

Jan 1, 2002
The new Sosua in 2012

Sosua has had a lot of bad reviews in the past, this because after rising to tourism stardom in the mid -1980`s, the town declined under the heavy weight of competitors in other destinations both inside and outside the Dominican Republic. Added to this, the lack of innovation and unity among members of the local community, plus lack of government support. Sosua was started back in 1940 as a refuge to some of the Jews that were left with little choice during WWII, when Europe was being invaded by Hitler and the DR was the only place that would allow them in. The community grew prosperous after some setbacks, and later became one of the first tourist destinations in the island, and perhaps one of the top in the Caribbean region.

Sosua was later plagued by prostitution, which made it famous worlwide. Until late 2010, that problem kept the town in the black lists of many tour operators, until new community leaders and institutions ( also a new Major ) started a campaign that set new rules and regulations, that affected street vendors, peddlers and prostitutes. For a few months, the town was empty and complaints were heard left and right from a few small hotel owners that wanted the women back on the street in order to get their old clientele back. A few months later Sosua looked completely different. Almost 75% of prostitutes were gone, and those that remained couldn`t walk on the streets and can only work inside bars, behind the scenes.

Although there`s still certain bars and clubs where single men visit frequently, the town is now a more G-rated place for families and couples. Many new businesses attest to the health of good tourism in Sosua, and new investments show its great potential and promising future. Multi-million dollar investments in Sosua have tripled in the past few years, and new residential villa and condo communities were built, which fueled a new type of tourism that now rents private villas and oceanfront condos instead of staying in hotels.

Run mostly by foreigners, these new communities replaced about 40% of lodging options in Sosua and part of Cabarete because of the high level of security, cleanliness and convenience. German and Canadian quality standards also affected construction in the real estate business, which has turned Sosua into a large residential area where many of its inhabitants are people from Europe, Asia and the Americas. Visiting Sosua today is a whole different experience than it was a few years ago, and the town is getting back to its old splendor days. Occupation in late February 2012 was close to 100%, and at the time of this writing it was about 95%. With the planned cruiseship port to be built in nearby Maimon ( Puerto Plata ), tourism to Sosua will doublefold once the project is completed in 2014.

Copy/pasted from "Trip Advisor"


Jan 1, 2002
Thanks Trip Advisor, and thanks, Eddy, for finding and posting it.

I pretty much agree with Trip Advisor, except I question whether the cruise ship port will have much of an impact on Sosua.


Oct 6, 2009
Eddy, as I was reading the article I thought you had written it and was wondering what you were smoking. Then I saw it was Trip Advisor. That's my laugh for the day. I'm glad to read that TA posted something positive about Sosua, but it's not very accurate.

1. Good tourism? All tourists bring money to the town, plain and simple. Tourism is down worldwide, Sosua is no different.

2. Villa occupancy is down this year, no where close to 95%....ask any rental agent.

3. 75% of the prostitutes are not gone

4. Maimon will certainly not doublefold tourism in Sosua...if it does anything at all.

The positive outcome is that people will read that article and believe it...perception is a powerful thing. Just like when people read that Sosua was dying and that all the prostitutes were gone. Oh the power of the internet.


Jan 21, 2006
Excellent article and good for our little towns family image. I like it. The truth is finally coming out as it usually does.


Oct 29, 2010
I like Sosua but I don't recognise the place in the article! I hope the prediction for 2014 is right though.

Rep Dom

Dec 27, 2011
I think Sosua has a great potential. Only a few things should be fixed and I guess that potential would become reality. Less prostitution or, at least, more discreet. Close Pedro Glisante to circulation. Clean the streets and add a few public bins... Not much to be done... :)


Dec 16, 2011
I plan to move to Sosua/Cabarete next year. I hope there is a better effort to clean up Sosua b4 then.


Mar 12, 2007
Eddy, Seamonkey
Eddy , I think you believe this is so and Seamonkey (AKA Britania Pub) you must see it for real. Overall I feel Sosua has improved and become a more family oriented place. The gouls only really come out after 9 pm and if you look at the New Year pictures on Sosua News Sos?a-News you will see that Sosua was not really full!

We find Sosua after living here for 8 years, fairly pleasant and much better than a few years ago - the Main beach is still as good and Alicia Beach is really a jewel for Sosua but it is not in the guide books so noboby knows it is there.
With the russian flights coming in it will make an interesting mix!!



Oct 6, 2009
Eddy, Seamonkey
Eddy , I think you believe this is so and Seamonkey (AKA Britania Pub) you must see it for real. Overall I feel Sosua has improved and become a more family oriented place. The gouls only really come out after 9 pm and if you look at the New Year pictures on Sosua News Sos?a-News you will see that Sosua was not really full!

We find Sosua after living here for 8 years, fairly pleasant and much better than a few years ago - the Main beach is still as good and Alicia Beach is really a jewel for Sosua but it is not in the guide books so noboby knows it is there.
With the russian flights coming in it will make an interesting mix!!


Olly, I totally agree with you. Sosua has become much cleaner (trash wise), streets are safer and less street kids. What I commented on is that 75% of the prostitutes did not leave...that is nonesense. Villa occupancy is down and that is the truth. If you read my other posts I ALWAYS commend the mayor on her improvements and standup for Sosua. My comments were only on those few points.

As far as New Years Eve, the bars were beyond packed (D'Latin, Elflow, Rumba) after 2am. El Flow was packed at 8:30am when I drove to work. Not sure what time those pics were taken at, but I'm sure it was still pretty early.


*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
I like Sosua but I don't recognise the place in the article! I hope the prediction for 2014 is right though.

I agree. I too enjoy Sosua. However It is a "red light district" and no families that I know of (from the States) would consider vacationing there. Its geared towards the guys as is Tijuana.

gonzo two

Jan 13, 2010
may I say you have been to some very tame places if you think Sosua is some sort of hotbed of sex
Mar 2, 2008
Excellent article and good for our little towns family image. I like it. The truth is finally coming out as it usually does.

Zoom, I agree that the article is good for Sosua's image, but I also think that Seamonkey's comments were absolutely on the mark, and making stuff up doesn't help anyone.

It should be noted that both Eddy and Seamonkey are dyed-in-the-wool Sosua supporters. They both believe that Sosua is a great place to live, and whatever few rough spots that exist here are minor and do not distract from the overall quality of life.

But let's be realistic here. Sosua will always be an idiosyncratic town, with many interesting and complex subcultures. And to the point, prostitution is not going to disappear tomorrow, as is certainly the case throughout the DR. It is what it is, so let's just accept it and live with it.

For those who can't accept that fact probably shouldn't walk down Pedro Clisante at night or might want to forgo Sosua altogether. However, if you think you will find a community anywhere that is without some form of sex trade you are in for a rude awakening.

Sosua will never be an AI enclave, nor should it be. The variety and complexity of Sosua is what makes it interesting, and that diversity provides Sosua with an unique and appealing allure, which can not be duplicated elsewhere. In short, Sosua personifies an unbridled and free-spirited alternative to the staid and boring existence many have sought to escape.

Sosua has many fine attributes. It is diverse and multifaceted. The few negative aspects that some find repugnant are what others would describe as valuable attractions. I suppose it is up to each individual to decide for themselves what they are looking for. As for me, I will take Sosua any day.

For me and for many others who live here full time, the colorful mix that exists here is what gives the place the depth and panache that make Sosua interesting and worthwhile.

For those who do not appreciate life's complexities and diversity, perhaps they would be better served in the sterile environment of an AI or at an over-priced pub on Cabarette beach. But for those who appreciate all the colorful and complex qualities of life, Sosua is the perfect spot.


Dec 16, 2011
Maybe the sex tourists and their support network in Sosua will eventually have an incentive to relocate to Boca Chica.


Sep 27, 2010
may I say you have been to some very tame places if you think Sosua is some sort of hotbed of sex

As a Sosua denizen I have to agree.
The sleaze is easier to avoid than to find if you want to and confined to a tiny area and limited to a short time period of the day/night.

If you don't wish to participate in the offerings and you politely but firmly let this be known, no one bothers you any more.
You can sup in tranquility, as I have done many times, unruffled by the tasty morsels dangled before me.
There are plenty of places where there is no sign of the wholly exaggerated 'sin city'.

Cabarete is just a few pesos away and the overpriced, touristic blandness awaits your custom so if you don't like Sosua, enjoy Cabarete!


Jun 17, 2005
It's funny, everyone wants Sosua to be this family destination when now a days, the people with the disposable income are single men. 95% of the families I know, go to all inclusive resorts (if they can afford to vacation at all) and barely step foot outside them. Interesting, seems to be quite a bit of self interest here? I guess, each wants what they want.

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
The new Sosua in 2012

Sosua has had a lot of bad reviews in the past, tourism to Sosua will doublefold once the project is completed in 2014.

Copy/pasted from "Trip Advisor"

I value Eddy's comments, as he has lived in Sosua for a long time and makes sense.
On Trip Advisor make up your own mind.

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
I agree. I too enjoy Sosua. However It is a "red light district" and no families that I know of (from the States) would consider vacationing there. Its geared towards the guys as is Tijuana.

I surely would NOT compare Tijuana to Sosua, two worlds apart!
At the moment there are certainly many tourist families on the beach in Sosua.

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
No Sex Please

Maybe the sex tourists and their support network in Sosua will eventually have an incentive to relocate to Boca Chica.

Or to the well instituted establishments in NY,LA,Berlin, Barcelona,London,or the rest of the world.:eek: