Crisis in the Dominican Republic - CNN


Jan 1, 2002
Strong stuff.

I see that it is an iReport, which I believe means was sent in by somebody not connected with CNN and was not researched by CNN. Also, the identification of the author or his qualifications are not given.

My point is that though I am sure there is truth in the report we should not assume it is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Dec 26, 2011
She wrote this earlier:

Dear tourist,

Welcome to our wonderful country, the Dominican Republic.
Before you step out of the hotel, there are a few things we need to warn you about:
• If you are walking down the street and see police officers, stay away, or better yet, run away from them. They have the liberty to shoot you down for no reason and will have to answer to no one for this. They won’t even open up a case file or go to any courts. You don’t know how to identify them? Don’t worry, it’s real easy. When you see 2 men dressed in gray holding automatic riffles with a really mean face, driving a motorcycle, that’s them. They usually drive around in packs.
• If you go to any local store and try to buy something, don’t get angry at the owner when you see high prices of cheap items. It’s not their fault. They have to charge this in order to pay the government’s ridiculous high tax payments.
• DO NOT, and we say this very seriously, DO NOT ENTER ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR PUBLIC OFFICE. Just don’t. You’ll only get frustrated and angry.
• Please don’t rent cars and drive around. If you think rush hour is bad in your country, Dominican traffic is worst and all day long.
• If you’re thinking of walking somewhere, try to avoid this. You will only get robbed by drugged out citizens or police officers. And even if you give them everything you have, they will still try to kill you. And yes, you guessed it, the police will do nothing about this.
• If all of a sudden the electricity goes out, don’t worry, this happens everyday. Who needs electric power 24/7, right?

Stay in your all-inclusive hotels, enjoy the beaches, enjoy the weather, and keep thinking we are just dumb islanders who only drink coconut water, eat fruits and dance all day long. This, or any other misconception you may have will still be a lot better than our sad but true reality: We are an oppressed country with a corrupt government who doesn't care about anything else than filling their pockets with more and more money while the people die of hunger or by the hands of our law enforcement agencies. And the worst part is, the people here are so uneducated, unmotivated, empty, shallow and blind, there is nothing they can do about this.

Thank you and again, please enjoy your stay.

C. Alvarez

j&t's future

Mar 6, 2007
Thanks for pointing this out, Ken. I wasn't aware iCNN was a separate category/resource of news. If the thread needs to be removed - I have no objection.


Nov 7, 2010
Yes strong stuff ! Ummmm have you ever seen a budget get almost passed here in a blink of an eye ! just as in the usa , SH.. IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN , so is it in the D R , and many other countries .... some of us see the cup half full , and this is not a good position to have when the ship is half sunk !


Jul 10, 2004
As long as it is pointed out that this is one person's opinion due to the nature of it being an iReport I don't see a problem with it.
Feb 7, 2007
It could well have been a CNN or other mainstream media article. Mostly everything written can be substantiated by facts as available in other media, or facts based on real events that happened.

OK so let's scrutinize the article:

The greatest corruption scandal in the Dominican Republic is going on right now, and the local press (for the most part) has remained silent. Yes this is basically true until most recently, since Danilo Medina took over there is more political scandal in the media

After a mandate characterized by rampant estate spending, politicians getting lavish houses and cars, pensions of about USD$12,500 a month for top party officials for four years of work while still having a thousand of dollars government job in another position Do you remember the funny-name Ng Cortinas guy, the former bank superintendant turned country comptroller> (Minimum wage is still a bit over $200 a month) True, crazy salary hikes current minister of education raised her salary from 175k to 300k pesos this week, blatant corporate cronyism true - all teh construction work, I guess nobody would really be able to dissent this statement and tax evasion true, millions in government money to fund the official party's presidential campaignreports in DR newspapers say around 40 billion pesos was dedicated to this, among many other things, the party ends and the people have to pay the bill true, Fiscal reform, people will have to pay 180 billion pesos deficit accumulate dovr the last 4 years.

The congress has approved a Fiscal Reform that is being largely rejected by the majority of people true - see info on protests in all DR papers. It proposes raising taxes in general and taxing basic food items this is a known fact, as well as small internet purchases that were one of the few ways to circumvent the abusive local retailers true as well, w eknow the Article 54 taxing small purchases passed (Currently people must pay double the online price + shipping for basically anything) yes this is true, a 15 dollar VGA to RCA converter sold on Amazon is being sold at 2900 pesos at Radioshack in Bavaro.

Not a single politician has been put in jail or even tried known fact, if not, who has?, even those for whom there is incontrovertible evidence of ghastly instances of fraud and corruption i.e. Felix Bautista. Today the reform was approved by a government controlled Congress in just 19 minutes with no room for debates yes this is not true, everyone says it was ONLY 3 minutes, not 19 minutes. Dissenting congressmen were silenced and not given the opportunity to speak even PRSC congressmen, the alliance party, were not given a chance. In the first reading same thing happened, and as a result one PRD deputy shattered his computer into pieces.

Willy Wander Flori?n Ram?rez, a medical student from Santo Domingo's UASD University, was killed during riots yes he was, and it is believed to be the first of several deaths in the near future. ?ngela Moquete M?ndez, a teacher in the town of Barahona, was also injured with bullets during a protest in that town also known fact can be looked up in papers.

A central figure in the current situation is Leonel Fernandez, who until 84 days ago was the President of the Dominican Republic during twelve years true fact. It is widely believed that he personally controls all of the State Powers: Government, Congress and Supreme Court anybody doubts that he still has huge influence?. It is also assumed that he also controls most of the media This one might be partially disputed, he does not control Zeta, does not cntrol Alicia Ortega and does not control Roberto Cavada. Many facts during his government have enraged Dominican citizens, such as countries like Canada giving him an award as Statesman of the Year and naming him "the Oracle of Santo Domingo," only due to allowing a Canadian-based gold mining corporation named Barrick to begin operations on the island, with very little concern over environmental issues true as well ... current administration says contract with Barrick is disadvantageous but getting out of it would be very costly.

Another fact that seems suspicious to many is that Fernandez' wife, Margarita Cede?o de Fern?ndez, is currently the Vice-President of the Caribbean nation everybody knows she is there so he can influence through her.... there have been even rumors of conspiracy to kill Danilo Medina in order for the Hat Princess become the step-in president. This has led a great number of citizens to raise concerns of cronyism yes many articles and opinions about WHY HER has been written, as well as Fern?ndez' continued involvement in political affairs, despite his terms having officially ended.

President Danilo Medina (who belongs to the PLD, the same political party as Fern?ndez), voted into power earlier this year, has plans to leave the country on Tuesday, November 13th, while no plans to address the public in general have been made known true, he has not addressed the nation yet nor has been there any report that he would address the nation. It is still not sure when he, as President of the Executive Power, will officially sign the Fiscal Reform into law, but being that the senate majority aligns with the same political party as both the current and previous Presidents, Dominicans largely expect the Reform to be approved with little delay anybody doubts that?.

While the people were merely beginning to organize in order to manifest their discontent, another law was quickly approved by the Senate. This measure penalizes "insulting expressions" against the President, members of the Senate, and politicians in general, with up to two years in prison, as well as six to nine months of their salary absolutely retained by the Government true, just search local papers.


Nov 7, 2010
Just as it was also pointed out that the project that is NOT going anywhere soon is bankrupt at the beginning of PROCAB and the calle principal , yet optimics thought oh yah , it's going great 3 months previous ...... Yes NO problem !


Nov 18, 2002
Yes strong stuff ! Ummmm have you ever seen a budget get almost passed here in a blink of an eye ! just as in the usa , SH.. IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN , so is it in the D R , and many other countries .... some of us see the cup half full , and this is not a good position to have when the ship is half sunk !

I agree, things are getting worse everywhere. USA, Europe, the situation right here, the economy worldwide is falling of the cliff and all governments are doing is raise taxes instead of cut spending. If I would be an Alufoil hat I would think there is a bigger plan to make the masses more dependent on the government and on their slavery jobs to make ends meet.
Dec 26, 2011
I agree, things are getting worse everywhere. USA, Europe, the situation right here, the economy worldwide is falling of the cliff and all governments are doing is raise taxes instead of cut spending. If I would be an Alufoil hat I would think there is a bigger plan to make the masses more dependent on the government and on their slavery jobs to make ends meet.

Education is the best remedy for slavery.


Sep 27, 2006
well, i hardly ever rise to the occasion of defending DR but this article is such a BS!

currently people must pay double the online price + shipping for basically anything? wtf? for items bought online you currently pay online price plus taxes plus shipping (that is often free). for the same item bought in DR you pay whatever the greedy seller wants, which can be even 10 times more.

willy wander flori?n ram?rez, a medical student from santo domingo's UASD university, was killed during riots, and it is believed to be the first of several deaths in the near future. you don't say? because predicting possible death in a country where people regularly get killed in riots under all governments is like what, professing upcoming rapture?

solid information from reliable media outlet? more like disgraceful sensationalism of misinformation channel, directed to cause panic because hell, war sells so much better that peace. peace is boring! there is no war? we'll pretend there is!


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
This crisis as they call it has been going on for years, just at different levels. The reason it is more noticeable now is because of what is happening around the globe.


Aug 26, 2012
Those of us who kept a close eye on the antics in the U.S.A. leading up to their most recent election were front-row witnesses to the danger of being swept up in a lot of half-baked rhetoric. In their desperation to take down President Obama, the right wing advocates spared no expense. Their supporters (big money guys) collectively spent over one (1) billion dollars. Yes folks, one Billion dollars. Why such fervour one can't help but wonder.
It seemed on occasion as though they had given up on sanity and common sense. As though they had all partaken of the Kool-aid that the right wing media megaphones indulge in so regularily.
Their objective was clearly to spread fear..
Divide and conquer.
The team of Romney and Ryan headed out into the heartland of America and attempted to turn one class of people against another. Well, it backfired.
We can all be thankful that Americans stepped up to the plate and sent these zealots and idealogues and intolerants into foul ball territory.
The whole bunch of them have thick layers of egg on their faces and all those wealthy old white guys are screaming bloody murder.....They blew all that money (LOL) and got so badly smacked-down, they still don't know what hit them.
The moral of the story...
Beware those concocted stories of half-truthes and outright lies being screamed from the highest stage.
The more desperate or panicky the messenger appears, the more he(she) has probably got to hide.

We, all over the world, have serious problems. Everybody has to do their tiny part to help in the rebuild. Don't take all your news from the same place, there are far too many questionnable agendas out there.
Smile, though your heart is breaking and Accentuate the Positive.
Hasta luego.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Those of us who kept a close eye on the antics in the U.S.A. leading up to their most recent election were front-row witnesses to the danger of being swept up in a lot of half-baked rhetoric. In their desperation to take down President Obama, the right wing advocates spared no expense. Their supporters (big money guys) collectively spent over one (1) billion dollars. Yes folks, one Billion dollars. Why such fervour one can't help but wonder.
It seemed on occasion as though they had given up on sanity and common sense. As though they had all partaken of the Kool-aid that the right wing media megaphones indulge in so regularily.
Their objective was clearly to spread fear..
Divide and conquer.
The team of Romney and Ryan headed out into the heartland of America and attempted to turn one class of people against another. Well, it backfired.
We can all be thankful that Americans stepped up to the plate and sent these zealots and idealogues and intolerants into foul ball territory.
The whole bunch of them have thick layers of egg on their faces and all those wealthy old white guys are screaming bloody murder.....They blew all that money (LOL) and got so badly smacked-down, they still don't know what hit them.
The moral of the story...
Beware those concocted stories of half-truthes and outright lies being screamed from the highest stage.
The more desperate or panicky the messenger appears, the more he(she) has probably got to hide.

We, all over the world, have serious problems. Everybody has to do their tiny part to help in the rebuild. Don't take all your news from the same place, there are far too many questionnable agendas out there.
Smile, though your heart is breaking and Accentuate the Positive.
Hasta luego.

Those on the other side (Democrats and their supporters) spent as much if not more. With such fevour one can't help but wonder why. Fear was the whole message of the Democrats - fear than those racist republicans were going to take away your pensions, medicare, freedoms, jobs.....etc. It was their whole mantra...and it worked. Congratulations.


Mar 29, 2010
Those of us who kept a close eye on the antics in the U.S.A. leading up to their most recent election were front-row witnesses to the danger of being swept up in a lot of half-baked rhetoric. In their desperation to take down President Obama, the right wing advocates spared no expense. Their supporters (big money guys) collectively spent over one (1) billion dollars. Yes folks, one Billion dollars. Why such fervour one can't help but wonder.
It seemed on occasion as though they had given up on sanity and common sense. As though they had all partaken of the Kool-aid that the right wing media megaphones indulge in so regularily.
Their objective was clearly to spread fear..
Divide and conquer.
The team of Romney and Ryan headed out into the heartland of America and attempted to turn one class of people against another. Well, it backfired.
We can all be thankful that Americans stepped up to the plate and sent these zealots and idealogues and intolerants into foul ball territory.
The whole bunch of them have thick layers of egg on their faces and all those wealthy old white guys are screaming bloody murder.....They blew all that money (LOL) and got so badly smacked-down, they still don't know what hit them.
The moral of the story...
Beware those concocted stories of half-truthes and outright lies being screamed from the highest stage.
The more desperate or panicky the messenger appears, the more he(she) has probably got to hide.

We, all over the world, have serious problems. Everybody has to do their tiny part to help in the rebuild. Don't take all your news from the same place, there are far too many questionnable agendas out there.
Smile, though your heart is breaking and Accentuate the Positive.
Hasta luego.

re: first paragraph -- Both parties were guilty of the same B.S. always are, always have been, always will be. (Check out the B.S. that was flung in the Adams vs. Jefferson campaign in 1796. Interesting and entertaining stuff. lol) BUT, more to the point, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE D.R.???

re: second paragraph -- EXCELLENT advice. Well said!