Does anyone have link to list of injured/deceased?



5. Christmas tragedy in southwestern Barahona
Thirteen baton paraders died when run over by a dump truck that
charged through the Neiba, Barahona street where they were
performing at around 7 pm last night. A detour had marked the street
off limits but the truck driver, visibly drunk, did not heed
warnings and continued his reckless drive through the street causing
the deaths of the children. 15 others were injured and a woman died
of shock upon watching the scene. The driver of the truck turned
himself in to police afterwards.

"The Tourist Watcher"

Re: Does anyone have link to list of injured/decea

It appears from news reports that there are multiple deaths in the same family, unless the Castillo and Batista last name is the prevalent one there. I saw in the news a house with two cophins. For me,this was as incredible as seeing the twin towers falling down. The picture of a drunk driver going straight into a crowd of happy children celebrating a Christmas parade is something out of a horror movie. There is no description to this crime. As an individual mass crime it is comparable to the Jeffrey Dahmer saga.



Things I don't want to know

I think that although taking the life of a person, be it accidentally or planned has the same result you cannot compare Jeffrey Dahmer to the trucker. Anyways, I read that piece of news on DR1 today. I did not open the newspaper and I have no intention of watching the news. Some things are just too much for me. I'd rather be on denial.

In one thing I agree with you: it sounds like out of a horror movie.


I agree with you on this one

Jeffrey (Hannibal Lechter) Dahmer was a serial killer who preyed upon young boys for sexual pleasure. imho I find it hard to belive that these incidents have that in common. By the way, I understand the building where JD last lived was demolished some time ago for obvious reasons. I also agree that the similarities are that all of the deaths are senseless.

Herwin Kahn

Re: Does anyone have link to list of injured/decea

This is a sad,sad event,as is the loss of any life.However,to compare this terrible trajedy to the homosexual/murder/canabalism of more than a dozen young men by Jeffry Dahmer is beyond my imagination! Herwin Kahn



That was a subtle way of describing similar activities of both individuals.

"The Tourist Watcher"

Re: the comparison is fair

Pedro Mendez, the suspected truck killer, is as bad as our dead as rock Jeffrey. The people in Neyba seem to think so. They burned his truck and a lynch mob chased him. He escaped but was later caught. He is in protective custody because the town wants him dead. He will be dead soon, because he will not survive any jail in Dominican Republic. His fate is written. Few child killers survive three months in jail in DR, except The Llenas killers, who are very well protected.

His actions are as bad as any I can recall. According to the children who witnessed the situation he stopped the truck when the children waved him off, then he aimed the truck at the children and ran them over without missing any on the way.



Re: Does anyone have link to list of injured/decea

sarah, i hope you were able to find the link you were looking for, and my sympathy is offered to anyone who lost friends or family in the crash.

the story below appeared in the Toronto Star this morning. is this the same tragic crash?


A speeding truck crashed into a rural dance hall in El Salado, killing 12 children and injuring 18 people, police said yesterday. Nearly 2,000 people had gathered in the hall Thursday night to watch children perform a traditional holiday dance. Police said survivors torched the vehicle while the driver and two passengers hid in a field. They were later found by police.



Re: Does anyone have link to list of injured/decea

Thank you, I did. And thankfully I didn't know any of the folks involved directly, at least at this point I think not. But I'm still sicked by the whole thing. There seem to be several conflicting reports...if driver was drinking, or not...if he intentionally rammed into the group of kids, or rather his brakes failed and he went out of control...12 killed, or 15, or more, etc. Looks like with so many injured, that the final death toll could rise.