Jaws part deux...

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Apr 7, 2014
I didnt want to continue the same thread but I hadnt had a chance to contribute before the flame wars began. But I wanted to respond to this gorgon post

you have hit so many nails squarely on the heads. including the matter of Santiago women. physically speaking, they are leaps and bounds ahead of most other women i see. the average 25 year old woman has a Presidente gut, and is just basically all washed up, and used up.

the thing is many of those women, from the campo and/or the city are too headstrong for their own good. We used to call that hard-headed. So they think they know everything there is to know and whatever they dont know aint worth learning. So they have poor eating habits and then no physical activity. They eat almost everything that consists of fried carbohydrates and sugar and alcohol. This suicide diet makes them fat and the lack of will to do anything besides sit on the couch and daydream keeps them fat. Even in Santiago you meet women whose stomach is bigger than their butt and they still think they are piping hot as a fresh batch of Krispy Kreme donuts. Even when they join a gym they have no tenacity to stick it out past two weeks. It took them years to get that fat but they expect it all to go away if they spend 9 days in the gym and then go home and continue to eat the same food.

The Presidente every weekend, the tiny cups of coffee with 9 scoops of sugar in it, the fried rice and greasier fried salami, the boiled plantain cooked in saltwater, the boiled yuca cooked in saltwater, the locrio, all that is horrible food to stay in shape and then refusing to make any effort for physical activity? Then its all over, Casanova.

Other that than Derfish should be given a PhD for his post on the 1st page there.
Koreano posted a job wanted ad here for Seamstress. I know a woman in Santiago who fits the bill. She said she has her own company but the company is illiquid for customers and orders. I told her to go see koreano for the job as a seamstress and her first answer was "that job dont pay enough". She has a defunct company with no clients, no orders, no inventory and no income...but koreano paying 8,000pesos a month ISNT enough? When I told her the "cold facts" about her response she blocked me.
Apr 7, 2014

The country is a paradox in that for foreigners it's the land of unlimited opportunity from a social standpoint but for most of the locals it's the land of unfulfilled expectations. There are too many People walking around with a pocket full of wooden nickels. That is probably why most of those who have to hustle to make ends meet are always looking to bag a whale. Squirrel meat doesn't last a day.
The thing about Wooden Nickels is rooted in "No es mi culpa". I had a conversation a few hours ago and the woman I was talking to kept making the insinuation that the men are prone to flight whenever they want to leaving her with the children. But I m sorry I had to clarify that the fault was with her for not knowing who she was bedding before it went too far. I was telling Berzin before about a woman I was talking to for some time who couldnt figure out if she was coming or going. She got upset one time because I didnt go for breakfast come back and TELL her to eat it. I didnt know what to make of that. If the point of trying to lock US down is to have options then why when presented with the option(of input) are you left dumbfounded?
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*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
its all education, or lack there of. Diet, work ethic, ambition. Santiago does in fact have the hottest chicas on the island. Many of whom cannot tell you what a carbohydrate is let alone spell there fathers full name.
Apr 7, 2014
its all education, or lack there of. Diet, work ethic, ambition. Santiago does in fact have the hottest chicas on the island. Many of whom cannot tell you what a carbohydrate is let alone spell there fathers full name.

and that was the topic of conversation when I met this recent woman. I told her to disregard all she had heard about us because in most instances the information was being relayed from envious old women who messed up their opportunity to BUILD something with a foreign man. Granted there are alot of Meathead men out here and they come on here every few months begging us HOW to fix their problems made from rash decisions. So I told my female friend you need to discount all the advice your girlfriends give you because in earnest they are ignorant and in seriousness they are setting you up for sabotage. And then before you know it there you are on the outside looking in.

Work ethic? That is a nontranslatable term. Diet is whatever I want to eat. Ambition is whatever you have that you are going to give to me.


Nov 17, 2004
I met a young lady once who did absolutely nothing to keep the relationship going, absolutely nothing to keep me interested.

Now, 11 years and two kids later, she's posting on her Facebook page how "le gusta hacer los hombres sufrir". She's going to pass this attitude along to her young daughter, who will be trapped in the same dysfunctional bubble as mommy when she gets older.

She was hot and still is, but there are many hot girls whose choices are limited to foreigners who pay for sex and are not interested in doing anything for them or the local tigres who treat most if not all their girlfriends like crap. The third option is some old man with money who is so desperate for companionship that he'll support the kids for the sake of having a hot woman to sleep with every night, even if she puts no effort into doing anything to please him except dressing up every weekend just to impress his friends.

She has no idea and will never understand what she passed up. If she had shown the slightest bit of interest, she probably would have been here next to me right now. As it is, no one wants a Dominican woman in her thirties with two kids from possibly two different men unless she is fine with getting hit off with a couple of pesos for good time, and the going rate in the barrio for that type of action is peanuts.
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Sep 27, 2010
I have re-read this thread several times and yet,still have no clue what I'm reading...

But then maybe my comprehensive powers are receding..


Nov 17, 2004
We're talking about Dominican women and how some of them behave when dealing with foreigners, much to their own detriment.

Commander-I took the liberty of re-sizing your photo so it would fit-



Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
Berzin. Didn't have to reopen the closed thread

Let's have fun here. Let's keep it DR related and, to all the haters, stay out of this thread.

Thanks :)
Apr 7, 2014
I met a young lady once who did absolutely nothing to keep the relationship going, absolutely nothing to keep me interested.

Now, 11 years and two kids later, she's posting on her Facebook page how "le gusta hacer los hombres sufrir". She's going to pass this attitude along to her young daughter, who will be trapped in the same dysfunctional bubble as mommy when she gets older.

She was hot and still is, but there are many hot girls whose choices are limited to foreigners who pay for sex and are not interested in doing anything for them or the local tigres who treat most if not all their girlfriends like crap. The third option is some old man with money who is so desperate for companionship that he'll support the kids for the sake of having a hot woman to sleep with every night, even if she puts no effort into doing anything to please him except dressing up every weekend just to impress his friends.

She has no idea and will never understand what she passed up. If she had shown the slightest bit of interest, she probably would have been here next to me right now. As it is, no one wants a Dominican woman in her thirties with two kids from possibly two different men unless she is fine with getting hit off with a couple of pesos for good time, and the going rate in the barrio for that type of action is peanuts.
You are preaching to the choir there. Simple effort or interest can get you what you want.
Likewise though...an woman 35 or over with NO children is also undesirable because people tend to think she is so sick or so crazy that no man would have children with her. And if she isnt of the most stellar physique then she might as well become a nun because there will be no players for the Laurel or the Hardy built women, except those same old men who need a woman to cook for them and wash their clothes. That is the only fall back for older women here. The men are so useless as they age that they need women to care for them on hand and foot and the overabundance of single middle aged women desperate for companionship and a life partner makes those arrangements the best thing going since puberty...albeit it with lackluster la Pela based sex.

The thing about Wooden Nickels is rooted in "No es mi culpa". I had a conversation a few hours ago and the woman I was talking to kept making the insinuation that the men are prone to flight whenever they want to leaving her with the children. But I m sorry I had to clarify that the fault was with her for not knowing who she was bedding before it went too far. I was telling Berzin before about a woman I was talking to for some time who couldnt figure out if she was coming or going. She got upset one time because I didnt go for breakfast come back and TELL her to eat it. I didnt know what to make of that. If the point of trying to lock US down is to have options then why when presented with the option(of input) are you left dumbfounded?
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Sep 27, 2006
cant's say that i have experience boning dominican ladies but i'd rather strangle dominicanas i know before dating them. they are so dramatic i would get tired of them in less than a day.
Apr 7, 2014
cant's say that i have experience boning dominican ladies but i'd rather strangle dominicanas i know before dating them. they are so dramatic i would get tired of them in less than a day.
You win! Best introductory internet sentence of the year!

But true, that melodramatic jazz is tiring and noisy.


Nov 17, 2004
That was definitely funny, but I never considered their behavior as dramatic, not in the sense that I consider dramatic. I consider dramatic loud and hysterical. What they are is worse-they had a tendency to "perder la verguenza" in a very shameless manner, with the stories of sick family members, no money to eat, and so on.

I could never fathom being in their shoes and telling someone I barely know how bad my life is, but that's how they get coached by the idiots in their life. They don't realize that honing a proper skill set and executing said skill set will get them farther with some foreigners than whining about "no leche" or "nesesito tratamiento para la gripe", which one chica told me included an MRI.


Sep 27, 2006
dramatic in a sense of always being b*tchy. complains, grievances, demands. everything blown out of proportion: why you don't call? who is texting you? why are you late? where did you go? always yapping. they star in a telenovela called "la vida de la fulana". i cannot listen to them. their lives revolve around gossip, their spawn and a dick they are currently humping on. boring.
Apr 7, 2014
dramatic in a sense of always being b*tchy. complains, grievances, demands. everything blown out of proportion: why you don't call? who is texting you? why are you late? where did you go? always yapping. they star in a telenovela called "la vida de la fulana". i cannot listen to them. their lives revolve around gossip, their spawn and a dick they are currently humping on. boring.

True. But put yourself in their shoes. Life is boring here so the only way they know they are alive is by blowing every simple scenario out of proportion. It is a show like chickens stretching their feathers. I think it is rather childish for grown asd women to be addicted to temper tantrums and even think that they are effective.


New member
Aug 3, 2014
A lot of latin countries have a lot of women that are dramatic, jealous, possessive, and suspicious.

The dominicana temper tantrum is all show in my opinion. It is funny when you see them act it up to the point that they start laughing at themselves when the show fails.

As far as the age thing, I think it is the weight that gets packed on is the problem. They don't adjust their diet to changes in their metabolism. Lots of people try to continue eating like a teenager when their in their 30s, 40s, etc.


Jan 7, 2016
I was living with a woman for almost 3 years. one by one her 3 adult children moved in with a 2 year old grandson. 2 of those 3 adult children were working. I said to gthem all together "If you pay 10 per cent of the monthly costs, and pointing to the next one, you pay 10 per cent, and to the next one you pay 10 percent and to her you pay 10 per cent I will pay sixty per cent. But they couldn't, and/or wouldn't. Before i moved out it was explained to me that it would cost me more to live alone than with all of them living off me because as far as they are concerned a man cannot wash his own clothes, nor cook his own food. Since I moved out I have asked them how it goes, and if 100 per cent of the costs of five people is really less than 40 per cent of six folks.
Der Fish


Mar 31, 2016
Wow!!! These comments have me rolling out of my chair!! Well I do see this a lot with the women that I've dated and slept with over the years. Gonna do some direct replies soon. Also as for my screen name I am a 007 buff so the jaws is from the character with the metal teeth!!! Then I graduated in 2003 from highschool. Lol.

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Mar 31, 2016
I didnt want to continue the same thread but I hadnt had a chance to contribute before the flame wars began. But I wanted to respond to this gorgon post

the thing is many of those women, from the campo and/or the city are too headstrong for their own good. We used to call that hard-headed. So they think they know everything there is to know and whatever they dont know aint worth learning. So they have poor eating habits and then no physical activity. They eat almost everything that consists of fried carbohydrates and sugar and alcohol. This suicide diet makes them fat and the lack of will to do anything besides sit on the couch and daydream keeps them fat. Even in Santiago you meet women whose stomach is bigger than their butt and they still think they are piping hot as a fresh batch of Krispy Kreme donuts. Even when they join a gym they have no tenacity to stick it out past two weeks. It took them years to get that fat but they expect it all to go away if they spend 9 days in the gym and then go home and continue to eat the same food.

The Presidente every weekend, the tiny cups of coffee with 9 scoops of sugar in it, the fried rice and greasier fried salami, the boiled plantain cooked in saltwater, the boiled yuca cooked in saltwater, the locrio, all that is horrible food to stay in shape and then refusing to make any effort for physical activity? Then its all over, Casanova.

Other that than Derfish should be given a PhD for his post on the 1st page there.
Koreano posted a job wanted ad here for Seamstress. I know a woman in Santiago who fits the bill. She said she has her own company but the company is illiquid for customers and orders. I told her to go see koreano for the job as a seamstress and her first answer was "that job dont pay enough". She has a defunct company with no clients, no orders, no inventory and no income...but koreano paying 8,000pesos a month ISNT enough? When I told her the "cold facts" about her response she blocked me.
I left a relationship with a woman that describes what you said about the Dominican women. She was hard headed just like them and then would eat crap and wonder why she couldn't lose weight. Tried to help bit that was a lost cause. My parents always told me that a "hard head carries a soft a$$?. This is very true. As for the Dominican women I can see that.

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Mar 31, 2016
and that was the topic of conversation when I met this recent woman. I told her to disregard all she had heard about us because in most instances the information was being relayed from envious old women who messed up their opportunity to BUILD something with a foreign man. Granted there are alot of Meathead men out here and they come on here every few months begging us HOW to fix their problems made from rash decisions. So I told my female friend you need to discount all the advice your girlfriends give you because in earnest they are ignorant and in seriousness they are setting you up for sabotage. And then before you know it there you are on the outside looking in.

Work ethic? That is a nontranslatable term. Diet is whatever I want to eat. Ambition is whatever you have that you are going to give to me.
Yes!!!! I've seen some bitter girlfriends that have given horrible advice. Usually they are jealous of what the other person has and misery loves company. Even though I have not been to DR yet I do feel that some women in the States need to heed this advice for dating people here. Listening to the old bitter woman will make you one later in life as well.

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Nov 17, 2004
I think what would work best is to go for yours. Got an agenda? Pursue it. You'll eventually find someone who will be willing to do what you want on your terms. It's called "tigeraje". It works for Dominican males, it will work for you.
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