Just another day in paradise/Police shoot one in La Romana


May 29, 2013
Real life.

My assistant lives in the central part of La Romana. Not the worst neighborhood. Not the best. Average I would say. A lawyer lives upstairs. There is a colmado down the street.

Today, from the marquesina where they sit some days to catch the breeze, the following. She texts me this at the beginning, and after, the incident. I think you can only really appreciate it in the Dominican Spanish as she wrote it. She has two daughters, but often does not use the plural. La nina frequently refers to both. (The ñ's and accents above words are not included because I am using a US keyboard without them.)

Esto esta lleno de policia. Aqui alante. La nina lloran.

Paso algo terrible aqui. Yo no tengo confianza en esta casa ya.

Eran tres [ladrones] arriba de la casa pero no se saben donde estan los hotro. Mataron uno.

Y la nina lloraban mucho yo la puse al piso avia mucho tiro.

[And, I asked where "up" the crooks were, in an apartment, or on the roof.]

Arriba del techo pero la policia lo mato. Yo lo vis en el suelo con sangre.

Era algo muy mal. Yo estaba en la sala con la nina en el piso.

Le dije al la nina no van nunca mas al colmado sola.

Yo estaba arreglando la nina que ibamos a salir. Suerte yo no estaba en la marquesina y Yean Carlos queria abrir la puerta mirar y yo dije no.

Despues la policia lo mato lo subio en la gua gua y llevo a salud publica.