"Co?o, where are the authorities?"


Dec 14, 2008
It's not really newsworthy, but nevertheless interesting how
an illegal boat voyage to Puerto Rico went:

The 'yola' with more than 50 illegal voyagers set out near Nagua
(where so many do) in the early hours of Sunday and soon developed
a problem (as so many do), drifting off Cabrera without the engine
(lost in high winds).
DE ULTIMO MINUTO: Al borde de la desesperaci?n mas de 50 viajeros en yola est?n varados frente a las costas de Cabrera, la mayor?a son de Nagua

Although the authorities had not been invited when they took to sea
(they are usually paid off to look the other way) on Mondy night the
shipwrecked party demanded that they be rescued immediately as it had
started to rain... :rolleyes:
“Co?o nos van a dejar morir en el mar” grita desde la yola un viajero:
No han llegado las autoridades y ha comenzado a llover."


Later a helicopter arrived. Finally a navy frigate was sent from Saman?
and the people were rescued early morning Tuesday.... and detained in Saman?...
DE ULTIMO MINUTO: Rescatan viajeros la madrugada de este martes pero los trancan a todos


My comment would be in German, can't translate to English..... :mad: