The pirate

Jun 18, 2007
A pirate goes into a bar and the bartender says: "Long time since I've seen you, man, you look terrible." The pirate says: "I feel fine."

The bartender says: "Well, you didn't have that wooden leg last time I saw you." "Well, I got into a battle and a cannon ball hit me in the leg, but I'm ok."

"Well, you didn't have that hook on your arm either." The pirate says: "Got in a sword fight and lost my hand."

The bartender says: "What about the eye patch?" The pirate replies: "Well, a bunch of sea gulls flew over the boat and when I looked up one of them $hit on my eye." The bartender says: "How did that make you lose your eye?" The pirate replies: "It was the first day with the hook."

Black Dog

May 29, 2009
OK, I giggled! Thanks for sharing! Of course it could have been worse. He could have wiped himself with the wrong hand and ...........................................................ripped the nose clean off his face.......................well what were you thinking?
May 29, 2006
Oh geez, that's an old one. Very funny when told well with the pirate accent and four part harmony.

Did you hear about the new pirate movie?
~It's rated ARRRR...

Where should a pirate hide his Buccaneers?
~Under his Buckin' Hat..