A funny but familiar smell in church

Jun 18, 2007
Google translation:
Mexico City.- During the celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord, last January 6 at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, in Galicia, Spain, the botafumeiro or large censer was used, but instead of having incense inside it, It contained marijuana.

Several of the attendees declared that the room was filled with a "strange" smell, "It did not smell like other times, it was a familiar smell but I could not relate it to anything, but in my son's room it always smells like this" said one of the assistants to the local means Hay Noticia.

According to the information provided by Radio Fórmula, at the end of the Mass, two of the altar boys were stopped by the police after confirming that the strange smell came from marijuana "was a joke that occurred to us during New Year's Eve, we bought half a kilo of marijuana and we put it inside the botafumeiro, surely people have left the Cathedral happier than ever "said one of the altar boys.

Finally, they were released without charges but will not be able to perform their duties as altar servers.

It's Funny Friday and this cracked me up, reminded me of my days as an altar boy and the day we got caught getting tipsy of the priest's wine. ;)