoos, makes me wonder about who is going to donate in a few years!


New member
Mar 30, 2007
Southwardbound ....well that is good to know my dear and I wished so too that more people would put their blood type in or at CMC, as some of you know i recently was in CMC and needed blood transfusion and I have type O - Negative which was hard to find that they almost panicked but lucky we could find some...thank you my dear for the posr...Coralia "BB"

Suggest everyone who is physically able to ever donate call Mary-Jo at x101 (809-571-4696) CENTRO MEDICO CABARETE and get on her list of donors. She keeps this list as a "live blood bank" due to limited blood donors. She sounds American on phone so easy for English speakers to talk with her. She may speak other languages, didn't ask.

OBTW, I have been on the DR1 blood donor list for quite some time, but she did not have my information.

I dread donating blood, but would never want to have failed to save a life if I "only would have known". Being O Negative (universal donor plus an RN), I have given lots of it and keenly aware it could be me or loved one who was the victim! Happens in the blink of an eye....


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Southwardbound ....well that is good to know my dear and I wished so too that more people would put their blood type in or at CMC, as some of you know i recently was in CMC and needed blood transfusion and I have type O - Negative which was hard to find that they almost panicked but lucky we could find some...thank you my dear for the posr...Coralia "BB"
I posted this after reading someone needed ONeg at CMC and calling to arrange donation. I was told the ANeg patient had broken a hip and was to have surgery (thus needed blood), but they already had enough. But they could have used mine if truly desperate. That's how I learned CMC keeps a list.