Problems with passport renewal


New member
Jan 10, 2011
Wonder if anyone could help me with that matter. My husband is unable to renew his passport since he has his uncle name.
All started because his true father never declared his sons and daugther. As the declarant, they put his uncle name has
his Surname. So now, they renewed the cedula but dont want to renew the passport.

My husband has 5 children with that name and his residence here in Canada with that name too... Does anyone knows if the process could be hard? We need to keep his name complete.



May 13, 2006
Reading between the lines I think you are asking about a Dominican passport. You might want to re-state your question for a better response. Good luck.

harry myrtle beach

New member
Sep 16, 2015
this is going to get interesting. My wife changed her name when she became a USA citizen. So she wanted to change her name in the DR as well. The process has taken a year so far. We hope it will be completed soon. This process for her was jjust a normal change of name. I can just imagine how difficult it will be with a different name on the cedula and passport. All I can say is good luck.
Jan 7, 2016
Any C H A N G E is S L O W in the Dominican Republic...just try getting the Title to your property here simply replaced when stolen...months if not years.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
It starts with the birth certificate once you have that right then everything else follows. I can't explain the whole process here as depends on birth cert name, cedulaname, passport name, where he was registered but it is sortable just takes time. Pm me for more info.



New member
Jan 10, 2011
Ok sorry I'll try to explain better. My husband is dominican and live here in Canada since 2011. We have two kids together and they both have his
first Surname. As you all surely know, dominicans normally use the father surname followed by the mother surname. The problem is my husband was declared by his uncle and mother. So his birth certificate has his uncle as his father and the name comes with it....

This month, we tried to renew his passport here in Canada which was sent to New York. The embassy there found out in the registry that my
husband had his uncle name and decided that they couldnt give him anymore his passport because his name was illegal. So we are there...


New member
Jan 10, 2011
So....his cedula and his DR passport are in two different names?????

Well actually, they had the same name. Just now, they refuse to renew the passport with the uncle name. They want to put just
the mother name. But his residence here in Canada has both name too...


May 28, 2004
Have you looked into doing a legal change of name? Not sure if doing it in Canada would be legal in the DR but the Dominican Embassy should be able to give him some sort of option. If it has to be done in the DR, perhaps a lawyer with a power of attorney could get it done.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Sounds like you need a Dominican law firm to straighten this out. So many implications, for children's surname, to marriage, etc.

Hopefully Sr. Guzman will express his opinion on the best way to handle this.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
The fact is that the birth certificate just has his first name followed down by declarant (his uncle) and madre: his mother. So they always just used the names found there, for the cedula too, without considering that it wasnt wrote father.

So now, he has that name everywhere, even here in Canada... and his 5 kids have it too... so if they dont want him to use it anymore, the kids will all have to change their names, we'll have to change the residence here and .... wow


New member
Jan 10, 2011
A lot of people there made the mistake and left that mistake be. And they were all government workers. Dont understand why we have now to pay the consequences of that.

The first person that made the mistake was the one giving the cedula... and after when they gave him his first passport. He had until now 4 passports!! Dont understand why the government dont take the responsabilitie of his own mistake.

Here, I would be out in the media with my story!!


Apr 1, 2013
San Pedro de Macoris
That only can be solved with a lawer, need to go to a court to solve that. Me and my brother's births certificates had the name of our father spelled incorrect, they changed an C by an S and like 5 years ago we realized about that mistake, we had to hire a lower to take to the court the case and fix the name, and now every time we get a birth certificate appears in the bottom that was a correction in the data under the court sentence number xxxx. So thats the only way to fix that big problem. In that time lawer only charged 7,000.00 pesos.

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
The problem may have arisen because his real father did not declare him as his child (the uncle had no right to do so). This would explain why the authorities want him to use only his mother's last name.

If I am correct, a possible solution would be for the father to acknowledge him as his child now.


Jun 4, 2008
Ok sorry I'll try to explain better. My husband is dominican and live here in Canada since 2011. We have two kids together and they both have his
first Surname. As you all surely know, dominicans normally use the father surname followed by the mother surname. The problem is my husband was declared by his uncle and mother. So his birth certificate has his uncle as his father and the name comes with it....

This month, we tried to renew his passport here in Canada which was sent to New York. The embassy there found out in the registry that my
husband had his uncle name and decided that they couldnt give him anymore his passport because his name was illegal. So we are there

Something does not sound right here! How on Earth did the Dominican Consulate in NYC found out that his uncle was acting as his father on the birth certificate? When he sent his passport for renewal he said "oh by the way my uncle declare me as his father"!!!!!

Someone alerted the consulate about that fact because they are not going to dig for that if it's not brought to their attention.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
If the father acknowledge my husband, he will get other Surname, which we dont want because the kids and the residence here in Canada have his uncle name...
We hired a lawyer working for those cases. He just told us the system cant support the line between his uncle name and his name because his father is still alive and is declared as a brother...


New member
Jan 10, 2011
The embassy in New York was investigating why ma husband had that name since the certificate write his uncle as declarante but never as father.


Jun 24, 2015
Have you looked into doing a legal change of name? Not sure if doing it in Canada would be legal in the DR but the Dominican Embassy should be able to give him some sort of option. If it has to be done in the DR, perhaps a lawyer with a power of attorney could get it done.

You can't change names on the DR like changing a tire, It is VERY HARD to do that and actually it will have to go all the way to the president to be signed on a decree, that is one problem, but the main problem actually originates with the Birth Certificate, right now the Passport office is fully integrated with the JCE database, every act of the civil life of somebody on DR now has a unique name, to get a passport you will need that your birth certificate on the passport system contains that number, I had to renew a passport couple of months ago and I had to go to JCE to get a birth certificate that included that.

in a Nutshell, FIX the birth certificate and then the passport will be easy to get