transit visa for dominicans?


May 22, 2015
Hi, im dominican and i want to travel to Gibraltar, UK. I will Get my UK visa but im arriving at malaga, Spain and driving to GIB, do i need a transit visa to go thru Spain??


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
Hi, im dominican and i want to travel to Gibraltar, UK. I will Get my UK visa but im arriving at malaga, Spain and driving to GIB, do i need a transit visa to go thru Spain??

UK is outside 'Schengen zone' (European Visa travel zone) and suspect you will therefore need to apply for a Spanish visa but that should be a formality.

Why did you not consider flying BA Punta Cana - London Gatwick - Gibraltar (Easy Jet)? Or even using a Thompson flight only from PC or PoP.


May 22, 2015
The thing is they say its dangerous to land on The airport of gibraltar so my boyfriend told me its better if i do it like that, first malaga then drive to gibraltar, he told me there was no problem with the visa thing but i've been Looking and searching and i still have no answer


Sep 27, 2006
the thing is that your ticket is to malaga. no one cares if you drive and where to. if your destination on the ticket is schengen zone, you are not in transit.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
one more thought:
It is dangerous to land on the airport of Gibraltar???
when was the last time that you read about a plane crash from that airport?
if Spain/Malaga is the Final Destin according to your flight ticket, then you need a Visa for Western Europe/a Schenge Visa, because as DV correctly said, you are not on Transit with your flight, you are arrivaing in Spain as your final travel destin.
that you take a car the same moment, the next day or a month later to drive to a different Visa Zone, does not matter.



Jul 10, 2004
Is it difficult for a Dominican married to a British citizen to get the Schengen Visa?

As difficult as it is for any other Dominican to get a Schengen Visa. VERY difficult.

The OP should fly as directly to Gibralter as possible.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Your boyfriend is wrong - if you're travelling with your final destination as M?laga there is no way they will let you in at Madrid without a Schengen visa. If you take the other option of travelling via UK, you'll only need your UK visa, but that would mean not being able to cross into Spain at all during the time you're in Gibraltar, which is a bit like being kept in a 6x6-foot cage.

The runway is known for being one of the world's most challenging for pilots, but if you check the safety record, you will realise it is also one of the world's safest. No commercial airliners have ever had accidents there, and the last military plane accident was, I think, during World War II and that is suspected to have been the result of sabotage (Google General Sikorski).


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
As difficult as it is for any other Dominican to get a Schengen Visa. VERY difficult.
The fact that she already has a UK visa is a plus. If she gets a notarised letter of invitation in Spanish from her host in Gibraltar, that will also help. Not sure whether the notarisation can be done in Gibraltar or has to be done in Spain, but a Gib-based lawyer like Javier Chincotta at Hassan and Partners can definitely organise it.

Speaking from 16+ years of experience. :)


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
The fact that she already has a UK visa is a plus. If she gets a notarised letter of invitation in Spanish from her host in Gibraltar, that will also help. Not sure whether the notarisation can be done in Gibraltar or has to be done in Spain, but a Gib-based lawyer like Javier Chincotta at Hassan and Partners can definitely organise it.

Speaking from 16+ years of experience. :)

She is flying to Spain and needs a Spanish visa to get on the flight.

Trip to Spanish embassy in SD and with the UK visa and my guess it will be a formality. No lawyer needed


Sep 27, 2006
having UK visa does not make it a "formality" to receive schengen visa. it has really tight requirements because it is for trouble free travel in nearly entire europe...


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Chiri is da Fal for Gibraltar.
there are reasons why the Brits are not within the Schengen Countries and do not have Euros.
don't await that the Visa of one side will be big help to get the other.
go to a Schenge Embassy in St Dgo and get the correct info, from the spaniards, germans, italians, french etc, who ever is in charge for those Visas at the moment.
they all run websites and in case of the German Embassy i am the last few years pleasantly surprised how friendly and quick they resond to the online requests sent thru their website or directly to their e-mails.



Dec 14, 2008
Via Panama?

go to a Schengen Embassy in St Dgo and get the correct info, from the spaniards, germans, italians, french etc, ...

Any info on whether the Italians again have some sort of embassy, consulate or government representative in this country where visa applications would be processed?



Sep 27, 2006
mike, the OP can only apply in spainish consulate. schengen visa is normally issued either by the country of flight destination or the country where a person will spend most of the holiday time. not just anywhere within schengen. furthermore, the visa can be restricted not only time wise but also limiting the number of border entries. say, a visa can be for 6 months but only one entry which allows one trip that can last up to 6 months. there are also long term visas, multiple entry visas and so on but to qualify for that one really needs to put a lot of effort.
Feb 7, 2007
The runway is known for being one of the world's most challenging for pilots, but if you check the safety record, you will realise it is also one of the world's safest.

Same as London City and Rio de Janeiro Santos Dumont airports. Tens of aircraft land there every day with millions of passengers departing and arriving from/to those airports every year.


Exactly as DV8 says:

Schengen visa must be applied for at the consulate of the country of (in this order of weight)

1) final destination,
2) country most time spent in, if multiple countries are visited
3) first entry into Schengen

Sometimes, a country of 1) or 2) does not have a consulate in the DR, so you can apply at 3). Sometimes, a specific country has agreement with other Schengen country's consulate in the DR to issue visa. They all have their internal agreements and procedures, so you should follow them.

E.g. if you are going to Lithuania for a visit and Lithuania does not have a consulate in the DR, and you are traveling on an Air France ticket, you might apply for Schengen visa on French embassy. But maybe Lithuania has an agreement with Polish consulate (example) and you would actually need to apply at Polish consulate for Schengen visa and not at French - even if u do nto plan to set your foot in Poland at all.

It's a bit complicated, so when traveling to Schengen it's always best to investigate beforehand. Usually, even if country does not have a consulate in the DR, they have a consulate somewhere which is in charge of the DR. You would need to find where that is and consult with that consulate about Schengen visa and where to apply for them.

But OP's case is clear, she would need to apply for Schengen visa at the Spanish embassy, as she would be both having Spain as final destination (even though as only a landside transit to Gibraltar) and as the country of first entry into the Schengen zone.
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