Haitians will take over Dominican SW province ‘soon’


Jul 10, 2004
Haitians will take over Dominican SW province ‘soon’

Pedernales, Dominican Republic.- The southwestern province, created to prevent Dominican territory from being occupied by foreigners, would soon be under Haitian domination if the authorities fail create jobs urgently and improve the living conditions of those who still resist the urge to leave.

Outlet listin.com.do reports on a dramatic and harsh reality exposed by senator Dionis Sanchez, who says a lack of jobs and facilities in the areas of health, transport, education and agriculture push entire families to leave Pedernales every day.

“This province is in “emergency” by the critical reality in which its inhabitants live,” the lawmaker said, and called on president Danilo Medina to make quick decisions to revert the exodus, before its residents abandon it and he Haitians take it over entirely.

“We’re still awaiting the President’s announcement that the time for the South has come.”

Speaking after a meeting of the Province Development Council, Sanchez said Pedernales’ inhabitants face a very difficult situation by the lack of jobs, which spiraled when three companies halted operations, laying off as many as 1,500 people.

“I am calling on party colleague, president Danilo Medina, whom I trust, to make urgent decisions regarding the definitive launch of the tourism development project in this province, or it will be too late,” Sanchez said.

“We have been fighting for the lands of Bahia de las Aguilas for 20 years, the case is in court, but the situation has yet to be defined, so a final decision is required or Pedernales will lose its Dominican population,” the lawmaker said.

He said more than 500 jobs were lost as the result of the bauxite miner DOVEMCO halting operations, which he affirms hurt commerce. “Adding to the problem is the tax levied on the free zone, which threatens to leave dozens of households without income.”

Source: DT

Feb 14, 2017

Category: DR News |


Jul 9, 2010
Haitians will take over Dominican SW province ‘soon’

Pedernales, Dominican Republic.- The southwestern province, created to prevent Dominican territory from being occupied by foreigners, would soon be under Haitian domination if the authorities fail create jobs urgently and improve the living conditions of those who still resist the urge to leave.

Outlet listin.com.do reports on a dramatic and harsh reality exposed by senator Dionis Sanchez, who says a lack of jobs and facilities in the areas of health, transport, education and agriculture push entire families to leave Pedernales every day.

“This province is in “emergency” by the critical reality in which its inhabitants live,” the lawmaker said, and called on president Danilo Medina to make quick decisions to revert the exodus, before its residents abandon it and he Haitians take it over entirely.

“We’re still awaiting the President’s announcement that the time for the South has come.”

Speaking after a meeting of the Province Development Council, Sanchez said Pedernales’ inhabitants face a very difficult situation by the lack of jobs, which spiraled when three companies halted operations, laying off as many as 1,500 people.

“I am calling on party colleague, president Danilo Medina, whom I trust, to make urgent decisions regarding the definitive launch of the tourism development project in this province, or it will be too late,” Sanchez said.

“We have been fighting for the lands of Bahia de las Aguilas for 20 years, the case is in court, but the situation has yet to be defined, so a final decision is required or Pedernales will lose its Dominican population,” the lawmaker said.

He said more than 500 jobs were lost as the result of the bauxite miner DOVEMCO halting operations, which he affirms hurt commerce. “Adding to the problem is the tax levied on the free zone, which threatens to leave dozens of households without income.”

Source: DT

Feb 14, 2017

Category: DR News |

We will build a wall and the Haitians will pay for it. Where have I heard that idea before, where?


Nov 18, 2002
Sometimes it seems like a world wide plan to move around people groups and bring colliding cultures together. 

folding my tin foil hat


Apr 29, 2014
The solution seems straight forward albeit costly. Round up the illegals, around the clock day after day until none are left. Tattoo, "Property of Haiti" on their foreheads and send them back across the border. On their way out, make sure they know that if they are caught again, they will spend 5 years walking the highways and byways of the DR picking up trash under guard for no pay and only 2200 calories per day from cold rice and beans before being sent home again. 

As witnessed elsewhere in the world, just sending those with little to lose back across the border is only a temporary reprieve before they are back again for attempt number X.


Apr 3, 2011
Wow, this topic really brings out the best of hating.
"Reply with Quote" Steve brings his Trumpet, Buster brings his shade of 1930's Germany, and Sushi's Dad hits the Blame Clinton button.
What's next, a blame Barry Obama post?
Apr 10, 2014
Wow, this topic really brings out the best of hating.
"Reply with Quote" Steve brings his Trumpet, Buster brings his shade of 1930's Germany, and Sushi's Dad hits the Blame Clinton button.
What's next, a blame Barry Obama post?
Why not?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Wow, this topic really brings out the best of hating.
"Reply with Quote" Steve brings his Trumpet, Buster brings his shade of 1930's Germany, and Sushi's Dad hits the Blame Clinton button.
What's next, a blame Barry Obama post?

Why you got a problem with the truth? The truth is Haiti is a failed state that the UN has made little progress in straightening out. Haitians breed faster than rabbits , even when they are starving. Noticed the same thing in Ethiopia when I was there in 1986 for famine relief. People seem to produce more kids when they have nothing. Pretty well every Haitian girl/woman living in the DR that isn't pregnant soon will be. They will out breed the Dominicans and take over by sheer numbers. The DR government needs to control this influx.


Jul 10, 2004
The solution seems straight forward albeit costly. Round up the illegals, around the clock day after day until none are left. Tattoo, "Property of Haiti" on their foreheads and send them back across the border. On their way out, make sure they know that if they are caught again, they will spend 5 years walking the highways and byways of the DR picking up trash under guard for no pay and only 2200 calories per day from cold rice and beans before being sent home again. 

As witnessed elsewhere in the world, just sending those with little to lose back across the border is only a temporary reprieve before they are back again for attempt number X.

It has been clear to me that the DR was going to do something about the massive Haitian problem here. The two year regularization program for anyone here illegally and not just Haitian, which was a one time only event to get legal, is over.

Recently a few non-Haitians get rounded up to show a lack of prejudice against just Haitians, and soon... We will see what happens soon. I expect large actions against illegal Haitians soon.


I love infractions!
Sep 2, 2011
Sometimes it seems like a world wide plan to move around people groups and bring colliding cultures together. 

folding my tin foil hat

Not good. Certain groups collide for reasons. Today's generation wants to fix all the world's problems before lunchtime, with no clue from a historical perspective.


I love infractions!
Sep 2, 2011
Wow, this topic really brings out the best of hating.
"Reply with Quote" Steve brings his Trumpet, Buster brings his shade of 1930's Germany, and Sushi's Dad hits the Blame Clinton button.
What's next, a blame Barry Obama post?

Why not?


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
It's the New World Order, dude! Thank the Clintons and all for that!

Wow, this topic really brings out the best of hating.
"Reply with Quote" Steve brings his Trumpet, Buster brings his shade of 1930's Germany, and Sushi's Dad hits the Blame Clinton button.
What's next, a blame Barry Obama post?

RV429 is right. Keep it DR related or the wooden spoon comes out. 


Jul 10, 2004
RV429 is right. Keep it DR related or the wooden spoon comes out. 

If anything, what happens next as in massive Haitian deportations will show that recent "Gringo Roundup" was done so the DR officials save face and is not in "retaliation" for anything being done outside the DR.


Nov 3, 2010
If anything, what happens next as in massive Haitian deportations will show that recent "Gringo Roundup" was done so the DR officials save face and is not in "retaliation" for anything being done outside the DR.

Retaliation or not. The DR as a sovereign nation has the right to deport whoever is illegal according to their laws. I feel for the average Haitian because it's the fault of their government and the other foreign governments and NGOs who have a vested interest in Haiti remaining a failed state.


Jul 10, 2004
Retaliation or not. The DR as a sovereign nation has the right to deport whoever is illegal according to their laws.

I feel for the average Haitian because it's the fault of their government and the other foreign governments and NGOs who have a vested interest in Haiti remaining a failed state.

There is something that continually goes wrong and never gets corrected about Haiti.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Sometimes it seems like a world wide plan to move around people groups and bring colliding cultures together. 

folding my tin foil hat
That's because life is boring. Excitement needs to be created and what better way than a humanitarian crisis with an endless blame game of he said, she said.


I love infractions!
Sep 2, 2011
That's because life is boring. Excitement needs to be created and what better way than a humanitarian crisis with an endless blame game of he said, she said.

While the Haitian people suffer? Yes, I know, I may sound like 1001 contradictions rolled into one, but....
Hmmm, you're giving me an idea for a new thread. Where it goes, I don't know.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
There is something that continually goes wrong and never gets corrected about Haiti.
In part because Haiti's political class has zero desire to change things.

In part because they have become experts at taking a mess and making it a bigger mess. The Haitian government has over 200 years under their belt doing just that. You can't teach new tricks to an old dog sort of thing.

In part because the DR is right next to them with all that land.

I remember reading an old letter once where a group of high class Haitian mulattoes clamoured to the then French Ambassador in helping them turn the eastern part of the island into a refuge for the mulattoes wishing to get away from the threats of the blacks.

This also brings to mind what supposedly Thomas Jefferson (one of the founding fathers of the USA) once said: Lets make sure that mess (aka, the Haitian Revolution) stays on that island.

Even before the Haitians took over their part of the island and sent the French either away or a few feet underground, the French often wrote of how much more superior they were than the Spaniards of the east and that was more than enough reason to justify why they should had the entire island to themselves. They said that the French knew how to make the most use of the island while the Spaniards lived a life resembling a 'vegetable' where the entire focus of life was worrying of the afterlife (religion was the centerpiece of life on the eastern part of the island). While the Spaniards lived a tranquil and modest life revolving around simple pleasures and religion, the French saw that immense territory with dollar signs all over the place, if only they had control of it to make those dollar signs a reality in their pockets.

There's this French guy named Weuves (if anyone know where I can find a copy of his writings about the island, let me know; I have only read about him in writings by various Spaniards/Dominicans from colonial times) that was cited saying that he felt disgusted every time he had to visit the Spanish part of the island for business, because the Spaniards thought nothing about having people of color in several political positions and even as priests. According to Weuves, that was one of the reasons why the Spanish part was so much poorer than the French part, all those impure people 'in control of the first orders of society'. The French part was under a completely white government, hence kept things prosperous, according to him. He even criticized the relaxed treatment the Spaniards gave their slaves, treating them as if they were people instead of mere property; and he hated the fact that Spanish law stipulated that any runaway slave from the French part was free as soon as they stepped on Spanish (now Dominican) soil and couldn't be forced back into slavery nor returned to their French owners.

In the end, the 'superiority' of the French did wonders in creating one huge mess. And, of course, the poor Spaniards on the eastern side were left with the broken plates.

Now that's what I call a f**ked up deal. Cleaning up someone else's mess. Not cool, but it has been going on for a long time and modern signs suggest it will not end soon. For many around the world that are aware of the existence of the island, the DR is Haiti's solution. No one is thinking what would happen if the DR was to degrade to the level of Haiti. What territory will become the solution to the island?

Aaah, those crickets do sound nice. LOL