Dominican Prostitutes a Problem in Argentina

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Dec 16, 2011
Dominican Women in Argentina Especially Vulnerable

By Marcela Valente

BUENOS AIRES, May 6 2013 (IPS) - Despite the enormous distance between the two countries, Argentina has become an increasingly frequent destination for migrants from the Dominican Republic, especially women, who are vulnerable to falling prey to sexual exploitation networks.

The immigration flow to Argentina from the Caribbean island nation is much smaller than the influx of Paraguayans, Bolivians, Peruvians and Uruguayans, who make up 80 percent of the foreign nationals who have come to this South American country since 2004.

But Dominicans stand out because of specific problems when it comes to insertion in the labour market.

Clarisa Rond? of the Association of Dominicans Living in Argentina tells IPS that the women come in search of better employment opportunities, but often fall into prostitution networks due to the difficulty in finding other work.

“Argentina is a country that takes us in, it makes us feel we are taking a step ahead,” she says. “It’s a big, generous country that offers possibilities.”

Rond? was 21 when she came here on her own in 1994. She has since married, had children, got divorced, and earned a teaching certificate in the arts.

“More women than men have always come, because men find it harder to break into the labour market,” she says. She clarifies that it is also difficult for women, but “they get involved in prostitution. Many of them are illiterate, they don’t find any other work, and they don’t have any alternative.”

The presence of Dominican women in Argentina becomes visible when the police raid places where prostitution is practiced, in Buenos Aires or in provinces like C?rdoba, Misiones, La Pampa, Tierra del Fuego, Rio Negro or San Luis.

Although there are no official statistics, Rond? estimates that there are some 40,000 Dominicans living in this South American country of 40 million people. Most of them – some 15,000 – live in the capital.

Sociologist Luc?a Nu?ez Lodwick at the National University of San Mart?n explains to IPS that Dominicans, who traditionally migrated to the United States or Spain, began to come to Argentina in the mid-1990s.

Argentina’s rigid peg of the peso to the dollar in the 1990s drove the influx of immigrants from the rest of the region, who earned here in pesos and exchanged them for the same amount in dollars, to send back home as remittances, she points out.

That was one of the main reasons that Dominicans began to arrive, along with the common language – Spanish – and the demand in Argentina for people willing to do low-paid, low-skilled work – as domestics, nannies, caregivers for the elderly, hairdressers or restaurant workers, she explains.

According to a study carried out by the Ecumenical Services for the Support and Orientation of Migrants and Refugees (CAREF) and commissioned by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), thousands of Dominicans came to Argentina in the 1990s.

The study, “Migraci?n, Prostituci?n y Trata de Mujeres Dominicanas en Argentina” (Migration, Prostitution and Trafficking of Dominican Women in Argentina) states that 12,000 to 15,000 immigrants from the Dominican Republic reached Argentina between 1995 and 2002.

In recent years, although the exchange rate is no longer a lure, Dominicans have continued to come. “We have been arriving for years, and some have managed to gain a good position in society,” Rond? says.

The activist explains that in some cases, the women take out a mortgage on their homes to travel, in the hope of finding a job in domestic service. But when they arrive, they find it hard to get a job, start racking up a debt with those who financed part of their journey, and end up falling into the hands of trafficking or prostitution rings, she says.

Nu?ez concurs: “They come to Argentina with promises of jobs that don’t turn out to be what they had expected – work that would give them a better standard of living than they had in their country.”

Once here, they find it difficult to get any other kind of work, says the sociologist, who wrote the paper “Construyendo mapas: Cuerpos femeninos, espacio y jerarquizaci?n racial en la pr?ctica de la prostituci?n en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires” on prostitution and racism in Buenos Aires.

Nu?ez says that when they leave their countries in search of work abroad, women are aware that prostitution is one of the possibilities, from things they have heard about, but “many think it won’t happen to them.”

The sociologist studied the link between street prostitution and female migration in the Argentine capital, focusing on women from the Dominican Republic, who are highly visible as they are black in a country where there are sofew people of African descent they only began to be counted in the 2010 census.

In her study, Nu?ez says black women in Argentina are often seen as highly sexual, much more so than white or indigenous women, and this makes them more vulnerable.

One Dominican woman working as a sex worker in Buenos Aires, who was interviewed by Nu?ez for her study, said “maybe they like (Dominican women) because we have big breasts.”

Another Dominican immigrant working as a street prostitute told the sociologist that “My mom didn’t want me to come here. She told me what women did when they came here, and I didn’t believe her.”

To combat this phenomenon, the Argentine authorities announced in August 2012 that people from the Dominican Republic would need visas to enter the country. And for those who already live here, the authorities simplified the legalisation process and streamlined the paperwork for gaining temporary residency for three years.

But Rond? believes that requiring visas is not a solution. The same view is shared in CAREF, where IPS spoke with Gabriela Liguori, and in the Dominican Republic Embassy in Buenos Aires. They all agree that the new visa requirement won’t solve the problem.

“This just makes things worse,” says the activist. “Because it will be difficult, but they’ll find other ways to get here on land, illegally, and then the women will be less protected and more exposed to trafficking.”

But the sources who spoke to IPS do believe it is a good idea to cut the red tape needed to regularise the situation of those who came in as tourists and are now living here without the proper documents, because temporary residency status would make it easier for them to find a job.

The programme has assistance from the Dominican consulate, Argentina’s foreign ministry, and the justice ministry’s office to rescue and support victims of trafficking.
Undocumented immigrants from the Dominican Republic were given from January to July to apply for temporary residency permits. By March, 631 permits had been granted, according to the web site of the national migrations office.

“My idea is that people who come should be able to regularise their situation, study or work, because even if some do come for prostitution, they could at least have other alternatives. But without documents, they’re forced to become sex workers,” Rond? says.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Dominican Women in Argentina Especially Vulnerable

By Marcela Valente

BUENOS AIRES, May 6 2013 (IPS) - Despite the enormous distance between the two countries, Argentina has become an increasingly frequent destination for migrants from the Dominican Republic, especially women, who are vulnerable to falling prey to sexual exploitation networks.

The immigration flow to Argentina from the Caribbean island nation is much smaller than the influx of Paraguayans, Bolivians, Peruvians and Uruguayans, who make up 80 percent of the foreign nationals who have come to this South American country since 2004.

But Dominicans stand out because of specific problems when it comes to insertion in the labour market.

Clarisa Rond? of the Association of Dominicans Living in Argentina tells IPS that the women come in search of better employment opportunities, but often fall into prostitution networks due to the difficulty in finding other work.

?Argentina is a country that takes us in, it makes us feel we are taking a step ahead,? she says. ?It?s a big, generous country that offers possibilities.?

Rond? was 21 when she came here on her own in 1994. She has since married, had children, got divorced, and earned a teaching certificate in the arts.

?More women than men have always come, because men find it harder to break into the labour market,? she says. She clarifies that it is also difficult for women, but ?they get involved in prostitution. Many of them are illiterate, they don?t find any other work, and they don?t have any alternative.?

The presence of Dominican women in Argentina becomes visible when the police raid places where prostitution is practiced, in Buenos Aires or in provinces like C?rdoba, Misiones, La Pampa, Tierra del Fuego, Rio Negro or San Luis.

Although there are no official statistics, Rond? estimates that there are some 40,000 Dominicans living in this South American country of 40 million people. Most of them ? some 15,000 ? live in the capital.

Sociologist Luc?a Nu?ez Lodwick at the National University of San Mart?n explains to IPS that Dominicans, who traditionally migrated to the United States or Spain, began to come to Argentina in the mid-1990s.

Argentina?s rigid peg of the peso to the dollar in the 1990s drove the influx of immigrants from the rest of the region, who earned here in pesos and exchanged them for the same amount in dollars, to send back home as remittances, she points out.

That was one of the main reasons that Dominicans began to arrive, along with the common language ? Spanish ? and the demand in Argentina for people willing to do low-paid, low-skilled work ? as domestics, nannies, caregivers for the elderly, hairdressers or restaurant workers, she explains.

According to a study carried out by the Ecumenical Services for the Support and Orientation of Migrants and Refugees (CAREF) and commissioned by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), thousands of Dominicans came to Argentina in the 1990s.

The study, ?Migraci?n, Prostituci?n y Trata de Mujeres Dominicanas en Argentina? (Migration, Prostitution and Trafficking of Dominican Women in Argentina) states that 12,000 to 15,000 immigrants from the Dominican Republic reached Argentina between 1995 and 2002.

In recent years, although the exchange rate is no longer a lure, Dominicans have continued to come. ?We have been arriving for years, and some have managed to gain a good position in society,? Rond? says.

The activist explains that in some cases, the women take out a mortgage on their homes to travel, in the hope of finding a job in domestic service. But when they arrive, they find it hard to get a job, start racking up a debt with those who financed part of their journey, and end up falling into the hands of trafficking or prostitution rings, she says.

Nu?ez concurs: ?They come to Argentina with promises of jobs that don?t turn out to be what they had expected ? work that would give them a better standard of living than they had in their country.?

Once here, they find it difficult to get any other kind of work, says the sociologist, who wrote the paper ?Construyendo mapas: Cuerpos femeninos, espacio y jerarquizaci?n racial en la pr?ctica de la prostituci?n en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires? on prostitution and racism in Buenos Aires.

Nu?ez says that when they leave their countries in search of work abroad, women are aware that prostitution is one of the possibilities, from things they have heard about, but ?many think it won?t happen to them.?

The sociologist studied the link between street prostitution and female migration in the Argentine capital, focusing on women from the Dominican Republic, who are highly visible as they are black in a country where there are sofew people of African descent they only began to be counted in the 2010 census.

In her study, Nu?ez says black women in Argentina are often seen as highly sexual, much more so than white or indigenous women, and this makes them more vulnerable.

One Dominican woman working as a sex worker in Buenos Aires, who was interviewed by Nu?ez for her study, said ?maybe they like (Dominican women) because we have big breasts.?

Another Dominican immigrant working as a street prostitute told the sociologist that ?My mom didn?t want me to come here. She told me what women did when they came here, and I didn?t believe her.?

To combat this phenomenon, the Argentine authorities announced in August 2012 that people from the Dominican Republic would need visas to enter the country. And for those who already live here, the authorities simplified the legalisation process and streamlined the paperwork for gaining temporary residency for three years.

But Rond? believes that requiring visas is not a solution. The same view is shared in CAREF, where IPS spoke with Gabriela Liguori, and in the Dominican Republic Embassy in Buenos Aires. They all agree that the new visa requirement won?t solve the problem.

?This just makes things worse,? says the activist. ?Because it will be difficult, but they?ll find other ways to get here on land, illegally, and then the women will be less protected and more exposed to trafficking.?

But the sources who spoke to IPS do believe it is a good idea to cut the red tape needed to regularise the situation of those who came in as tourists and are now living here without the proper documents, because temporary residency status would make it easier for them to find a job.

The programme has assistance from the Dominican consulate, Argentina?s foreign ministry, and the justice ministry?s office to rescue and support victims of trafficking.
Undocumented immigrants from the Dominican Republic were given from January to July to apply for temporary residency permits. By March, 631 permits had been granted, according to the web site of the national migrations office.

?My idea is that people who come should be able to regularise their situation, study or work, because even if some do come for prostitution, they could at least have other alternatives. But without documents, they?re forced to become sex workers,? Rond? says.

there are Dominican prostitutes in just about every caribbean island you can name, and my buddy saw them as far afield as Guyana and Suriname.


Apr 11, 2004
Dominicans now need a Visa to go to Argentina. This was implemented in the past year and a half. Before they could travel freely to Argentina with only a DR Passport, no more.


Dec 16, 2011
i wonder why.

To combat this phenomenon, the Argentine authorities announced in August 2012 that people from the Dominican Republic would need visas to enter the country. And for those who already live here, the authorities simplified the legalisation process and streamlined the paperwork for gaining temporary residency for three years.

But Rond? believes that requiring visas is not a solution. The same view is shared in CAREF, where IPS spoke with Gabriela Liguori, and in the Dominican Republic Embassy in Buenos Aires. They all agree that the new visa requirement won’t solve the problem.

“This just makes things worse,” says the activist. “Because it will be difficult, but they’ll find other ways to get here on land, illegally, and then the women will be less protected and more exposed to trafficking.”


Apr 11, 2004
I was in Antigua a few years ago and drove by a bar with a large Presidente sign on it and loud Bachata Music blasting. We went in and I see 4 or 5 girls hanging around. I said you girls are from the DR. She said "how did you know"? When I showed her my Cedula we all laughed. She was from Sosua. These girls do get around.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
They went there, to BE PROSTITUTES, Not Become Prostitutes!
Just yet another "Dominicana", trying to tell us, "No Es Mi CULPA"!
Even in "La Argentina"!
Every dominican prostitute I EVER Met, (And THAT's A LOT!) that had been in the "Extranjero", was a prostitute here, then there, and then here!!!!!
Now that a visa is needed for Dominicas to go to Argentina, the Argentine men will have to wait until the Dominicana's daughters are about 13 'or 14, years old for the "Next Crop" to be available!
"Like Mother, Like Daughter"!


Sep 1, 2012
They went there, to BE PROSTITUTES, Not Become Prostitutes!

Right on!.
The only reason for them to go to Argentina was because they didn't need a visa. Requiring visa is a good measure. They are not going to find another way to get there because if they are going to enter illegally somewhere that's going to be NY, not Buenos Aires.


Feb 9, 2009
I just came back from Costa Rica, 30% of prostitutes there are Dominican. They need visa to enter the country. And most of them have a residence permit now because of a marriage to a local guy. My opinion is they are the ugliest prostitutes there, if compare them to Colombians and Ticas... but there is a demand, because they are black and Colombians and Ticas are white, so the only black prostitutes there are Dominicans, I saw many black men from US like those cellulite butts :)
Jun 18, 2007
I just came back from Costa Rica, 30% of prostitutes there are Dominican. They need visa to enter the country. And most of them have a residence permit now because of a marriage to a local guy. My opinion is they are the ugliest prostitutes there, if compare them to Colombians and Ticas... but there is a demand, because they are black and Colombians and Ticas are white, so the only black prostitutes there are Dominicans, I saw many black men from US like those cellulite butts :)

Dominican putas are hated by the Colombians and Ticas, Dominican putas are cheap and screw up the market


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Yes, every Colombian or Tica said that :)

Its funny you say that because the Dominican putas say the same about the Haitiana putas in the DR:

"Haitian putas are hated by the Dominicans, Haitian putas are cheap and screw up the market"


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Right on!.
The only reason for them to go to Argentina was because they didn't need a visa. Requiring visa is a good measure. They are not going to find another way to get there because if they are going to enter illegally somewhere that's going to be NY, not Buenos Aires.

Requiring a Visa is NOT a good measure - especially if it too difficult to get.

Trying to suppress the free market only creates greater problems - trafficking, gangs, organized crime networks, corruption, etc.

All visas do is drive up the costs - If Dominicanas are in demand - they will be supplied and they will find their way there to work. - excess regulation just drives up the amount of money they can make and increases the draw.

Furthermore, if those women cant work abroad, they will work at home. There are plenty of them working in Haiti.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
I just came back from Costa Rica, 30% of prostitutes there are Dominican. They need visa to enter the country. And most of them have a residence permit now because of a marriage to a local guy. My opinion is they are the ugliest prostitutes there, if compare them to Colombians and Ticas... but there is a demand, because they are black and Colombians and Ticas are white, so the only black prostitutes there are Dominicans, I saw many black men from US like those cellulite butts :)

Tastes are subjective. Many guys prefer the Dominicanas exactly because of their African blood - that's why the Dominicanas are there and there clients are not just black guys from the US. - not enough to justify going there to work.

I find Ticas to be very unattractive; the " white" ones that is. I know a few guys who go to Costa - and patronize the Dominicas exclusively.


Feb 9, 2009
There are a lot of beautiful Dominican girls in DR (not prostitutes, just normal girls), but all Dominican prostitutes that I have seen in Panama and Costa Rica were looking like trash, and Colombians there have much more upscale look. Ticas are not that good looking as Colombians, but anyway they look like normal people from normal country, not trash.


Active member
Jan 15, 2013
there are Dominican prostitutes in just about every caribbean island you can name, and my buddy saw them as far afield as Guyana and Suriname.

They are in a lot of isles thats for sure, although can't say I have ever seen a Dominican prostitute in Guyana. The Brazilians have Guyana locked, I'm sure he mistook a Brazilian for a Dominican.
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