Question regarding Amercian citizens

Mr. ManInDR

New member
Sep 25, 2015
A friend of mine is an american citizen , She lives and works in DR since 1979 . Recently her bank sent her a notice that she must file some legal and tax documentation in order to keep her account open. She had never filed federal taxes . Anyone knows what she should do to comply with the requirements? . I have done some research and so far I have found out that she is eligible to the status of bona fine resident , since all her income is from non american origin and she make a far less than the amount exempted by law.
If She want to regularize her status how many years of federal taxes she must filed?
How the Federal tax forms could be filed from the DR?
I just want to find a way to help her , she is a working single mother that doesn't earn much money and cant afford an expert ...anyone could give me some advice in helping her to comply?

Mr. ManInDR

New member
Sep 25, 2015
A friend of mine is an american citizen , She lives and works in DR since 1979 . Recently her bank sent her a notice that she must file some legal and tax documentation in order to keep her account open. She had never filed federal taxes . Anyone knows what she should do to comply with the requirements? . I have done some research and so far I have found out that she is eligible to the status of bona fine resident , since all her income is from non american origin and she make a far less than the amount exempted by law.
If She want to regularize her status how many years of federal taxes she must filed?
How the Federal tax forms could be filed from the DR?
I just want to find a way to help her , she is a working single mother that doesn't earn much money and cant afford an expert ...anyone could give me some advice in helping her to comply?


Jul 4, 2012
A friend of mine is an american citizen , She lives and works in DR since 1979 . Recently her bank sent her a notice that she must file some legal and tax documentation in order to keep her account open. She had never filed federal taxes . Anyone knows what she should do to comply with the requirements? . I have done some research and so far I have found out that she is eligible to the status of bona fine resident , since all her income is from non american origin and she make a far less than the amount exempted by law.
If She want to regularize her status how many years of federal taxes she must filed?
How the Federal tax forms could be filed from the DR?
I just want to find a way to help her , she is a working single mother that doesn't earn much money and cant afford an expert ...anyone could give me some advice in helping her to comply?

She as an expat being out of the U.S. more than a year . Has tax exemption of $95 thousand Dollars. That's the law. Tell he to inform them of her status. Should be all over with !

Bob Boyd

Active member
Feb 3, 2004
Google FATCA. The new IRS rules are so repressive that most foreign banks are refusing to open accounts for Americans or cancelling present accounts due to the tyrannical reporting requirements.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
She as an expat being out of the U.S. more than a year . Has tax exemption of $95 thousand Dollars. That's the law. Tell he to inform them of her status. Should be all over with !

Yes, it's exempted, but I believe she still has to file the tax forms every year. [And it doesn't matter where she earns her income]


Sep 16, 2004
She is required by law to file a tax return if she has any "DECLARED" income from anywhere / anyone.
She will only pay taxes on earnings over the $95k threshold mentioned above but she MUST file a return if ANY of
her income is "DECLARED".

If she has no "DECLARED" income she is not really obliged to file.

If she has a foreign bank acct or a signature on any foreign acct and has had more than $10k at any point
during the year she must file an FBAR (foreign bank acct report).

In short: If her bank acct her in the DR has had at any point in a fiscal yr more than $10k she needs to file
the FBAR, less than $10K no need to file anything.
Last edited:


Sep 7, 2012
The U.S. government wants to know everything about it's citizens and wants every cent of taxes they think they are entitled to (even though for many of us OUR social security $$$ will be gone before we can get them back).
There are record numbers of Americans renouncing their citizenship (of which I might be one in the near future).
The U.S. is quickly becoming (or is already there) a police state. More people are depending on the Gov. for survival than ever before in the history of the country and the powers to be are very happy to have it that way.


Jul 4, 2012
The U.S. government wants to know everything about it's citizens and wants every cent of taxes they think they are entitled to (even though for many of us OUR social security $$$ will be gone before we can get them back).
There are record numbers of Americans renouncing their citizenship (of which I might be one in the near future).
The U.S. is quickly becoming (or is already there) a police state. More people are depending on the Gov. for survival than ever before in the history of the country and the powers to be are very happy to have it that way.

Have not filed a tax return in 40 years. Renued my passport last year. Have not heard a word from Sam! If i do ill tell him to come here and take what ever he wants over my dead body!


Jan 2, 2002
Just thinking out loud but wonder which bank contacted her. Did I read that if you don't have residency you might have a problem with the Dominican banks?
Sep 4, 2012
Likely the OP friend was contacted by her DR bank to fill out the tax paperwork pertaining to her account due to FACTA requirements. BHD did the same thing to me for years, finally I just did it last year.

Mr. ManInDR

New member
Sep 25, 2015
Hello everyone thanks for your inputs
The bank asking for information is Banco de Reservas , unfortunately She can't go elsewhere because She is working for a dominican government agency and therefore She is paid through a bank account in that bank
They gave her a W9 SP form to fill , that wouldn't be a problem, but that form ask on the line 1 to fill the name exactly as it appears in the tax forms that are supposed to be filed by her
Since she has never filed any tax form ( She is living in the DR since She was 13 years old) . If she fill the W9 in order to keep her bank account open , I think that as soon as the USA government gets the info about her , immediately She is going to be ask by the ISR to file her tax returns
What do You all think ?

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Apr 11, 2004
The IRS can ask her to file. But if she does not file there is nothing that they can do. They are good at threatening people but will not waste time and money on someone like this.

Fill out the form and forget about it. Any other contact just ignore.


Apr 11, 2004
Also when she fills out the form her legal name will be a Dominican one with the last entry her mother's maiden name. More confusion. The name will be first, middle, last, mother's maiden name. Good luck to the IRS on this one.


Apr 11, 2004
You never want to contact the IRS for anything. Cannot help you at all. Just fill the form out and have a Presidente later.

Mr. ManInDR

New member
Sep 25, 2015
Thanks again You all have been so helpful
I still have a doubt , in the W9 form the Banco de Reservas is asking her to fill in , it is required to provide her social security number as her "TIN" I think is the equivalent to the RNC in DR . So once the Banco send that info to the ISR what would be the odds that she end up being called up by the ISR?

Enviado desde mi iPad utilizando Tapatalk


Apr 11, 2004
Thanks again You all have been so helpful
I still have a doubt , in the W9 form the Banco de Reservas is asking her to fill in , it is required to provide her social security number as her "TIN" I think is the equivalent to the RNC in DR . So once the Banco send that info to the ISR what would be the odds that she end up being called up by the ISR?

Enviado desde mi iPad utilizando Tapatalk

She moved here when she was 13 so she has no SS number, leave it blank or put any 10 digits.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
do i understand this correctly?(and please excuse my stup1dity if i just got it wrong).
your friend is a illegal alien in the DR,
but works for a DR Government Agency?
without legal papers?
if she make's all her money anyways illegally,
then she has zero "declared" income,
and will have to file nothing with any IRS/Tax collector agency anywhere on the globe,
as that "black" money does officially not exist.
is the DR Gov still employing Illegals, paid by taxpayers moneys??
but i hope the Drones over the border are Flying nice and smoothly.
