Lets start a good discussion!



With the amount of money that the Dominican Goverment has borrowwed during the past 2 years, what effect do you think it'll have on the Dominican Peso in the upcoming months....I've been told the Peso will rise in value and have read on this board the value of the Peso will decrease.....Any thoughts???

P.S. My sons team won the Tim Hortons Christmas Hockey tourny this morning....final game was @ 6:30 am, and we won!! I'm getting too old for these morning games!!!

Stephen Hadley

This has been covered in detail

and should be in the archives.

L'avocat du Diable

Since 1997, the Dominican Goverment has kept the Peso stable relatively. I dont think it will be changed now.

I dont remember that Pesos has increased its value. More than this, It could decreased.


it wont decrease, I'm pretty sure of that, but the Central Bank will raise the oficial rate next year to RD$17.25, up from RD$16.66 per US$ this year, perfectly normal.

Herwin Kahn

What peso are you talking about?,or don,t you realize that the dominican peso is now 17 to 1 to the US dollar? Herwin


I'm talking of course of the DR peso, and the question was do you think it'll go up or down, considering the state of the DR goverment.

"The Tourist Watcher"

Re: Lets get something straight first!

Before I join the peso discussion, can Herwin Kahn admit his true identity or should we just simply assume that he is Criss Colon? It does not matter to me what name he uses, but it would help knowing if from now on we are going to deal with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Now for the peso The Agha Khan is right. Give or take a grain of salt=17 to 1. By December 2002= 18.5 to 1

The new "decreed" tax, another Hipolito abomination has just increased the value of my properties by 5% with one stroke of the infamous Guido Mazara pen. As much as I thank Mazara for this bonanza, this is the kind of devious behavior we can expect from these jackasses. What hurts me about this is that it forces property owners to remain renting their houses and apartments instead of investing in other creative ideas. The peso has just suffered another set back with this stupid decree. The loss cannot be seen now with the exchange, but deeply in the heart of the peso, is there.


Alan Greenspan of D.R.

the Dominican Peso will decrease in value against the dollar; Not precipituously, but more than predicted due to the macroeconomic policies of the current government and the low demand for Pesos as a symptom of increased competition with other countries for textile exports.

The single biggest danger is the debt the government is taking on. This will make worse the situation caused by global import/export markets. The Dominican economy is growing but still dependent on several key sectors, some of which the country finds itself at a competitive disadvantage against other countries such as Mexico, etc.

Herwin Kahn

Re: Lets get something straight first!

To Mister TW. My name is Herwin Kahn.I live in Yonkers New York.My family has been in the Kosher meat business for more than 75 years.I am semi-retired and enjoy this internet.So,Mister TW,I am not your Doctor Jekyll,or your Mister Hyde,but your Mister Kahn. So,hows by you? "Shalom", Herwin Kahn

"The Tourist Watcher"

Re: Mr. Khan why the same IP address

Is it a coincidence that both you and Criss Colon share the same IP address?



can you get a Codetel ip in Yonkers?? just curious *DC*