Why Does Maria Speak so Fast Sometimes?


New member
Jan 4, 2002
She knows that if she really wants to confuse me, all she has to do is speak Dominican really fast. I was the top second year Spanish student at SIU and have an unbelieveable memory but can't keep up with her when she wants to confuse me because she's speaking Dominican and it takes me even longer to process what she's saying when she does that as opposed to speaking simple Spanish. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! Why can't Dominican women speak Spanish? Are they all crazy?


Jan 1, 2002
I heard that generally, women can speak so quickly that it's difficult to catch every word that we say - no matter what language. I once heard women use twice as many words in a day than men do. Now, it's either because we have to repeat ourselves LOL, or because we just have soooo much to say :)
We don't do it to confuse you, Chris. Our mouths seem to move as quickly as we think sometimes.
The fact that you can keep up in Spanish and that you "want" to know what she's saying is quite impressive.
How 'bout that wind chill in Kenosha?


Jan 1, 2002
[B]mkohn[/B] said:
...it's either because we have to repeat ourselves
I agree, we women repeat ourselves because men are not good at listening and worse at understanding. :D

This sexist comment brought to you by PMS. PMS, your reliable brand for morning crankiness. We now continue with our regular broadcast.

It's not only Dominican women who speak fast. All women do, no matter what language they speak. I speak fast both English and Spanish. But never mind, when she really wants you to understand what she says she'll speak slow and in small words, like we women do when we want men to understand.

Did... you... understand? Now... go... take... the... garbagge... out. Good... boy, good... boy.


Jan 2, 2002
"I agree, we women repeat ourselves because men are not good at listening and worse at understanding". PIB

To really tick a woman off: just say in a dumbfounded way, "are you talking to me...?" After she is done talking for a very long time.
Hehehehe, just listen to her response after that.

Ok guys its our turn: How many times do women actually say something which is worth listening to? I mean, I am sick of hearing a long conversation about realationship and feelings.
I only wish if a girl would say to me the followings:

Oh, i am so sick and tired of these soap operas, lets watch baseball for a change.

Oh my god, we can't go out tonight...."Iron" mike tyson is fighting lenox lewis for the title.

You look so sexy in those old shorts and this ripped up T shirt.

Forget the wine, lets drink a 6 pack of beer.

Are you kidding about the movies tonight? Monday nights are for football only....yeah!!!

You know what, you are too slow, can't we get to the sex part first?

We need more action in the bedroom if you want to continue having this relationship with me.

Forget the jaragua hotel, i love those cheap motels; this way we save money and buy more beers...yeah!!!!!

Our sex life is too boring, can I invite my girlfriend to join in with us tonight?

Forget the workout, i love a man with a beer belly.

Not caligula again, let me show you a secret video of my girlfriend and me in a jacuzzi doing....

Oh, leave the toilet seat up....

Go out with your buddies, i will stay with the kids and clean the house tonight.

I just go crazy when I run my fingers through your hairy back.

Ok guys now help me with more good lines.


Jan 1, 2002
Knosha, it is a shame that you don't have a Dominican radio station there in Chicago. You have to atune your 'ear' to the sounds coming out. Like the first five minutes of a Cantinflas movie. I never understand a word...

Or when I go to Guatemala....You think Dominican ladies talk fast, you shoud see my georgeous cousins in Guatemala!!..

Now PIB, behave! You... know... we... are... slow... learners....



New member
Jan 4, 2002
Maria Talking Fast

To the ladies on this thread, thanks. On my first day of school I was told I was a poor listener with an inability to comprehend. I feel better about myself now. About that wind chill Mary, a couple of days ago that wind was coming right off of Lake Michigan onto the ice in the harbor I live in. Waves on the horizon about 8 miles out had to have been at least 15 feet. It was cold and ugly.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
I am really enjoying this thread. It is funny because I always hear that us Cubans speak to fast.

AZD that was funny!

reminds me of the old joke:

What is a perfect 10?

A deaf, dumb and blind nymphomaniac who's father owns a liquor store!

Clam down ladies! It was just a joke!

Tony C.


New member
Jan 2, 2002
AZB...to continue your wish list...

1. Baby, I make enough money for the both of us. Why don't you retire and get that handicap down to 7 or 8.

2. I signed up for yoga so I can get my ankles behind my head for you.

3. What do you say we get a good porno flick, a case of beer and have my friend Debbie over for a threesome.

4. Don't worry about our anniversary, honey. You go out drinking with your buddies.

Of course, there are many more from the list of "the Perfect Woman" but they get a bit too sleazy for this forum.

Jim Hinsch

Jan 1, 2002
KenoshaChris said:
She knows that if she really wants to confuse me, all she has to do is speak Dominican really fast. I was the top second year Spanish student at SIU and have an unbelieveable memory but can't keep up with her when she wants to confuse me because she's speaking Dominican and it takes me even longer to process what she's saying when she does that as opposed to speaking simple Spanish. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! Why can't Dominican women speak Spanish? Are they all crazy?

The same thing happened to me at first. I too was a star Spanish student, except I had been studying it from 7th grade through University level, performed in plays, Spanish scrabble champ, ... but when I got to the DR, it was a whole new story.

It is in part because the expressions and vocabulary are a bit different in the DR, but the main reason you can't understand is because you are still translating. Because you are so sharp, you probably translate so fast you don't even realize it.

When you REALLY know Spanish, there will be no translation in the process of understanding what was said. It will go directly from words to thought. Same thing when you speak. It will go from an idea to Spanish, without passing through English on the way.

Immersion is the only answer I'm afraid but long phone conversations, TV, and Radio will help.

Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002
KenoshaChris said:
Why can't Dominican women speak Spanish? Are they all crazy?

Ummm, it's called a dialect...And I think Dominican men are guilty of the same 'crime'...

Pol favol!


Jan 1, 2002
Jane J

We speak a dialect no more than hillbillies speak an English dialect. It's only bad Spanish. I guess I will repeat it for the umpteenth time: there is not such thing as Dominican Dialect.

Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002

Hmmm - it certainly wasn't my intention to make you repeat something umpteen times...

But if Cockney is a dialect of English, to my way of thinking, the Spanish spoken in the RD would then also be a dialect.. A dialect, by definition, is a regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, be it correct or incorrect.

In any case, I think my main point was that women are not alone in speaking what you call 'bad spanish' and shouldn't be termed 'crazy' - wouldn't you agree?


New member
Jan 1, 2002

Women are not crazy, men are crazy...to marry women!

Women speak more words in a day...these are not spoken to men, these are spoken between women gossiping women. You see, men don't talk about how big Mike's ass has gotten in the last few months, so we don't need the same amount of words in any given day.


PS - honey, I love you... ;)


New member
Jan 4, 2002
Word Processing

You're correct Hinsch. My best Spanish is when I'm not even thinking about what has been said or how I respond. It amazes me sometimes. I'm also equally amazed about how I get that stupid look on my face real fast sometimes.


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Thinking in Spanish

Here's a tidbit. Ever dreamed in different language? That's a clue that you are starting to think in the new language.

Two friends and I lived in Quebec for three months during grade 11 where there were literally only a handful of people who could speak english. It was bizarre that at about the 2 to 2.5 month mark we all started dreaming in french.

then again, maybe it's just me and the medication... ;)


Jim Hinsch

Jan 1, 2002
I am frustrated by how poorly language conveys thought.

I hate that so much is lost when converting from thought to language and back to thought.

One if the worst is the impreciseness of words and their subjectivity to interpretation.

One word will often be extrapolated times 1000 when talking to an emotional person. "I did well" can be translated to anthing from "YOU are NO GOOD good and are UNIMPORTANT" to "I'm no good but I'll feel better if I can get you to think I'm good".

Language is SO slow. Times 100 when I don't have a good command of the language.


Jan 1, 2002
Re: Pib

[B]Jane J[/B]. said:
Hmmm - it certainly wasn't my intention to make you repeat something umpteen times...
Oh mine! I didn't chose my words well enough. I didn't meant it like I was repeating it to you, only that a person that has followed my senseless chatter on this board long enough will think to him/herself "there she goes again, she's said that umpteen times". :)

I completely agree with you, women are not alone when speaking the language incorrectly, any language. I am sure KenoshaChriss mentioned Maria just because he doesn't really care about understanding other Dominicans as much as he'd like to understand her.


New member
Feb 1, 2002
Re: Jane J

Pib said:
We speak a dialect no more than hillbillies speak an English dialect. It's only bad Spanish. I guess I will repeat it for the umpteenth time: there is not such thing as Dominican Dialect.
Your right its not a dialect, but i would'nt go as far as saying it is bad Spanish.I am Scottish and I also use a lot of slang in my speach by ra way (when i'm talking to a fellow Scot) A wee bit of slang makes language a wee bit interesting.

Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002
Pib, Terry

Well, now, of course, I *need* to know...

Why wouldn't you consider Dominican Spanish to be a dialect? I wouldn't call it slang, per se, but I do think the pronunciations used and certain grammatical, uhhh, stylings, shall we say, are particular to this region and its society. I'm not saying it's patois or anything, but if Cockney English is a dialect, then wouldn't this also qualify?

Pib, I guess this will be Time No. Umpteen-and-One ;)

...because he doesn't really care about understanding other Dominicans as much as he'd like to understand her.
Hee hee - I bet he'd agree...


New member
Jan 4, 2002
George Bernard Shaw

All I had was another stupid question. Notwithstanding my pregunta, the Brits speak English and the Americans speak whatever we speak. Canadians? Well, I guess you gotta try to get to know Eddy or John. Spanish or Dominican? I guess we're all a bunch of countries separated by a common language.